"""This section describes unitxt operators for structured data.
These operators are specialized in handling structured data like tables.
For tables, expected input format is:
.. code-block:: text
"header": ["col1", "col2"],
"rows": [["row11", "row12"], ["row21", "row22"], ["row31", "row32"]]
For triples, expected input format is:
.. code-block:: text
[[ "subject1", "relation1", "object1" ], [ "subject1", "relation2", "object2"]]
For key-value pairs, expected input format is:
.. code-block:: text
{"key1": "value1", "key2": value2, "key3": "value3"}
import ast
import json
import random
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import (
import pandas as pd
from .augmentors import TypeDependentAugmentor
from .dict_utils import dict_get
from .error_utils import UnitxtWarning
from .operators import FieldOperator, InstanceOperator
from .random_utils import new_random_generator
from .serializers import ImageSerializer, TableSerializer
from .types import Table
from .utils import recursive_copy
def shuffle_columns(table: Table, seed=0) -> Table:
# extract header & rows from the dictionary
header = table.get("header", [])
rows = table.get("rows", [])
# shuffle the indices first
indices = list(range(len(header)))
random_generator = new_random_generator({"table": table, "seed": seed})
# shuffle the header & rows based on that indices
shuffled_header = [header[i] for i in indices]
shuffled_rows = [[row[i] for i in indices] for row in rows]
table["header"] = shuffled_header
table["rows"] = shuffled_rows
return table
def shuffle_rows(table: Table, seed=0) -> Table:
# extract header & rows from the dictionary
rows = table.get("rows", [])
# shuffle rows
random_generator = new_random_generator({"table": table, "seed": seed})
table["rows"] = rows
return table
class SerializeTable(ABC, TableSerializer):
"""TableSerializer converts a given table into a flat sequence with special symbols.
Output format varies depending on the chosen serializer. This abstract class defines structure of a typical table serializer that any concrete implementation should follow.
seed: int = 0
shuffle_rows: bool = False
shuffle_columns: bool = False
def serialize(self, value: Table, instance: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
value = recursive_copy(value)
if self.shuffle_columns:
value = shuffle_columns(table=value, seed=self.seed)
if self.shuffle_rows:
value = shuffle_rows(table=value, seed=self.seed)
return self.serialize_table(value)
# main method to serialize a table
def serialize_table(self, table_content: Dict) -> str:
# method to process table header
def process_header(self, header: List):
# method to process a table row
def process_row(self, row: List, row_index: int):
# Concrete classes implementing table serializers
class SerializeTableAsIndexedRowMajor(SerializeTable):
"""Indexed Row Major Table Serializer.
Commonly used row major serialization format.
Format: col : col1 | col2 | col 3 row 1 : val1 | val2 | val3 | val4 row 2 : val1 | ...
# main method that processes a table
# table_content must be in the presribed input format
def serialize_table(self, table_content: Dict) -> str:
# Extract headers and rows from the dictionary
header = table_content.get("header", [])
rows = table_content.get("rows", [])
assert header and rows, "Incorrect input table format"
# Process table header first
serialized_tbl_str = self.process_header(header) + " "
# Process rows sequentially starting from row 1
for i, row in enumerate(rows, start=1):
serialized_tbl_str += self.process_row(row, row_index=i) + " "
# return serialized table as a string
return serialized_tbl_str.strip()
# serialize header into a string containing the list of column names separated by '|' symbol
def process_header(self, header: List):
return "col : " + " | ".join(header)
# serialize a table row into a string containing the list of cell values separated by '|'
def process_row(self, row: List, row_index: int):
serialized_row_str = ""
row_cell_values = [
str(value) if isinstance(value, (int, float)) else value for value in row
serialized_row_str += " | ".join([str(value) for value in row_cell_values])
return f"row {row_index} : {serialized_row_str}"
class SerializeTableAsMarkdown(SerializeTable):
"""Markdown Table Serializer.
Markdown table format is used in GitHub code primarily.
