import difflib import inspect import json import os import pkgutil from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from copy import deepcopy from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union, final from .dataclass import Dataclass, Field, asdict, fields from .text_utils import camel_to_snake_case, is_camel_case from .type_utils import issubtype class Artifactories(object): def __new__(cls): if not hasattr(cls, "instance"): cls.instance = super(Artifactories, cls).__new__(cls) cls.instance.artifactories = [] return cls.instance def __iter__(self): return iter(self.artifactories) def __next__(self): return next(self.artifactories) def register_atrifactory(self, artifactory): assert isinstance(artifactory, Artifactory), "Artifactory must be an instance of Artifactory" assert hasattr(artifactory, "__contains__"), "Artifactory must have __contains__ method" assert hasattr(artifactory, "__getitem__"), "Artifactory must have __getitem__ method" self.artifactories = [artifactory] + self.artifactories def map_values_in_place(object, mapper): if isinstance(object, dict): for key, value in object.items(): object[key] = mapper(value) return object if isinstance(object, list): for i in range(len(object)): object[i] = mapper(object[i]) return object return mapper(object) def get_closest_artifact_type(type): artifact_type_options = list(Artifact._class_register.keys()) matches = difflib.get_close_matches(type, artifact_type_options) if matches: return matches[0] # Return the closest match return None class UnrecognizedArtifactType(ValueError): def __init__(self, type) -> None: closest_artifact_type = get_closest_artifact_type(type) message = ( f"'{type}' is not a recognized value for 'type' parameter." "\n\n" f"Did you mean '{closest_artifact_type}'?" ) super().__init__(message) class MissingArtifactType(ValueError): def __init__(self, dic) -> None: message = f"Missing 'type' parameter. Expected 'type' in artifact dict, got {dic}" super().__init__(message) class Artifact(Dataclass): type: str = Field(default=None, final=True, init=False) _class_register = {} @classmethod def is_artifact_dict(cls, d): return isinstance(d, dict) and "type" in d and d["type"] in cls._class_register @classmethod def verify_is_artifact_dict(cls, d): if not isinstance(d, dict): raise ValueError(f"Artifact dict <{d}> must be of type 'dict', got '{type(d)}'.") if "type" not in d: raise MissingArtifactType(d) if d["type"] not in cls._class_register: raise UnrecognizedArtifactType(d["type"]) @classmethod def get_artifact_type(cls): return camel_to_snake_case(cls.__name__) @classmethod def register_class(cls, artifact_class): assert issubclass( artifact_class, Artifact ), f"Artifact class must be a subclass of Artifact, got {artifact_class}" assert is_camel_case( artifact_class.__name__ ), f"Artifact class name must be legal camel case, got {artifact_class.__name__}" snake_case_key = camel_to_snake_case(artifact_class.__name__) if snake_case_key in cls._class_register: assert ( cls._class_register[snake_case_key] == artifact_class ), f"Artifact class name must be unique, {snake_case_key} already exists for {cls._class_register[snake_case_key]}" return snake_case_key cls._class_register[snake_case_key] = artifact_class return snake_case_key @classmethod def is_artifact_file(cls, path): if not os.path.exists(path) or not os.path.isfile(path): return False with open(path, "r") as f: d = json.load(f) return cls.is_artifact_dict(d) @classmethod def _recursive_load(cls, d): if isinstance(d, dict): new_d = {} for key, value in d.items(): new_d[key] = cls._recursive_load(value) d = new_d elif isinstance(d, list): d = [cls._recursive_load(value) for value in d] else: pass if cls.is_artifact_dict(d): instance = cls._class_register[d.pop("type")](**d) return instance else: return d @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): cls.verify_is_artifact_dict(d) return cls._recursive_load(d) @classmethod def load(cls, path): try: with open(path, "r") as f: d = json.load(f) assert "type" in d, "Saved artifact must have a type field" return cls._recursive_load(d) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"{e}\n\nFailed to load artifact from {path} see above for more details.") def prepare(self): pass def verify(self): pass @final def __pre_init__(self, **kwargs): self._init_dict = deepcopy(kwargs) @final def __post_init__(self): self.type = self.register_class(self.__class__) for field in fields(self): if issubtype(field.type, Union[Artifact, List[Artifact], Dict[str, Artifact]]): value = getattr(self, value = map_values_in_place(value, maybe_recover_artifact) setattr(self,, value) self.prepare() self.verify() def _to_raw_dict(self): return {"type": self.type, **self._init_dict} def save(self, path): with open(path, "w") as f: init_dict = self.to_dict() json.dump(init_dict, f, indent=4) class ArtifactList(list, Artifact): def prepare(self): for artifact in self: artifact.prepare() class Artifactory(Artifact): @abstractmethod def __contains__(self, name: str) -> bool: pass @abstractmethod def __getitem__(self, name) -> Artifact: pass class UnitxtArtifactNotFoundError(Exception): def __init__(self, name, artifactories): = name self.artifactories = artifactories def __str__(self): return f"Artifact {} does not exist, in artifactories:{self.artifactories}" def fetch_artifact(name): if Artifact.is_artifact_file(name): return Artifact.load(name), None else: for artifactory in Artifactories(): if name in artifactory: return artifactory[name], artifactory raise UnitxtArtifactNotFoundError(name, Artifactories().artifactories) def verbosed_fetch_artifact(identifer): artifact, artifactory = fetch_artifact(identifer) print(f"Artifact {identifer} is fetched from {artifactory}") return artifact def maybe_recover_artifact(artifact): if isinstance(artifact, str): return verbosed_fetch_artifact(artifact) else: return artifact def register_all_artifacts(path): for loader, module_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path): print(__name__) if module_name == __name__: continue print(f"Loading {module_name}") # Import the module module = loader.find_module(module_name).load_module(module_name) # Iterate over every object in the module for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(module): # Make sure the object is a class if inspect.isclass(obj): # Make sure the class is a subclass of Artifact (but not Artifact itself) if issubclass(obj, Artifact) and obj is not Artifact: print(obj)