import logging import os from pathlib import Path from time import sleep, time import hydra import yaml from addict import Dict from comet_ml import ExistingExperiment, Experiment from omegaconf import OmegaConf from climategan.trainer import Trainer from climategan.utils import ( comet_kwargs, copy_run_files, env_to_path, find_existing_training, flatten_opts, get_existing_comet_id, get_git_branch, get_git_revision_hash, get_increased_path, kill_job, load_opts, pprint, ) logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) hydra_config_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "shared/trainer/config.yaml" # requires hydra-core==0.11.3 and omegaconf==1.4.1 @hydra.main(config_path=hydra_config_path, strict=False) def main(opts): """ Opts prevalence: 1. Load file specified in args.default (or shared/trainer/defaults.yaml if none is provided) 2. Update with file specified in args.config (or no update if none is provided) 3. Update with parsed command-line arguments e.g. `python args.config=config/large-lr.yaml data.loaders.batch_size=10` loads defaults, overrides with values in large-lr.yaml and sets batch_size to 10 """ # ----------------------------- # ----- Parse arguments ----- # ----------------------------- hydra_opts = Dict(OmegaConf.to_container(opts)) args = hydra_opts.pop("args", None) auto_resumed = {} config_path = args.config if hydra_opts.train.resume: out_ = str(env_to_path(hydra_opts.output_path)) config_path = Path(out_) / "opts.yaml" if not config_path.exists(): config_path = None print("WARNING: could not reuse the opts in {}".format(out_)) default = args.default or Path(__file__).parent / "shared/trainer/defaults.yaml" # ----------------------- # ----- Load opts ----- # ----------------------- opts = load_opts(config_path, default=default, commandline_opts=hydra_opts) if args.resume: opts.train.resume = True opts.jobID = os.environ.get("SLURM_JOBID") opts.slurm_partition = os.environ.get("SLURM_JOB_PARTITION") opts.output_path = str(env_to_path(opts.output_path)) print("Config output_path:", opts.output_path) exp = comet_previous_id = None # ------------------------------- # ----- Check output_path ----- # ------------------------------- # Auto-continue if same slurm job ID (=job was requeued) if not opts.train.resume and opts.train.auto_resume: print("\n\nTrying to auto-resume...") existing_path = find_existing_training(opts) if existing_path is not None and existing_path.exists(): auto_resumed["original output_path"] = str(opts.output_path) auto_resumed["existing_path"] = str(existing_path) opts.train.resume = True opts.output_path = str(existing_path) # Still not resuming: creating new output path if not opts.train.resume: opts.output_path = str(get_increased_path(opts.output_path)) Path(opts.output_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Copy the opts's sbatch_file to output_path copy_run_files(opts) # store git hash opts.git_hash = get_git_revision_hash() opts.git_branch = get_git_branch() if not args.no_comet: # ---------------------------------- # ----- Set Comet Experiment ----- # ---------------------------------- if opts.train.resume: # Is resuming: get existing comet exp id assert Path(opts.output_path).exists(), "Output_path does not exist" comet_previous_id = get_existing_comet_id(opts.output_path) # Continue existing experiment if comet_previous_id is None: print("WARNING could not retreive previous comet id") print(f"from {opts.output_path}") else: print("Continuing previous experiment", comet_previous_id) auto_resumed["continuing exp id"] = comet_previous_id exp = ExistingExperiment( previous_experiment=comet_previous_id, **comet_kwargs ) print("Comet Experiment resumed") if exp is None: # Create new experiment print("Starting new experiment") exp = Experiment(project_name="climategan", **comet_kwargs) exp.log_asset_folder( str(Path(__file__).parent / "climategan"), recursive=True, log_file_name=True, ) exp.log_asset(str(Path(__file__))) # Log note if args.note: exp.log_parameter("note", args.note) # Merge and log tags if args.comet_tags or opts.comet.tags: tags = set([f"branch:{opts.git_branch}"]) if args.comet_tags: tags.update(args.comet_tags) if opts.comet.tags: tags.update(opts.comet.tags) opts.comet.tags = list(tags) print("Logging to with tags", opts.comet.tags) exp.add_tags(opts.comet.tags) # Log all opts exp.log_parameters(flatten_opts(opts)) if auto_resumed: exp.log_text("\n".join(f"{k:20}: {v}" for k, v in auto_resumed.items())) # allow some time for comet to get its url sleep(1) # Save comet exp url url_path = get_increased_path(Path(opts.output_path) / "comet_url.txt") with open(url_path, "w") as f: f.write(exp.url) # Save config file opts_path = get_increased_path(Path(opts.output_path) / "opts.yaml") with (opts_path).open("w") as f: yaml.safe_dump(opts.to_dict(), f) pprint("Running model in", opts.output_path) # ------------------- # ----- Train ----- # ------------------- trainer = Trainer(opts, comet_exp=exp, verbose=1) trainer.logger.time.start_time = time() trainer.setup() trainer.train() # ----------------------------- # ----- End of training ----- # ----------------------------- pprint("Done training") kill_job(opts.jobID) if __name__ == "__main__": main()