import argparse import json import os import tempfile import unicodedata from typing import List import sentencepiece as sp # fmt: off parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="""Build a vocabulary out of captions corpus. This vocabulary would be a file which our tokenizer can understand. """ ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--captions", default="datasets/coco/annotations/captions_train2017.json", help="Path to caption annotations file in COCO format.", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--vocab-size", type=int, default=10000, help="Total desired size of our vocabulary.", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output-prefix", default="datasets/vocab/coco_10k", help="Prefix of the files to be saved. Two files will be saved: " "[prefix].model and [prefix].vocab", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--do-lower-case", action="store_true", help="Whether to lower case the captions before forming vocabulary.", ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--keep-accents", action="store_true", help="Whether to keep accents before forming vocabulary (dropped by default).", ) # fmt: on def _read_captions(annotations_path: str) -> List[str]: r""" Given a path to annotation file, read it and return a list of captions. These are not processed by any means, returned from the file as-is. Parameters ---------- annotations_path: str Path to an annotations file containing captions. Returns ------- List[str] List of captions from this annotation file. """ _annotations = json.load(open(annotations_path)) captions: List[str] = [] for ann in _annotations["annotations"]: captions.append(ann["caption"]) return captions if __name__ == "__main__": _A = parser.parse_args() captions: List[str] = _read_captions(_A.captions) # Lower case the captions and remove accents according to arguments. for i, caption in enumerate(captions): caption = caption.lower() if _A.do_lower_case else caption if not _A.keep_accents: caption = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", caption) caption = "".join( [chr for chr in caption if not unicodedata.combining(chr)] ) captions[i] = caption # Create a temporary directory and dump the captions corpus as a text file # with one caption per line. That's how sentencepiece wants its input. tmpdir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() with open(os.path.join(tmpdir_path, "captions.txt"), "w") as captions_file: for caption in captions: captions_file.write(caption + "\n") # Padding/out-of-vocab token will be "" and ID 0 by default. # Add [SOS],[EOS] and [MASK] tokens. [MASK] will not be used during # captioning, but good to have to reuse vocabulary across pretext tasks. sp.SentencePieceTrainer.train( f" --input={os.path.join(tmpdir_path, 'captions.txt')}" f" --vocab_size={_A.vocab_size}" f" --model_prefix={_A.output_prefix}" " --model_type=bpe --character_coverage=1.0" " --bos_id=-1 --eos_id=-1" " --control_symbols=[SOS],[EOS],[MASK]" )