# C++ Inference using TFlite TensorFlow Lite is an open source deep learning framework for on-device inference. On Android and Linux (including Raspberry Pi) platforms, we can run inferences using TensorFlow Lite APIs available in C++. The repository TensorFlowTTS and TensorFlow Lite help developers run popular text-to-speech (TTS) models on mobile, embedded, and IoT devices. ## TFlite model convert method Method see [colab notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Ma3MIcSdLsOxqOKcN1MlElncYMhrOg3J?usp=sharing#scrollTo=KCm6Oj7iLlu5). **Notes:** - Quantization will deteriorate vocoder and bring noise, so the vocoder doesn't do optimization. - TensorFlow Lite in C++ doesn't support the TensorFlow operation of Dropout. So the inference function need delete Dropout before converting tflite model, and it doesn't affect the inference result. For example, fastspeech2 models: ```python # tensorflow_tts/models/fastspeech2.py # ... def _inference(): # ... # f0_embedding = self.f0_dropout( # self.f0_embeddings(tf.expand_dims(f0_outputs, 2)), training=True # ) # energy_embedding = self.energy_dropout( # self.energy_embeddings(tf.expand_dims(energy_outputs, 2)), training=True # ) f0_embedding = self.f0_embeddings(tf.expand_dims(f0_outputs, 2)) energy_embedding = self.energy_embeddings(tf.expand_dims(energy_outputs, 2)) # ... ``` ## About Code - TfliteBase.cpp: A base class for loading tflite-model and creating tflite interpreter. By inheriting from this class, you can implement specific behavior, like Mel-spectrogram and Vocoder. - TTSFrontend.cpp: Text preprocessor converts string to ID based on your desiged phoneme2ID dict, which needs a text to pronunciation module, like g2p for English and pinyin for Chinese. - TTSBackend.cpp: It contains two-step process - first generating a Mel-spectrogram from phoneme-ID sequence and then generating the audio waveform by Vocoder. ## Using the demo A demo of English or Mandarin TTS and the [tflite-models](https://github.com/lr2582858/TTS_tflite_cpp/releases/tag/0.1.0) are available for linux platform. The pretrained models to be converted are download from the colab notebook ([English](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1akxtrLZHKuMiQup00tzO2olCaN-y3KiD?usp=sharing#scrollTo=4uv_QngUmFbK) or [Mandarin](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Ma3MIcSdLsOxqOKcN1MlElncYMhrOg3J?usp=sharing#scrollTo=KCm6Oj7iLlu5)). Mel-generator and Vocoder select FastSpeech2 and Multiband-MelGAN, respectively. **Notes:** The text2ids function in TTSFrontend.cpp is implemented by using bash command in C++ instead of developing a new pronunciation module (see /demo/text2ids.py). In fact, it is not a recommended method, and you should redevelop a appropriate text2ids module, like the code in examples/cppwin. **Firstly**, it should compile a Tensorflow Lite static library. The method see the [reference](https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/build_rpi) from the official guidance of Tensorflow. Execute the following command to compile a static library for linux: ```shell ./tensorflow/lite/tools/make/download_dependencies.sh ./tensorflow/lite/tools/make/build_lib.sh (for linux) ``` (The official also provides different complie methods for other platforms (such as rpi, aarch64, and riscv), see /tensorflow/lite/tools/make/) Because this process takes much time, so a static library builded for linux is also available ([libtensorflow-lite.a](https://github.com/lr2582858/TTS_tflite_cpp/releases/tag/0.1.0)). The structure of the demo folder should be: ``` |- [cpptflite]/ | |- demo/ | |- src/ | |- lib/ | |- flatbuffers/ | |- tensorflow/lite/ | |- libtensorflow-lite.a ``` The two folders of flatbuffers/ and tensorflow/lite/ provide the required header files. **Then**, ```shell cd examples/cpptflite mkdir build cd build ``` **English Demo (using LJSPEECH dataset)** ```shell cmake .. -DMAPPER=LJSPEECH make ./demo "Bill got in the habit of asking himself “Is that thought true?”" test.wav ``` **or Mandarin Demo (using Baker dataset)** ```shell cmake .. -DMAPPER=BAKER make ./demo "这是一个开源的端到端中文语音合成系统" test.wav ``` ## Results - #### Comparison before and after conversion (English TTS) ``` "Bill got in the habit of asking himself “Is that thought true?” \ And if he wasn’t absolutely certain it was, he just let it go." ``` - Before conversion (Python) ![ori_mel](./results/lj_ori_mel.png) - After conversion (C++) ![tflite_mel](./results/lj_tflite_mel.png) - #### Adding #3 in chinese text will create pause prosody in audio ``` 这是一个开源的端到端中文语音合成系统" ``` ![tflite_mel](./results/tflite_mel.png) ``` "这是一个开源的#3端到端#3中文语音合成系统" ``` ![tflite_mel](./results/tflite_mel2.png)