How to setup this codebase? =========================== .. raw:: html
This codebase requires Python 3.6+ or higher. We recommend using Anaconda or Miniconda. We walk through installation and data preprocessing here. Install Dependencies -------------------- For these steps to install through Anaconda (or Miniconda). 1. Install Anaconda or Miniconda distribution based on Python 3+ from their `downloads site `_. 2. Clone the repository first. .. code-block:: shell git clone 3. Create a conda environment and install all the dependencies. .. code-block:: shell cd virtex conda create -n virtex python=3.6 conda activate virtex pip install -r requirements.txt 4. Install this codebase as a package in development version. .. code-block:: shell python develop Now you can ``import virtex`` from anywhere as long as you have this conda environment activated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup Datasets -------------- Datasets are assumed to exist in ``./datasets`` directory (relative to the project root) following the structure specified below. COCO is used for pretraining, and rest of the datasets (including COCO) are used for downstream tasks. This structure is compatible when using `Detectron2 `_ for downstream tasks. COCO ^^^^ .. code-block:: datasets/coco/ annotations/ captions_{train,val}2017.json instances_{train,val}2017.json train2017/ # images in train2017 split val2017/ # images in val2017 split LVIS ^^^^ .. code-block:: datasets/coco/ train2017/ val2017/ datasets/lvis/ lvis_v1.0_{train,val}.json PASCAL VOC ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: datasets/VOC2007/ Annotations/ ImageSets/ Main/ trainval.txt test.txt JPEGImages/ datasets/VOC2012/ # Same as VOC2007 above ImageNet ^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: datasets/imagenet/ train/ # One directory per category with images in it val/ # One directory per category with images in it ILSVRC2012_devkit_t12.tar.gz iNaturalist 2018 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: datasets/inaturalist/ train_val2018/ annotations/ train2018.json val2018.json ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preprocess Data --------------- 1. Build a vocabulary out of COCO Captions ``train2017`` split. .. code-block:: shell python scripts/preprocess/ \ --captions datasets/coco/annotations/captions_train2017.json \ --vocab-size 10000 \ --output-prefix datasets/vocab/coco_10k \ --do-lower-case 2. Serialize COCO Captions (``train2017`` and ``val2017`` splits) into LMDB files. These are faster for data reading during pretraining. .. code-block:: shell python scripts/preprocess/ \ --data-root datasets/coco \ --split train \ --output datasets/coco/serialized_train.lmdb .. code-block:: shell python scripts/preprocess/ \ --data-root datasets/coco \ --split val \ --output datasets/coco/serialized_val.lmdb That's it! You are all set to use this codebase.