.. code-block:: text
# main method that serializes a table.
# table_content must be in the presribed input format.
def serialize_table(self, table_content: Dict) -> str:
# Extract headers and rows from the dictionary
header = table_content.get("header", [])
rows = table_content.get("rows", [])
assert header and rows, "Incorrect input table format"
# Process table header first
serialized_tbl_str = self.process_header(header)
# Process rows sequentially starting from row 1
for i, row in enumerate(rows, start=1):
serialized_tbl_str += self.process_row(row, row_index=i)
# return serialized table as a string
return serialized_tbl_str.strip()
# serialize header into a string containing the list of column names
def process_header(self, header: List):
header_str = "|{}|\n".format("|".join(header))
header_str += "|{}|\n".format("|".join(["---"] * len(header)))
return header_str
# serialize a table row into a string containing the list of cell values
def process_row(self, row: List, row_index: int):
row_str = ""
row_str += "|{}|\n".format("|".join(str(cell) for cell in row))
return row_str
class SerializeTableAsDFLoader(SerializeTable):
"""DFLoader Table Serializer.
Pandas dataframe based code snippet format serializer.
.. code-block:: python
"name" : ["Alex", "Diana", "Donald"],
"age" : [26, 34, 39]
# main method that serializes a table.
# table_content must be in the presribed input format.
def serialize_table(self, table_content: Dict) -> str:
# Extract headers and rows from the dictionary
header = table_content.get("header", [])
rows = table_content.get("rows", [])
assert header and rows, "Incorrect input table format"
# Fix duplicate columns, ensuring the first occurrence has no suffix
header = [
f"{col}_{header[:i].count(col)}" if header[:i].count(col) > 0 else col
for i, col in enumerate(header)
# Create a pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=header)
# Generate output string in the desired format
data_dict = df.to_dict(orient="list")
return (
+ json.dumps(data_dict)[1:-1]
+ "},\nindex="
+ str(list(range(len(rows))))
+ ")"
class SerializeTableAsJson(SerializeTable):
"""JSON Table Serializer.
Json format based serializer.
.. code-block:: json
# main method that serializes a table.
# table_content must be in the presribed input format.
def serialize_table(self, table_content: Dict) -> str:
# Extract headers and rows from the dictionary
header = table_content.get("header", [])
rows = table_content.get("rows", [])
assert header and rows, "Incorrect input table format"
# Generate output dictionary
output_dict = {}
for i, row in enumerate(rows):
output_dict[i] = {header[j]: value for j, value in enumerate(row)}
# Convert dictionary to JSON string
return json.dumps(output_dict)
class SerializeTableAsHTML(SerializeTable):
"""HTML Table Serializer.
HTML table format used for rendering tables in web pages.
.. code-block:: html
name | age | sex |
Alice | 26 | F |
Raj | 34 | M |
# main method that serializes a table.
# table_content must be in the prescribed input format.
def serialize_table(self, table_content: Dict) -> str:
# Extract headers and rows from the dictionary
header = table_content.get("header", [])
rows = table_content.get("rows", [])
assert header and rows, "Incorrect input table format"
# Build the HTML table structure
serialized_tbl_str = "\n"
serialized_tbl_str += self.process_header(header) + "\n"
serialized_tbl_str += self.process_rows(rows) + "\n"
serialized_tbl_str += "
return serialized_tbl_str.strip()
# serialize the header into an HTML section
def process_header(self, header: List) -> str:
header_html = " \n "
for col in header:
header_html += f"{col} | "
header_html += "
\n "
return header_html
# serialize the rows into an HTML section
def process_rows(self, rows: List[List]) -> str:
rows_html = " "
for row in rows:
rows_html += "\n "
for cell in row:
rows_html += f"{cell} | "
rows_html += "
rows_html += "\n "
return rows_html
class SerializeTableAsConcatenation(SerializeTable):
"""Concat Serializer.
