import gradio as gr import numpy as np import numpy as np import pickle import pandas as pd from PRNN import PRNN from PRNN_utils import batch_calculate_grads, check_conditions, check_all_conditions, train_and_val, prepare_folds, process_CVresults, tags2sentence import nltk'all') from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize def tokens_and_tags(sentence): # Sample sentence #sentence = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" # Tokenize the sentence tokens = word_tokenize(sentence) # Tag the tokens with POS tagged_words = nltk.pos_tag(tokens) # Define the set of desired POS tags desired_tags = {'JJ', 'NN', 'DT'} # Initialize lists to store words and tags separately words = [] tags = [] # Iterate over tagged words and filter them for word, tag in tagged_words: if tag in desired_tags: words.append(word) tags.append(tag) else: words.append(word) tags.append('OT') # Print the lists of words and tags # print("Words:", words) # print("Tags:", tags) return words, tags def create_pos_tags(tags = ['NN', 'JJ', 'DT', 'OT']): liss = [] pos_dict = {'NN':1, 'DT':2, 'JJ':3, 'OT':4} for tag in tags: liss.append(pos_dict[tag]) return liss def predict_for_example(sentence, tags, model): sent_pos_tags = create_pos_tags(tags) x = tags2sentence(sent_pos_tags) return model.predict_tags(x) def get_noun_chunks(sentence, tags, preds): tokens=sentence pos_tags=tags chunk_tags=preds sequences = [] noun_chunks = [] noun_chunks_pos_tags = [] noun_chunks_tags = [] start = None i = 0 while i < len(chunk_tags): if chunk_tags[i] == 1: start = i if pos_tags[i] == 'NN': noun_chunks.append([tokens[i]]) noun_chunks_pos_tags.append([pos_tags[i]]) noun_chunks_tags.append([chunk_tags[i]]) while i+1 start: noun_chunks.append(tokens[start:i+1]) noun_chunks_pos_tags.append(pos_tags[start:i+1]) noun_chunks_tags.append(chunk_tags[start:i+1]) start =None i+=1 noun_chunks = [" ".join(i) for i in noun_chunks] sequences = [noun_chunks,noun_chunks_pos_tags, noun_chunks_tags] return sequences[0] model2 = PRNN() # Instantiate a model # Loading the dictionary from the file using pickle with open('CVresults_con_data.pkl', 'rb') as f: model_dict2 = pickle.load(f) P_best2, W_best2 = process_CVresults(CVresults_dict=model_dict2, summarize=False) model2.params = P_best2 model2.w = W_best2 model4 = PRNN() # Instantiate a model # Loading the dictionary from the file using pickle with open('CVresults_con_data_sigmoid.pkl', 'rb') as f: model_dict4 = pickle.load(f) P_best4, W_best4 = process_CVresults(CVresults_dict=model_dict4, summarize=False) model4.params = P_best4 model4.w = W_best4 model1 = PRNN() # Instantiate a model # Loading the dictionary from the file using pickle with open('CVresults_data.pkl', 'rb') as f: model_dict1 = pickle.load(f) P_best1, W_best1 = process_CVresults(CVresults_dict=model_dict1, summarize=False) model1.params = P_best1 model1.w = W_best1 model3 = PRNN() # Instantiate a model # Loading the dictionary from the file using pickle with open('CVresults_data_sigmoid.pkl', 'rb') as f: model_dict3 = pickle.load(f) P_best3, W_best3 = process_CVresults(CVresults_dict=model_dict3, summarize=False) model3.params = P_best3 model3.w = W_best3 def demo_(sentence): sentence, tags = tokens_and_tags(sentence) preds1=predict_for_example(sentence=sentence, tags=tags, model=model1) preds3=predict_for_example(sentence=sentence, tags=tags, model=model3) preds2=predict_for_example(sentence=sentence, tags=tags, model=model2) preds4=predict_for_example(sentence=sentence, tags=tags, model=model4) return "predicted labels:\t"+str(preds2)+"\n"+"predicted Noun chunks \t"+str(get_noun_chunks(sentence=sentence, tags=tags,preds=preds2)),"predicted labels:\t"+str(preds4)+"\n"+"predicted Noun chunks \t"+str(get_noun_chunks(sentence=sentence, tags=tags,preds=preds4)),"predicted labels:\t"+str(preds1)+"\n"+"predicted Noun chunks \t"+str(get_noun_chunks(sentence=sentence, tags=tags,preds=preds1)),"predicted labels:\t"+str(preds3)+"\n"+"predicted Noun chunks \t"+str(get_noun_chunks(sentence=sentence, tags=tags,preds=preds3)),tags title="POS-Tagged Corpus Analysis: Training a Recurrent Perceptron for Noun Chunk Identification" demo = gr.Interface(fn=demo_, inputs=gr.Textbox(label="sentence for which you want noun chunks",lines=1, interactive=True, show_copy_button=True), outputs=[gr.Textbox(label="prediction on conditioned data with step activation function",lines=2, interactive=True, show_copy_button=True),gr.Textbox(label="prediction on conditioned data with sigmoid activation function",lines=2, interactive=True, show_copy_button=True),gr.Textbox(label="prediction on all data with step activation function",lines=2, interactive=True, show_copy_button=True),gr.Textbox(label="prediction on all data with sigmoid activation function",lines=2, interactive=True, show_copy_button=True),gr.Textbox(label="pos tag label given by nltk library",lines=1, interactive=True, show_copy_button=True)],title=title) demo.launch(share=True)