import copy import pathlib from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from loguru import logger import torch from torch import nn import virtex.utils.distributed as dist class CheckpointManager(object): r""" A helper class to periodically serialize models and other checkpointable objects (optimizers, LR schedulers etc., which implement ``state_dict`` method) during training, and optionally record best performing checkpoint based on an observed metric. .. note:: For :class:`~torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel` objects, ``state_dict`` of internal model is serialized. .. note:: The observed metric for keeping best checkpoint is assumed "higher is better", flip the sign if otherwise. Parameters ---------- serialization_dir: str Path to a directory to save checkpoints. keep_recent: int, optional (default = 100) Number of recent ``k`` checkpoints to keep on disk. Older checkpoints will be removed. Set to a very large value for keeping all checkpoints. checkpointables: Any Keyword arguments with any checkpointable objects, for example: model, optimizer, learning rate scheduler. Examples -------- >>> model = torch.nn.Linear(10, 2) >>> optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters()) >>> ckpt_manager = CheckpointManager("/tmp", model=model, optimizer=optimizer) >>> num_epochs = 20 >>> for epoch in range(num_epochs): ... train(model) ... val_loss = validate(model) ... ckpt_manager.step(- val_loss, epoch) """ def __init__( self, serialization_dir: str = "/tmp", keep_recent: int = 200, **checkpointables: Any, ): self.serialization_dir = pathlib.Path(serialization_dir) self.keep_recent = keep_recent # Shallow copy, keeps references to tensors as original objects. self.checkpointables = copy.copy(checkpointables) # Initialize members to hold state dict of best checkpoint and its # performance. self._best_metric: float = -1e-12 self._best_ckpt: Dict[str, Any] = {} # Keep epoch/iteration numbers of recently saved 'k' checkpoints. self._recent_iterations: List[int] = [] def step(self, iteration: int, metric: Optional[float] = None): r""" Serialize checkpoint and update best checkpoint based on metric. Keys in serialized checkpoint match those in :attr:`checkpointables`. Parameters ---------- iteration: int Current training iteration. Will be saved with other checkpointables. metric: float, optional (default = None) Observed metric (higher is better) for keeping track of best checkpoint. If this is ``None``, best chckpoint will not be recorded/updated. """ checkpointable_state_dict: Dict[str, Any] = self._state_dict() # We also checkpoint current iteration. checkpointable_state_dict["iteration"] = iteration # Update the best checkpoint based on metric, if provided. if metric is not None and metric > self._best_metric: self._best_metric = metric self._best_ckpt = copy.copy(checkpointable_state_dict) # Serialize checkpoint corresponding to current iteration. checkpointable_state_dict, self.serialization_dir / f"checkpoint_{iteration}.pth", ) if self._best_metric != -1e-12: # Serialize best performing checkpoint observed so far. self._best_ckpt, self.serialization_dir / "checkpoint_best.pth" ) # Remove earliest checkpoint if there are more on disk. self._recent_iterations.append(iteration) if len(self._recent_iterations) > self.keep_recent: self.remove_earliest_checkpoint() def _state_dict(self): r"""Return a dict containing state dict of all checkpointables.""" __state_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} for key in self.checkpointables: if isinstance( self.checkpointables[key], nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel ): __state_dict[key] = self.checkpointables[key].module.state_dict() else: __state_dict[key] = self.checkpointables[key].state_dict() return __state_dict def remove_earliest_checkpoint(self): r"""Remove earliest serialized checkpoint from disk.""" earliest_iteration = self._recent_iterations.pop(0) (self.serialization_dir / f"checkpoint_{earliest_iteration}.pth").unlink() def load(self, checkpoint_path: str): r""" Load a serialized checkpoint from a path. This method will try to find each of :attr:`checkpointables` in the file and load its state dict. Since our checkpointables are held as references, this method does not return them. Parameters ---------- checkpoint_path: str Path to a checkpoint serialized by :meth:`step`. Returns ------- int Iteration corresponding to the loaded checkpoint. Useful for resuming training. This will be -1 in case of best checkpoint, or if info does not exist. """ # Each process will log a message after loading checkpoint. rank = dist.get_rank()"Rank {rank}: Loading checkpoint from {checkpoint_path}") checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location="cpu") iteration = checkpoint.pop("iteration", -1) # Keep flags of all checkpointables to lo which ones were not loaded. is_loaded = {key: False for key in self.checkpointables} # Load each checkpointable from checkpoint. for key in checkpoint: if key in self.checkpointables:"Rank {rank}: Loading {key} from {checkpoint_path}") if isinstance( self.checkpointables[key], nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel ): self.checkpointables[key].module.load_state_dict(checkpoint[key]) else: self.checkpointables[key].load_state_dict(checkpoint[key]) is_loaded[key] = True else:"Rank {rank}: {key} not found in `checkpointables`.") not_loaded: List[str] = [key for key in is_loaded if not is_loaded[key]] if len(not_loaded) > 0: f"Rank {rank}: Checkpointables not found in file: {not_loaded}" ) return iteration