Concat all table content to one string of header and rows.
name age Alex 26 Diana 34
def serialize_table(self, table_content: Dict) -> str:
# Extract headers and rows from the dictionary
header = table_content["header"]
rows = table_content["rows"]
assert header and rows, "Incorrect input table format"
# Process table header first
serialized_tbl_str = " ".join([str(i) for i in header])
# Process rows sequentially starting from row 1
for row in rows:
serialized_tbl_str += " " + " ".join([str(i) for i in row])
# return serialized table as a string
return serialized_tbl_str.strip()
class SerializeTableAsImage(SerializeTable):
_requirements_list = ["matplotlib", "pillow"]
def serialize_table(self, table_content: Dict) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
def serialize(self, value: Table, instance: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
table_content = recursive_copy(value)
if self.shuffle_columns:
table_content = shuffle_columns(table=table_content, seed=self.seed)
if self.shuffle_rows:
table_content = shuffle_rows(table=table_content, seed=self.seed)
import io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image
# Extract headers and rows from the dictionary
header = table_content.get("header", [])
rows = table_content.get("rows", [])
assert header and rows, "Incorrect input table format"
# Fix duplicate columns, ensuring the first occurrence has no suffix
header = [
f"{col}_{header[:i].count(col)}" if header[:i].count(col) > 0 else col
for i, col in enumerate(header)
# Create a pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=header)
# Fix duplicate columns, ensuring the first occurrence has no suffix
df.columns = [
f"{col}_{i}" if df.columns.duplicated()[i] else col
for i, col in enumerate(df.columns)
# Create a matplotlib table
plt.rcParams["font.family"] = "Serif"
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(len(header) * 1.5, len(rows) * 0.5))
ax.axis("off") # Turn off the axes
table = pd.plotting.table(ax, df, loc="center", cellLoc="center")
table.scale(1.5, 1.5)
# Save the plot to a BytesIO buffer
buf = io.BytesIO()
plt.savefig(buf, format="png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150)
plt.close(fig) # Close the figure to free up memory
# Load the image from the buffer using PIL
image = Image.open(buf)
return ImageSerializer().serialize({"image": image, "format": "png"}, instance)
# truncate cell value to maximum allowed length
def truncate_cell(cell_value, max_len):
if cell_value is None:
return None
if isinstance(cell_value, int) or isinstance(cell_value, float):
return None
if cell_value.strip() == "":
return None
if len(cell_value) > max_len:
return cell_value[:max_len]
return None
class TruncateTableCells(InstanceOperator):
"""Limit the maximum length of cell values in a table to reduce the overall length.
max_length (int) - maximum allowed length of cell values
For tasks that produce a cell value as answer, truncating a cell value should be replicated
with truncating the corresponding answer as well. This has been addressed in the implementation.
max_length: int = 15
table: str = None
text_output: Optional[str] = None
def process(
self, instance: Dict[str, Any], stream_name: Optional[str] = None
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
table = dict_get(instance, self.table)
answers = []
if self.text_output is not None:
answers = dict_get(instance, self.text_output)
self.truncate_table(table_content=table, answers=answers)
return instance
# truncate table cells
def truncate_table(self, table_content: Dict, answers: Optional[List]):
cell_mapping = {}
# One row at a time
for row in table_content.get("rows", []):
for i, cell in enumerate(row):
truncated_cell = truncate_cell(cell, self.max_length)
if truncated_cell is not None:
cell_mapping[cell] = truncated_cell
row[i] = truncated_cell
# Update values in answer list to truncated values
if answers is not None:
for i, case in enumerate(answers):
answers[i] = cell_mapping.get(case, case)
class TruncateTableRows(FieldOperator):
"""Limits table rows to specified limit by removing excess rows via random selection.
rows_to_keep (int): number of rows to keep.
rows_to_keep: int = 10
def process_value(self, table: Any) -> Any:
return self.truncate_table_rows(table_content=table)
def truncate_table_rows(self, table_content: Dict):
# Get rows from table
rows = table_content.get("rows", [])
num_rows = len(rows)
# if number of rows are anyway lesser, return.
if num_rows <= self.rows_to_keep:
return table_content
# calculate number of rows to delete, delete them
rows_to_delete = num_rows - self.rows_to_keep
# Randomly select rows to be deleted
deleted_rows_indices = random.sample(range(len(rows)), rows_to_delete)
remaining_rows = [
row for i, row in enumerate(rows) if i not in deleted_rows_indices
table_content["rows"] = remaining_rows
return table_content
class GetNumOfTableCells(FieldOperator):
"""Get the number of cells in the given table."""
