# Changelog All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog][keepachangelog] and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning][semver]. ## v1.8.2 ### Removed - `ppc64le` architecture support ## v1.8.1 ### Added - Multi-arch image support (plus `arm64` and `ppc64le`) [#31] ### Fixed - Error page colors now depend on the theme, and the text is centered [#31] [#31]:https://github.com/tarampampam/3proxy-docker/pull/31 ## v1.8.0 ### Added - `EXTRA_ACCOUNTS` environment variable is supported now [#28] [#28]:https://github.com/tarampampam/3proxy-docker/issues/28 ## v1.7.0 ### Added - The following environment variables are supported now: `MAX_CONNECTIONS`, `PROXY_PORT`, `SOCKS_PORT` ### Changed - Entrypoint script (`bash`) replaced with [`mustpl`](https://github.com/tarampampam/mustpl) - The result docker image `busybox:1.34.1-glibc` replaced with `busybox:stable-glibc` ### Removed - Dockerfile healthcheck ## v1.6.0 ### Added - Possibility of changing DNS resolvers using environment variables `PRIMARY_RESOLVER` (primary) and `SECONDARY_RESOLVER` (secondary) ## v1.5.0 ### Fixed - Docker image building optimized ### Added - Healthcheck in the dockerfile ## v1.4.0 ### Changed - 3proxy updated from `0.9.3` up to `0.9.4` ## v1.3.0 ### Changed - Logging in JSON format ## v1.2.0 ### Changed - 3proxy updated from `0.8.13` up to `0.9.3` ## v1.1.0 ### Removed - Environment variable `AUTH_REQUIRED` support ### Changed - Proxy error pages a little bit styled ## v1.0.0 ### Fixed - Dockerfile and docker entry-point script cleanup ## v0.1.1 ### Fixed - Docker entry-point script clean ## v0.1.0 ### Changed - First project release [keepachangelog]:https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/ [semver]:https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html