######################################################################################## # import gradio as gr import cv2 import glob import json import matplotlib import matplotlib.cm import mediapipe as mp import numpy as np import os import struct import tempfile import torch from mediapipe.framework.formats import landmark_pb2 from mediapipe.python.solutions.drawing_utils import _normalized_to_pixel_coordinates from PIL import Image from quads import QUADS from typing import List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union from utils import colorize, get_most_recent_subdirectory from MediaMesh import * class FaceMeshWorkflow: LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) IMAGE = 'image' LABEL = 'label' MESH = 'mesh' LO = 'lo' HI = 'hi' TO_LO = 'toLo' TO_HI = 'toHi' WEIGHT = 'weight' BUTTON = 'button' def __init__(self): self.mm = mediaMesh = MediaMesh().demoSetup() def demo(self): demo = gr.Blocks() sources = {source:{} for source in 'mediapipe zoe midas'.split()} flat_inn = [] flat_out = [] with demo: gr.Markdown(self.header()) # image input and annotated output with gr.Row(): upload_image = gr.Image(label="Input image", type="numpy", source="upload") flat_inn.append( upload_image ) examples = gr.Examples( examples=self.examples(), inputs=[upload_image] ) detect_button = gr.Button(value="Detect Faces") faced_image = self.img('faced image') flat_out.append( faced_image ) # per source widget sets for name, source in sources.items(): with gr.Row(): source[ FaceMeshWorkflow.LABEL ] = gr.Label(label=name, value=name) with gr.Row(): source[ FaceMeshWorkflow.IMAGE ] = self.img(f'{name} depth') with gr.Group(): source[ FaceMeshWorkflow.LO ] = gr.Label( label=f'{name}:Min', value=+33) source[ FaceMeshWorkflow.HI ] = gr.Label( label=f'{name}:Max', value=-33) source[ FaceMeshWorkflow.TO_LO ] = gr.Slider(label=f'{name}:Target Min', value=-.11, minimum=-3.3, maximum=3.3, step=0.01) source[ FaceMeshWorkflow.TO_HI ] = gr.Slider(label=f'{name}:Target Max', value=+.11, minimum=-3.3, maximum=3.3, step=0.01) source[ FaceMeshWorkflow.BUTTON ] = gr.Button(value='Update Mesh') source[ FaceMeshWorkflow.MESH ] = self.m3d(name) # the combined mesh with controls weights = [] with gr.Row(): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): for name, source in sources.items(): source[ FaceMeshWorkflow.WEIGHT ] = gr.Slider(label=f'{name}:Source Weight', value=1, minimum=-1, maximum=1, step=0.01) weights.append( source[ FaceMeshWorkflow.WEIGHT ] ) combine_button = gr.Button(value="Combined Meshes") with gr.Column(): combined_mesh = self.m3d( 'combined' ) flat_out.append( combined_mesh ) # setup the button clicks outties = {k:True for k in [ FaceMeshWorkflow.MESH, FaceMeshWorkflow.IMAGE, FaceMeshWorkflow.LO, FaceMeshWorkflow.HI]} for name, source in sources.items(): update_inputs = [] update_outputs = [combined_mesh, source[FaceMeshWorkflow.MESH]] for key, control in source.items(): if key is FaceMeshWorkflow.BUTTON: continue if key in outties: flat_out.append( control ) else: if not key is FaceMeshWorkflow.LABEL: flat_inn.append( control ) update_inputs.append( control ) source[FaceMeshWorkflow.BUTTON].click( fn=self.remesh, inputs=update_inputs, outputs=update_outputs ) detect_button.click( fn=self.detect, inputs=flat_inn, outputs=flat_out ) combine_button.click( fn=self.combine, inputs=weights, outputs=[combined_mesh] ) demo.launch() def detect(self, image:np.ndarray, mp_lo, mp_hi, mp_wt, zoe_lo, zoe_hi, zoe_wt, midas_lo, midas_hi, midas_wt): self.mm.detect(image) self.mm.weightMap.values[ DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE ].weight = mp_wt self.mm.weightMap.values[ ZoeDepthSource.NAME ].weight = zoe_wt self.mm.weightMap.values[ MidasDepthSource.NAME ].weight = midas_wt self.mm.weightMap.values[ DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE ].toLo = mp_lo self.mm.weightMap.values[ ZoeDepthSource.NAME ].toLo = zoe_lo self.mm.weightMap.values[ MidasDepthSource.NAME ].toLo = midas_lo self.mm.weightMap.values[ DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE ].toHi = mp_hi self.mm.weightMap.values[ ZoeDepthSource.NAME ].toHi = zoe_hi self.mm.weightMap.values[ MidasDepthSource.NAME ].toHi = midas_hi meshes = self.mm.meshmerizing() z = self.mm.depthSources[0] m = self.mm.depthSources[1] ################################################################## annotated = self.mm.annotated combined_mesh = meshes[MediaMesh.COMBINED][0] mp_gray = self.mm.gray mp_lo = str(self.mm.weightMap.values[ DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE ].lo) mp_hi = str(self.mm.weightMap.values[ DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE ].hi) mp_mesh = meshes[DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE][0] zoe_gray = z.gray zoe_lo = str(self.mm.weightMap.values[z.name].lo) zoe_hi = str(self.mm.weightMap.values[z.name].hi) zoe_mesh = meshes[z.name][0] midas_gray = m.gray midas_lo = str(self.mm.weightMap.values[m.name].lo) midas_hi = str(self.mm.weightMap.values[m.name].hi) midas_mesh = meshes[m.name][0] ################################################################## # gotta write 'em to disk for some reason combined_mesh = self.writeMesh( MediaMesh.COMBINED, meshes[MediaMesh.COMBINED][0] ) mp_mesh = self.writeMesh( DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE, meshes[DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE][0] ) zoe_mesh = self.writeMesh( z.name, meshes[z.name][0] ) midas_mesh = self.writeMesh( m.name, meshes[m.name][0] ) ################################################################## # [image, model3d, (image, label, label, model3d), (image, label, label, model3d), (image, label, label, model3d)] return annotated, combined_mesh, mp_gray, mp_lo, mp_hi, mp_mesh, zoe_gray, zoe_lo, zoe_hi, zoe_mesh, midas_gray, midas_lo, midas_hi, midas_mesh def combine(self, mp_wt, zoe_wt, midas_wt ): self.mm.weightMap.values[ DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE ].weight = mp_wt self.mm.weightMap.values[ ZoeDepthSource.NAME ].weight = zoe_wt self.mm.weightMap.values[ MidasDepthSource.NAME ].weight = midas_wt return self.writeMesh(MediaMesh.COMBINED, self.mm.toObj(MediaMesh.COMBINED)[0]) def kombine(self, image:np.ndarray, mp_lo, mp_hi, mp_wt, zoe_lo, zoe_hi, zoe_wt, midas_lo, midas_hi, midas_wt): self.mm.weightMap.values[ DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE ].weight = mp_wt self.mm.weightMap.values[ ZoeDepthSource.NAME ].weight = zoe_wt self.mm.weightMap.values[ MidasDepthSource.NAME ].weight = midas_wt self.mm.weightMap.values[ DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE ].toLo = mp_lo self.mm.weightMap.values[ ZoeDepthSource.NAME ].toLo = zoe_lo self.mm.weightMap.values[ MidasDepthSource.NAME ].toLo = midas_lo self.mm.weightMap.values[ DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE ].toHi = mp_hi self.mm.weightMap.values[ ZoeDepthSource.NAME ].toHi = zoe_hi self.mm.weightMap.values[ MidasDepthSource.NAME ].toHi = midas_hi meshes = self.mm.meshmerizing() z = self.mm.depthSources[0] m = self.mm.depthSources[1] ################################################################## annotated = self.mm.annotated combined_mesh = meshes[MediaMesh.COMBINED][0] mp_gray = self.mm.gray mp_lo = str(self.mm.weightMap.values[ DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE ].lo) mp_hi = str(self.mm.weightMap.values[ DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE ].hi) mp_mesh = meshes[DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE][0] zoe_gray = z.gray zoe_lo = str(self.mm.weightMap.values[z.name].lo) zoe_hi = str(self.mm.weightMap.values[z.name].hi) zoe_mesh = meshes[z.name][0] midas_gray = m.gray midas_lo = str(self.mm.weightMap.values[m.name].lo) midas_hi = str(self.mm.weightMap.values[m.name].hi) midas_mesh = meshes[m.name][0] ################################################################## # gotta write 'em to disk for some reason combined_mesh = self.writeMesh( MediaMesh.COMBINED, meshes[MediaMesh.COMBINED][0] ) mp_mesh = self.writeMesh( DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE, meshes[DepthMap.MEDIA_PIPE][0] ) zoe_mesh = self.writeMesh( z.name, meshes[z.name][0] ) midas_mesh = self.writeMesh( m.name, meshes[m.name][0] ) ################################################################## # [image, model3d, (image, label, label, model3d), (image, label, label, model3d), (image, label, label, model3d)] return annotated, combined_mesh, mp_gray, mp_lo, mp_hi, mp_mesh, zoe_gray, zoe_lo, zoe_hi, zoe_mesh, midas_gray, midas_lo, midas_hi, midas_mesh def remesh(self, label:Dict[str,str], lo:float, hi:float, wt:float): name = label[ 'label' ] # hax FaceMeshWorkflow.LOG.info( f'remesh {name} with lo:{lo}, hi:{hi} and wt:{wt}' ) self.mm.weightMap.values[ name ].toLo = lo self.mm.weightMap.values[ name ].toHi = hi self.mm.weightMap.values[ name ].weight = wt mesh = self.writeMesh(name, self.mm.singleSourceMesh(name)[0]) combined = self.writeMesh(MediaMesh.COMBINED, self.mm.toObj(MediaMesh.COMBINED)[0]) return mesh, combined def writeMesh(self, name:str, mesh:List[str])->str: file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.obj', delete=False).name out = open( file, 'w' ) out.write( '\n'.join( mesh ) + '\n' ) out.close() return file def detective(self, *args): for arg in args: wat = 'TMI' if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray) else arg #c = '#' if hf_hack else '' print( f'hi there {type(arg)} ur a nice {wat} to have ' ) return None def m3d(self, name:str): return gr.Model3D(clear_color=3*[0], label=f"{name} mesh", elem_id='mesh-display-output') def img(self, name:str, src:str='upload'): return gr.Image(label=name,elem_id='img-display-output',source=src) def examples(self) -> List[str]: return glob.glob('examples/*png') return [ 'examples/blonde-00081-399357008.png', 'examples/dude-00110-1227390728.png', 'examples/granny-00056-1867315302.png', 'examples/tuffie-00039-499759385.png', 'examples/character.png', ] def header(self): return (""" # FaceMeshWorkflow The process goes like this: 1. select an input images 2. click "Detect Faces" 3. fine tune the different depth sources 4. fine tune the combinations of the depth sources 5. download the obj and have fun The primary motivation was that all the MediaPipe faces all looked the same. Usually ZoeDepth is usually better, but can be extreme. Midas works sometimes :-P The depth analysis is a bit slow. Especially on the hf site, so I recommend running it locally. Since the tuning is a post-process to the analysis you can go nuts! Quick import result in examples/converted/movie-gallery.mp4 under files """) def footer(self): return ( """ # Using the Textured Mesh in Blender There a couple of annoying steps atm after you download the obj from the 3d viewer. You can use the script meshin-around.sh in the files section to do the conversion or manually: 1. edit the file and change the mtllib line to use fun.mtl 2. replace / delete all lines that start with 'f', eg :%s,^f.*,, 3. uncomment all the lines that start with '#f', eg: :%s,^#f,f, 4. save and exit 5. create fun.mtl to point to the texture like: ``` newmtl MyMaterial map_Kd fun.png ``` Make sure the obj, mtl and png are all in the same directory Now the import will have the texture data: File -> Import -> Wavefront (obj) -> fun.obj This is all a work around for a weird hf+gradios+babylonjs bug which seems to be related to the version of babylonjs being used... It works fine in a local babylonjs sandbox... If you forget, the .obj has notes on how to mangle it. # Suggested Workflows Here are some workflow ideas. ## retopologize high poly face mesh 1. sculpt high poly mesh in blender 2. snapshot the face 3. generate the mesh using the mediapipe stuff 4. import the low poly mediapipe face 5. snap the mesh to the high poly model 6. model the rest of the low poly model 7. bake the normal / etc maps to the low poly face model 8. it's just that easy 😛 Ideally it would be a plugin... ## stable diffusion integration 1. generate a face in sd 2. generate the mesh 3. repose it and use it for further generation An extension would be hoopy May want to expanded the generated mesh to cover more, maybe with PIFu model. """) FaceMeshWorkflow().demo() # EOF ########################################################################################