def process_value(self, table: Any) -> Any:
num_of_rows = len(table.get("rows"))
num_of_cols = len(table.get("header"))
return num_of_rows * num_of_cols
class SerializeTableRowAsText(InstanceOperator):
"""Serializes a table row as text.
fields (str) - list of fields to be included in serialization.
to_field (str) - serialized text field name.
max_cell_length (int) - limits cell length to be considered, optional.
fields: str
to_field: str
max_cell_length: Optional[int] = None
def process(
self, instance: Dict[str, Any], stream_name: Optional[str] = None
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
linearized_str = ""
for field in self.fields:
value = dict_get(instance, field)
if self.max_cell_length is not None:
truncated_value = truncate_cell(value, self.max_cell_length)
if truncated_value is not None:
value = truncated_value
linearized_str = linearized_str + field + " is " + str(value) + ", "
instance[self.to_field] = linearized_str
return instance
class SerializeTableRowAsList(InstanceOperator):
"""Serializes a table row as list.
fields (str) - list of fields to be included in serialization.
to_field (str) - serialized text field name.
max_cell_length (int) - limits cell length to be considered, optional.
fields: str
to_field: str
max_cell_length: Optional[int] = None
def process(
self, instance: Dict[str, Any], stream_name: Optional[str] = None
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
linearized_str = ""
for field in self.fields:
value = dict_get(instance, field)
if self.max_cell_length is not None:
truncated_value = truncate_cell(value, self.max_cell_length)
if truncated_value is not None:
value = truncated_value
linearized_str = linearized_str + field + ": " + str(value) + ", "
instance[self.to_field] = linearized_str
return instance
class SerializeTriples(FieldOperator):
"""Serializes triples into a flat sequence.
Sample input in expected format:
[[ "First Clearing", "LOCATION", "On NYS 52 1 Mi. Youngsville" ], [ "On NYS 52 1 Mi. Youngsville", "CITY_OR_TOWN", "Callicoon, New York"]]
Sample output:
First Clearing : LOCATION : On NYS 52 1 Mi. Youngsville | On NYS 52 1 Mi. Youngsville : CITY_OR_TOWN : Callicoon, New York
def process_value(self, tripleset: Any) -> Any:
return self.serialize_triples(tripleset)
def serialize_triples(self, tripleset) -> str:
return " | ".join(
f"{subj} : {rel.lower()} : {obj}" for subj, rel, obj in tripleset
class SerializeKeyValPairs(FieldOperator):
"""Serializes key, value pairs into a flat sequence.
Sample input in expected format: {"name": "Alex", "age": 31, "sex": "M"}
Sample output: name is Alex, age is 31, sex is M
def process_value(self, kvpairs: Any) -> Any:
return self.serialize_kvpairs(kvpairs)
def serialize_kvpairs(self, kvpairs) -> str:
serialized_str = ""
for key, value in kvpairs.items():
serialized_str += f"{key} is {value}, "
# Remove the trailing comma and space then return
return serialized_str[:-2]
class ListToKeyValPairs(InstanceOperator):
"""Maps list of keys and values into key:value pairs.
Sample input in expected format: {"keys": ["name", "age", "sex"], "values": ["Alex", 31, "M"]}
Sample output: {"name": "Alex", "age": 31, "sex": "M"}
fields: List[str]
to_field: str
def process(
self, instance: Dict[str, Any], stream_name: Optional[str] = None
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
keylist = dict_get(instance, self.fields[0])
valuelist = dict_get(instance, self.fields[1])
output_dict = {}
for key, value in zip(keylist, valuelist):
output_dict[key] = value
instance[self.to_field] = output_dict
return instance
class ConvertTableColNamesToSequential(FieldOperator):
"""Replaces actual table column names with static sequential names like col_0, col_1,...
