import os import numpy as np import cv2 from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip from .face_det import FaceAnalysis from .super_resolution import BSRGAN from dofaker.face_swap import get_swapper_model from dofaker.face_enhance import GFPGAN class FaceSwapper: def __init__(self, face_det_model='buffalo_l', face_swap_model='inswapper', image_sr_model='bsrgan', face_enhance_model='gfpgan', face_det_model_dir='weights/models', face_swap_model_dir='weights/models', image_sr_model_dir='weights/models', face_enhance_model_dir='weights/models', face_sim_thre=0.5, log_iters=10, use_enhancer=True, use_sr=True, scale=1): self.face_sim_thre = face_sim_thre self.log_iters = log_iters self.det_model = FaceAnalysis(name=face_det_model, root=face_det_model_dir) self.det_model.prepare(ctx_id=1, det_size=(640, 640)) self.swapper_model = get_swapper_model(name=face_swap_model, root=face_swap_model_dir) if use_enhancer: self.face_enhance = GFPGAN(name=face_enhance_model, root=face_enhance_model_dir) else: self.face_enhance = None if use_sr: = BSRGAN(name=image_sr_model, root=image_sr_model_dir, scale=scale) self.scale = scale else: = None self.scale = scale def run(self, input_path: str, dst_face_paths, src_face_paths, output_dir='output'): if isinstance(dst_face_paths, str): dst_face_paths = [dst_face_paths] if isinstance(src_face_paths, str): src_face_paths = [src_face_paths] if input_path.lower().endswith(('jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'png', 'bmp')): return self.swap_image(input_path, dst_face_paths, src_face_paths, output_dir) else: return self.swap_video(input_path, dst_face_paths, src_face_paths, output_dir) def swap_video(self, input_video_path, dst_face_paths, src_face_paths, output_dir='output'): assert os.path.exists( input_video_path), 'The input video path {} not exist.' os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) src_faces = self.get_faces(src_face_paths) if dst_face_paths is not None: dst_faces = self.get_faces(dst_face_paths) dst_face_embeddings = self.get_faces_embeddings(dst_faces) assert len(dst_faces) == len( src_faces ), 'The detected faces in source images not equal target image faces.' video = cv2.VideoCapture(input_video_path) fps = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) total_frames = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) width = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) height = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) frame_size = (width, height) print('video fps: {}, total_frames: {}, width: {}, height: {}'.format( fps, total_frames, width, height)) video_name = os.path.basename(input_video_path).split('.')[0] four_cc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('m', 'p', '4', 'v') temp_video_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'temp_{}.mp4'.format(video_name)) save_video_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}.mp4'.format(video_name)) output_video = cv2.VideoWriter( temp_video_path, four_cc, fps, (int(frame_size[0] * self.scale), int(frame_size[1] * self.scale))) i = 0 while video.isOpened(): ret, frame = if ret: if dst_face_paths is not None: swapped_image = self.swap_faces(frame, dst_face_embeddings, src_faces=src_faces) else: swapped_image = self.swap_all_faces(frame, src_faces=src_faces) i += 1 if i % self.log_iters == 0: print('processing {}/{}'.format(i, total_frames)) output_video.write(swapped_image) else: break video.release() output_video.release() self.add_audio_to_video(input_video_path, temp_video_path, save_video_path) os.remove(temp_video_path) return save_video_path def swap_image(self, image_path, dst_face_paths, src_face_paths, output_dir='output'): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) src_faces = self.get_faces(src_face_paths) if dst_face_paths is not None: dst_faces = self.get_faces(dst_face_paths) dst_face_embeddings = self.get_faces_embeddings(dst_faces) assert len(dst_faces) == len( src_faces ), 'The detected faces in source images not equal target image faces.' image = cv2.imread(image_path) if dst_face_paths is not None: swapped_image = self.swap_faces(image, dst_face_embeddings, src_faces=src_faces) else: swapped_image = self.swap_all_faces(image, src_faces=src_faces) base_name = os.path.basename(image_path) save_path = os.path.join(output_dir, base_name) cv2.imwrite(save_path, swapped_image) return save_path def add_audio_to_video(self, src_video_path, target_video_path, save_video_path): audio = VideoFileClip(src_video_path).audio target_video = VideoFileClip(target_video_path) target_video = target_video.set_audio(audio) target_video.write_videofile(save_video_path) return target_video_path def get_faces(self, image_paths): if isinstance(image_paths, str): image_paths = [image_paths] faces = [] for image_path in image_paths: image = cv2.imread(image_path) assert image is not None, "the source image is None, please check your image {} format.".format( image_path) img_faces = self.det_model.get(image, max_num=1) assert len( img_faces ) == 1, 'The detected face in image {} must be 1, but got {}, please ensure your image including one face.'.format( image_path, len(img_faces)) faces += img_faces return faces def swap_faces(self, image, dst_face_embeddings: np.ndarray, src_faces: list) -> np.ndarray: res = image.copy() image_faces = self.det_model.get(image) if len(image_faces) == 0: return res image_face_embeddings = self.get_faces_embeddings(image_faces) sim =, image_face_embeddings.T) for i in range(dst_face_embeddings.shape[0]): index = np.where(sim[i] > self.face_sim_thre)[0].tolist() for idx in index: res = self.swapper_model.get(res, image_faces[idx], src_faces[i], paste_back=True) if self.face_enhance is not None: res = self.face_enhance.get(res, image_faces[idx], paste_back=True) if is not None: res =, image_format='bgr') return res def swap_all_faces(self, image, src_faces: list) -> np.ndarray: assert len( src_faces ) == 1, 'If replace all faces in source, the number of src face should be 1, but got {}.'.format( len(src_faces)) res = image.copy() image_faces = self.det_model.get(image) if len(image_faces) == 0: return res for image_face in image_faces: res = self.swapper_model.get(res, image_face, src_faces[0], paste_back=True) if self.face_enhance is not None: res = self.face_enhance.get(res, image_face, paste_back=True) if is not None: res =, image_format='bgr') return res def get_faces_embeddings(self, faces): feats = [] for face in faces: feats.append(face.normed_embedding) if len(feats) == 1: feats = np.array(feats, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1, -1) else: feats = np.array(feats, dtype=np.float32) return feats