import streamlit as st import lang_chain_code st.title("Book Summary Application :book:") st.subheader(':blue[by Venkat Reddy] :sunglasses:') themes_tuple = ("Love and Romance", "Adventure and Exploration", "Coming of Age", "Mystery and Crime", "Fantasy and Science Fiction", "Historical Fiction", "Self-Help and Personal Development", "Horror and Thriller", "Biography and Memoir","Social and Political Issues", "Health and Wellness","Business and Entrepreneurship","Technology and Innovation", "Spirituality and Religion","Sports and Athletics","Art and Creativity", "Environmental and Nature","Psychology and Mental Health","Travel and Culture", "Education and Learning" ) theme = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a Theme", themes_tuple) if theme: book_summary = lang_chain_code.book_summary_generator(theme) st.write(book_summary)