import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler import warnings import streamlit as st from io import StringIO from classification import ClassificationModels warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import uuid # data cleaning: # Define function for each page # def classification(): # st.title("Home Page") # st.write("Welcome to the Home Page") def regressor(): st.title("About Page") st.write("This is the About Page") def NLP(): st.title("Contact Page") st.write("You can reach us at") def Image(): st.title("Home Page") st.write("Welcome to the Home Page") def Voice(): st.title("Home Page") st.write("Welcome to the Home Page") def Video(): st.title("Home Page") st.write("Welcome to the Home Page") def LLMs(): st.title("About Page") st.write("This is the About Page") def resume(): st.title("Contact Page") st.write("You can reach us at") # Main function to run the app def main(): st.sidebar.title("Navigation") page_options = ["Classification", "Regressor", "NLP", "Image", "Voice", "Video", "LLMs"] choice ="Go to", page_options) if choice == "Classification": st.title("Classification") spectra = st.file_uploader("Upload file", type={"csv", "txt"}) if spectra is not None: spectra_df = pd.read_csv(spectra) st.write(spectra_df.head(5)) st.write("Headers", spectra_df.columns.tolist()) st.write("Total Rows", spectra_df.shape[0]) option = st.text_input("Enter your text here:") if option: st.write("You entered:", option) y = spectra_df[option] X= spectra_df.drop(option, axis=1) st.write("X",X.head(5) ) st.write("y", y.head(5)) clf = ClassificationModels(X,y) # Split the data clf.split_data() # Train the models naive_bayes_model = clf.naive_bayes_classifier() logistic_regression_model = clf.logistic_regression() decision_tree_model = clf.decision_tree() random_forests_model = clf.random_forests() svm_model = clf.support_vector_machines() knn_model = clf.k_nearest_neighbour() # Evaluate the models naive_bayes_accuracy = clf.evaluate_model(naive_bayes_model) logistic_regression_accuracy = clf.evaluate_model(logistic_regression_model) decision_tree_accuracy = clf.evaluate_model(decision_tree_model) random_forests_accuracy = clf.evaluate_model(random_forests_model) svm_accuracy = clf.evaluate_model(svm_model) knn_accuracy = clf.evaluate_model(knn_model) # Evaluate classification model naive_bayes_classification_report = clf.evaluate_classification_report(naive_bayes_model) logistic_regression_classification_report = clf.evaluate_classification_report(logistic_regression_model) decision_tree_classification_report = clf.evaluate_classification_report(decision_tree_model) random_forest_classification_report = clf.evaluate_classification_report(random_forests_model) svm_classification_report = clf.evaluate_classification_report(svm_model) knn_classification_report = clf.evaluate_classification_report(knn_model) # Display the model prediction # st.write("Naive Bayes Model Prediction:", clf.predict_model(naive_bayes_model)) # Display the accuracies st.write("Naive Bayes Accuracy:", naive_bayes_accuracy) st.write("Logistic Regression Accuracy:", logistic_regression_accuracy) st.write("Decision Tree Accuracy:", decision_tree_accuracy) st.write("Random Forests Accuracy:", random_forests_accuracy) st.write("Support Vector Machines Accuracy:", svm_accuracy) st.write("K-Nearest Neighbors Accuracy:", knn_accuracy) # Display classification reports st.write("Naive Bayes Classification Report:", pd.DataFrame(naive_bayes_classification_report)) st.write("Logistic Regression Classification Report:", pd.DataFrame(logistic_regression_classification_report)) st.write("Decision Tree Classification Report:", pd.DataFrame(decision_tree_classification_report)) st.write("Random Forests Classification Report:", pd.DataFrame(random_forest_classification_report)) st.write("Support Vector Machines Classification Report:", pd.DataFrame(svm_classification_report)) st.write("K-Nearest Neighbors Classification Report:", pd.DataFrame(knn_classification_report)) # Display the confusion matrix # Add a multiple selection dropdown list_of_classifier_models = [ "naive_bayes_classifier", "logistic_regression", "decision_tree", "random_forests", "support_vector_machines", "k_nearest_neighbour", "k_means_clustering" ] selected_models = st.multiselect("Select Models",list_of_classifier_models) # Execute further code based on selected models if selected_models: # Further code execution based on selected models st.write("Selected Models:", selected_models) st.write("Selected Models type:", len(selected_models)) # Toggle to add hyperparameters add_hyperparameters = st.checkbox("Add Hyperparameters") # If hyperparameters should be added if add_hyperparameters: # For each selected model, create a space for hyperparameters for model in selected_models: st.write(f"Hyperparameters for {model}:") # Here you can add text inputs, sliders, or any other widgets to input hyperparameters elif choice == "Regressor": regressor() elif choice == "NLP": NLP() if choice == "Image": Image() if choice == "Voice": Voice() if choice == "Video": Video() if choice == "LLMs": LLMs() if __name__ == "__main__": main() # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,6)) # df.boxplot() # # df1 = df[~((df['flipper_length_mm']>4000) | (df['flipper_length_mm']<0)) ] # df1 # df2 = pd.get_dummies(df1).drop("sex_.", axis=1) # df2 # # perform preprocessing steps on the dataset - scaling # scalar = StandardScaler() # X = scalar.fit_transform(df2) # df_preprocessed = pd.DataFrame(data=X, columns=df2.columns) # df_preprocessed # import numpy as np # df_preprocessed = df_preprocessed.replace(np.nan, 0) # # apply PCA # pca = PCA(n_components= None) # dfx_pca = # dfx_pca.explained_variance_ratio_ # n_components = sum(dfx_pca.explained_variance_ratio_>0.1) # print("Components :", n_components) # pca = PCA(n_components= n_components) # df_pca = pca.fit_transform(df_preprocessed) # dfx_pca.explained_variance_ratio_ # inertia = [] # for k in range(1, 10): # kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=42).fit(df_preprocessed) # inertia.append(kmeans.inertia_) # plt.plot(range(1, 10), inertia, marker="o") # plt.xlabel("Number of clusters") # plt.ylabel("Inertia") # plt.title("Elbow Method") # # n_clusters = 4 # n_clusters = 4 # kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=42).fit(df_preprocessed) # plt.scatter(df_pca[:, 0], df_pca[:, 1], c=kmeans.labels_, cmap="viridis") # plt.xlabel("First Principal Component") # plt.ylabel("Second Principal Component") # plt.title(f"K-means Clustering (K={n_clusters})") #"""