.. code-block:: text
Sample input:
"header": ["name", "age"],
"rows": [["Alex", 21], ["Donald", 34]]
Sample output:
"header": ["col_0", "col_1"],
"rows": [["Alex", 21], ["Donald", 34]]
def process_value(self, table: Any) -> Any:
table_input = recursive_copy(table)
return self.replace_header(table_content=table_input)
# replaces header with sequential column names
def replace_header(self, table_content: Dict) -> str:
# Extract header from the dictionary
header = table_content.get("header", [])
assert header, "Input table missing header"
new_header = ["col_" + str(i) for i in range(len(header))]
table_content["header"] = new_header
return table_content
class ShuffleTableRows(TypeDependentAugmentor):
"""Shuffles the input table rows randomly.
.. code-block:: text
Sample Input:
"header": ["name", "age"],
"rows": [["Alex", 26], ["Raj", 34], ["Donald", 39]],
Sample Output:
"header": ["name", "age"],
"rows": [["Donald", 39], ["Raj", 34], ["Alex", 26]],
augmented_type = Table
seed = 0
def process_value(self, table: Any) -> Any:
table_input = recursive_copy(table)
return shuffle_rows(table_input, self.seed)
class ShuffleTableColumns(TypeDependentAugmentor):
"""Shuffles the table columns randomly.
.. code-block:: text
Sample Input:
"header": ["name", "age"],
"rows": [["Alex", 26], ["Raj", 34], ["Donald", 39]],
Sample Output:
"header": ["age", "name"],
"rows": [[26, "Alex"], [34, "Raj"], [39, "Donald"]],
augmented_type = Table
seed = 0
def process_value(self, table: Any) -> Any:
table_input = recursive_copy(table)
return shuffle_columns(table_input, self.seed)
class LoadJson(FieldOperator):
failure_value: Any = None
allow_failure: bool = False
def process_value(self, value: str) -> Any:
if self.allow_failure:
return json.loads(value)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return self.failure_value
return json.loads(value, strict=False)
class DumpJson(FieldOperator):
def process_value(self, value: str) -> str:
return json.dumps(value)
class MapHTMLTableToJSON(FieldOperator):
"""Converts HTML table format to the basic one (JSON).
JSON format:
.. code-block:: json
"header": ["col1", "col2"],
"rows": [["row11", "row12"], ["row21", "row22"], ["row31", "row32"]]
_requirements_list = ["bs4"]
def process_value(self, table: Any) -> Any:
return self.convert_to_json(table_content=table)
def convert_to_json(self, table_content: str) -> Dict:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(table_content, "html.parser")
# Extract header
header = []
header_cells = soup.find("thead").find_all("th")
for cell in header_cells:
# Extract rows
rows = []
for row in soup.find("tbody").find_all("tr"):
row_data = []
for cell in row.find_all("td"):
# return dictionary
return {"header": header, "rows": rows}
class MapTableListsToStdTableJSON(FieldOperator):
"""Converts lists table format to the basic one (JSON).
JSON format:
.. code-block:: json
"header": ["col1", "col2"],
"rows": [["row11", "row12"], ["row21", "row22"], ["row31", "row32"]]
def process_value(self, table: Any) -> Any:
return self.map_tablelists_to_stdtablejson_util(table_content=table)
def map_tablelists_to_stdtablejson_util(self, table_content: str) -> Dict:
return {"header": table_content[0], "rows": table_content[1:]}
class ConstructTableFromRowsCols(InstanceOperator):
"""Maps column and row field into single table field encompassing both header and rows.
field[0] = header string as List
field[1] = rows string as List[List]
field[2] = table caption string(optional)
fields: List[str]
to_field: str
def process(
self, instance: Dict[str, Any], stream_name: Optional[str] = None
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
header = dict_get(instance, self.fields[0])
rows = dict_get(instance, self.fields[1])
if len(self.fields) >= 3:
caption = instance[self.fields[2]]
caption = None
import ast
header_processed = ast.literal_eval(header)
rows_processed = ast.literal_eval(rows)
output_dict = {"header": header_processed, "rows": rows_processed}
if caption is not None:
output_dict["caption"] = caption
instance[self.to_field] = output_dict
return instance
class TransposeTable(TypeDependentAugmentor):
"""Transpose a table.
