import os os.system('pip install git+') import gradio as gr import logging from detectron2.engine import DefaultPredictor import cv2 from detectron2.config import get_cfg from utils import add_bboxes config_file="config.yaml" cfg = get_cfg() cfg.merge_from_file(config_file) cfg.MODEL.DEVICE="cpu" cfg.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.SCORE_THRESH_TEST = 0.5 # cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = "checkpoints_model_final_imagenet_40k_synthetic.pth" def predict( model, img ): if model=="40k synthetic": weights = "checkpoints_model_final_imagenet_40k_synthetic.pth" elif model == "100k synthetic": weights = "checkpoints_model_final_imagenet_100k_synthetic.pth" else: weights = "checkpoints_model_final_imagenet_5k_synthetic.pth" cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS=weights predictor = DefaultPredictor(cfg) im = cv2.imread( output = predictor(im) img = add_bboxes(im, output['instances'].pred_boxes, scores=output['instances'].scores) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return img title = "Indoor Pet Detection" description = "This is an application trained with synthetic data from Unity Computer Vision. We trained a single class object detection model to recognize dogs using images of pets randomly posed and placed in our home interior environment. There are multiple pre-trained models trained with 5k, 40k and 100k synthetic data that you can choose for inference.

Github Project

" examples = [ ["5k synthetic", 'example.jpg'], ["40k synthetic", 'example.jpg'], ["100k synthetic", 'example.jpg'], ["5k synthetic", 'example-2.jpg'], ["40k synthetic", 'example-2.jpg'], ["100k synthetic", 'example-2.jpg'] ] gr.Interface(predict, [gr.inputs.Dropdown(["5k synthetic", "40k synthetic", "100k synthetic"]), gr.inputs.Image(type="file")], outputs=gr.outputs.Image(type="pil"),enable_queue=True, title=title, description=description, # article=article, examples=examples).launch(debug=True)