How to train your VirTex model? =============================== We provide training scripts for all type of VirTex models from the paper; including our best-performing model and other ablations. Our training jobs are specified by config files (YAML). Execute all commands from project root to use the provided config files. Training the base VirTex model ------------------------------ Train the base VirTex model with ResNet-50 visual backbone; and a textual head with ``L = 1, H = 1024`` using all default optimization hyperparameters. .. code-block:: python scripts/ \ --config configs/_base_bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H1024.yaml \ --num-gpus-per-machine 8 \ --cpu-workers 4 \ --serialization-dir /tmp/VIRTEX_R_50_L1_H1024 # Default: --checkpoint-every 2000 --log-every 20 Training job will save checkpoints, tensorboard logs (loss curves and metrics), and back up the config in ``--serialization-dir``. Use ``tensorboard --logdir `` to view training curves, validation metrics etc. directly on tensorboard. We recommend training with 8 GPUs on the same machine, although training with multiple GPUs across machines (see: ``--num-machines`` and ``--machine-rank``), single GPU (``--num-gpus-per-machine 1``) as well as CPU (``--num-gpus-per-machine 0``) is also supported. Using multiple GPUs for interactive debugging with PDB is not supported, as PDB and ``multiprocessing`` module do not play nice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reproducing all VirTex ablations -------------------------------- To reproduce all ablations from the `paper `_, replace the ``--config`` argument in above command with the following (all assumed to be relative to project root): Pretraining Task Ablations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. **Bicaptioning:** configs/task_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H2048.yaml 2. **Forward Captioning:** configs/task_ablations/captioning_R_50_L1_H2048.yaml 3. **Token Classification:** configs/task_ablations/token_classification_R_50.yaml 4. **Multilabel Classification:** configs/task_ablations/multilabel_classification_R_50.yaml 5. **Masked Language Modeling:** configs/task_ablations/masked_lm_R_50_L1_H2048.yaml Transformer Size Ablations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. **Width (H = 512):** configs/width_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H512.yaml 2. **Width (H = 768):** configs/width_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H768.yaml 3. **Width (H = 1024):** configs/width_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H1024.yaml 4. **Width (H = 2048):** configs/width_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H2048.yaml 5. **Depth (L = 1):** configs/depth_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H1024.yaml 6. **Depth (L = 2):** configs/depth_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L2_H1024.yaml 7. **Depth (L = 3):** configs/depth_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L3_H1024.yaml 8. **Depth (L = 4):** configs/depth_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L4_H1024.yaml Backbone Ablations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. **ResNet-50:** configs/backbone_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H1024.yaml 2. **ResNet-50 w2x:** configs/backbone_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50W2X_L1_H1024.yaml 3. **ResNet-101:** configs/backbone_ablations/bicaptioning_R_101_L1_H1024.yaml .. note:: **Pretraining Task Ablations** (1), **Transformer Size Ablations** (3 and 5) and **Backbone Ablations** (1) are all the same exact model. Data Efficiency Experiments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These are VirTex models trained on a subset of COCO Captions dataset. For example, train a base VirTex model on randomly selected ``50%`` of COCO Captions: .. code-block:: python scripts/ \ --config configs/_base_bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H1024.yaml \ --config-override DATA.USE_PERCENTAGE 50.0 \ --num-gpus-per-machine 8 \ --cpu-workers 4 \ --serialization-dir /tmp/VIRTEX_R_50_L1_H1024_PERCENT_50 # Default: --checkpoint-every 2000 --log-every 20 COCO Captions provides five captions per image. To train with one fixed caption per image, add ``DATA.USE_SINGLE_CAPTION True`` in ``--config-override``. The randomly selected subset is deterministic across runs based on random seed (``RANDOM_SEED`` in config). When training on less than ``50%`` dataset size, we recommend using multiple random seeds (results will have a variance of ``±1%``).