.. code-block:: text
Sample Input:
"header": ["name", "age", "sex"],
"rows": [["Alice", 26, "F"], ["Raj", 34, "M"], ["Donald", 39, "M"]],
Sample Output:
"header": [" ", "0", "1", "2"],
"rows": [["name", "Alice", "Raj", "Donald"], ["age", 26, 34, 39], ["sex", "F", "M", "M"]],
augmented_type = Table
def process_value(self, table: Any) -> Any:
return self.transpose_table(table)
def transpose_table(self, table: Dict) -> Dict:
# Extract the header and rows from the table object
header = table["header"]
rows = table["rows"]
# Transpose the table by converting rows as columns and vice versa
transposed_header = [" "] + [str(i) for i in range(len(rows))]
transposed_rows = [
[header[i]] + [row[i] for row in rows] for i in range(len(header))
return {"header": transposed_header, "rows": transposed_rows}
class DuplicateTableRows(TypeDependentAugmentor):
"""Duplicates specific rows of a table for the given number of times.
row_indices (List[int]): rows to be duplicated
times(int): each row to be duplicated is to show that many times
augmented_type = Table
row_indices: List[int] = []
times: int = 1
def process_value(self, table: Any) -> Any:
# Extract the header and rows from the table
header = table["header"]
rows = table["rows"]
# Duplicate only the specified rows
duplicated_rows = []
for i, row in enumerate(rows):
if i in self.row_indices:
[row] * self.times
) # Duplicate the selected rows
duplicated_rows.append(row) # Leave other rows unchanged
# Return the new table with selectively duplicated rows
return {"header": header, "rows": duplicated_rows}
class DuplicateTableColumns(TypeDependentAugmentor):
"""Duplicates specific columns of a table for the given number of times.
column_indices (List[int]): columns to be duplicated
times(int): each column to be duplicated is to show that many times
augmented_type = Table
column_indices: List[int] = []
times: int = 1
def process_value(self, table: Any) -> Any:
# Extract the header and rows from the table
header = table["header"]
rows = table["rows"]
# Duplicate the specified columns in the header
duplicated_header = []
for i, col in enumerate(header):
if i in self.column_indices:
duplicated_header.extend([col] * self.times)
# Duplicate the specified columns in each row
duplicated_rows = []
for row in rows:
new_row = []
for i, value in enumerate(row):
if i in self.column_indices:
new_row.extend([value] * self.times)
# Return the new table with selectively duplicated columns
return {"header": duplicated_header, "rows": duplicated_rows}
class InsertEmptyTableRows(TypeDependentAugmentor):
"""Inserts empty rows in a table randomly for the given number of times.
times(int) - how many times to insert
augmented_type = Table
times: int = 0
def process_value(self, table: Any) -> Any:
# Extract the header and rows from the table
header = table["header"]
rows = table["rows"]
# Insert empty rows at random positions
for _ in range(self.times):
empty_row = [""] * len(
) # Create an empty row with the same number of columns
insert_pos = random.randint(
0, len(rows)
) # Get a random position to insert the empty row created
rows.insert(insert_pos, empty_row)
# Return the modified table
return {"header": header, "rows": rows}
class MaskColumnsNames(TypeDependentAugmentor):
"""Mask the names of tables columns with dummies "Col1", "Col2" etc."""
augmented_type = Table
def process_value(self, table: Any) -> Any:
masked_header = ["Col" + str(ind + 1) for ind in range(len(table["header"]))]
return {"header": masked_header, "rows": table["rows"]}
class ShuffleColumnsNames(TypeDependentAugmentor):
"""Shuffle table columns names to be displayed in random order."""
augmented_type = Table
def process_value(self, table: Any) -> Any:
shuffled_header = table["header"]
return {"header": shuffled_header, "rows": table["rows"]}
class JsonStrToListOfKeyValuePairs(FieldOperator):
def process_value(self, text: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
text = text.replace("null", "None")
dict_value = ast.literal_eval(text)
except Exception as e:
f"Unable to convert input text to json format in JsonStrToListOfKeyValuePairs due to {e}. Text: {text}"
dict_value = {}
return [
(str(key), str(value))
for key, value in dict_value.items()
if value is not None