import numpy as np from PRNN_utils import tags2sentence, check_conditions class PRNNSigmoid(): def __init__(self, seed=15): np.random.seed(seed) # Set the seed self.params = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=10) self.w = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=1) def step(self, x, threshold=0.5): out = (x>threshold).astype('float') return out def sigmoid(self, x, max_val=10): x = np.clip(x, -max_val, max_val) out = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) return out def sigmoid_dash(self, x): sig_x = self.sigmoid(x) out = sig_x*(1-sig_x) return out def forward(self, x, h): ''' Process x(t) and h(t-1) ie Single pass of RNN Parameters: x:np.array = [-upper_input_1-hot- -1 -lower_input_1-hot-] h:float {0,1} Returns: out(float): Sigmoid(params_trans x(t) + w h(t-1)) ''' c_t =, x) + self.w*h # p_trans x(t) + w h(t-1) h_t = self.sigmoid(c_t) return c_t, h_t def process_seq(self, sequence, h_0=0.0): """ Process the whole sequence Parameters: sequence List[List] Returns: list of hidden states """ hidden_states = [h_0] C_states = [0] #Assume c(0) is 0 h_tminus1 = h_0 # Sequentially process the for x_t in sequence: c_t, h_t = self.forward(x=x_t, h=h_tminus1) hidden_states.append(h_t[0]) # Just extract the numerical value C_states.append(c_t[0]) h_tminus1 = h_t C = np.array(C_states).reshape(-1) H = np.array(hidden_states).reshape(-1) return C, H def predict_tags(self, sequence): '''' Predict Tags {0,1} using step function The op is [[y_cap(1), y_cap(2), .... y_cap(T)]] Each y_cap(i) is either 0 or 1 ''' C, H = self.process_seq(sequence) out = self.step(H).reshape(-1)[1:] return out def process_batch(self, batch): """ Processes a batch of sequences throught the model(rnn) Parameters: batch (dtaframe) : containint the field Oututput outputs list[numpy_array] : Output of each sequence through RNN, hidden state """ H_outputs = [] C_outputs = [] for _, row in batch.iterrows(): x = tags2sentence(row.pos_tags) C, H = self.process_seq(x) H = H.reshape(-1) C = C.reshape(-1) C_outputs.append(C) H_outputs.append(H) return C_outputs, H_outputs def view_params(self): ''' prints perceptron parameters along with names ''' print("PERCEPTRON PARAMETERS") print(f"Vcap : {self.params[0]}" , end = ' | ') print(f"Vnn : {self.params[1]}" , end = ' | ') print(f"Vdt : {self.params[2]}" , end = ' | ') print(f"Vjj : {self.params[3]}" , end = ' | ') print(f"Vot : {self.params[4]}" ) print(f"T [Theta] : {self.params[5]}" , end = ' | ') print(f"Wnn : {self.params[6]}" , end = ' | ') print(f"Wdt : {self.params[7]}" , end = ' | ') print(f"Wjj : {self.params[8]}" , end = ' | ') print(f"Wot : {self.params[9]}") print(f"W : {self.w[0]}") def set_perfect_params(self): ''' Params are of the form params = [Vcap, Vnn, Vdt, Vjj, Vot, [T]Theta, Wnn, Wdt, Wjj, Wot] ''' print("RESETTING TO PERFECT PARAMETERS \n") self.params = np.array([1.5, .3, .1, .2, 2.5, 1.2, .3, 1.3, .2, 2.0]) self.w[0] = 0.1 self.view_params() def gradient_descent_step(self, grad_p, grad_w, lr=0.05): ''' Updates the self. parama and self.w according to the fradient descent rule Parameters: grad_p : numpy array (10,) grad_w : sigle float ''' self.params = self.params - lr*grad_p self.w = self.w - lr*grad_w def batch_CE_loss(self, batch): """ Processes a batch of sequences and calculates the ReLU loss Parameters: batch (dtaframe) : containint the field and Oututput Total Loss Relu """ total_loss = 0 for _, row in batch.iterrows(): sent_pos_tags = row.pos_tags X = tags2sentence(sent_pos_tags) _, H = self.process_seq(X) H = H[1:] # Exclude h(0) sent_tags = row.chunk_tags Y = np.array(sent_tags) loss = -(Y*np.log(H) + (1-Y)*np.log(1-H)) loss = loss.mean() total_loss += loss total_loss = total_loss/len(batch) return total_loss def batch_accuracy(self, batch): correct = 0 # Predictions that match total = 0 # Total predictions for _, row in batch.iterrows(): sent_pos_tags = row.pos_tags x = tags2sentence(sent_pos_tags) sent_tags = row.chunk_tags y_target = np.array(sent_tags) y_pred = self.predict_tags(x) correct += np.sum(y_pred == y_target) total += len(y_pred) acc = (correct/total)*100 # Accuracy in percentage return acc def batch_sentence_accuracy(self, batch): match = 0 for _, row in batch.iterrows(): sent_pos_tags = row.pos_tags x = tags2sentence(sent_pos_tags) sent_tags = row.chunk_tags y_target = np.array(sent_tags) y_pred = self.predict_tags(x) if np.array_equal(y_pred, y_target): match +=1 sent_acc = (match/len(batch))*100 return sent_acc def set_parameter(self, Vcap=1.5, Vnn=.3, Vdt=.1, Vjj=.2, Vot=2.5, T=1.2, Wnn=.3, Wdt=1.3, Wjj=.2, Wot=2.0, W=.10): self.params[0] = Vcap self.params[1] = Vnn self.params[2] = Vdt self.params[3] = Vjj self.params[4] = Vot self.params[5] = T self.params[6] = Wnn self.params[7] = Wdt self.params[8] = Wjj self.params[9] = Wot self.w[0] = W def does_RNN_satisfy_conditions(self): """ Checks whether the RNN satisfies the inequality conditions """ check_conditions(Vcap = np.round(self.params[0],4), Vnn = np.round(self.params[1],4), Vdt = np.round(self.params[2],4), Vjj = np.round(self.params[3],4), Vot = np.round(self.params[4],4), T = np.round(self.params[5],4), Wnn = np.round(self.params[6],4), Wdt = np.round(self.params[7],4), Wjj = np.round(self.params[8],4), Wot = np.round(self.params[9],4), W = np.round(self.w[0],4), verbose=True)