import gradio as gr # Replace with the actual LLaMa3 model ID from Hugging Face Hub when available model_id = "varox34/Llama-3-Mistral-v0.2-Instruct-slerp" def inference(prompt): # Import necessary libraries (replace with LLaMa3-specific ones) from transformers import pipeline # Create a pipeline using the LLaMa3 model ID (assuming compatibility) pipe = pipeline("text-generation", model=model_id) # Generate text based on the prompt response = pipe(prompt, max_length=250, num_return_sequences=1)[0]["generated_text"] return response interface = gr.Interface( fn=inference, inputs="text", outputs="text", title="LLama3 Inference", description="Enter a prompt and get text generated by LLaMa3 (if available).", ) interface.launch()