import copy import functools from typing import Any, Dict import torch from torch import nn from import SentencePieceBPETokenizer from virtex.modules.label_smoothing import CrossEntropyLossWithLabelSmoothing from virtex.modules.textual_heads import TextualHead from virtex.modules.visual_backbones import VisualBackbone class CaptioningModel(nn.Module): r""" A model to perform image captioning (in both forward and backward directions independently, only in forward direction). It is composed of a :class:`~virtex.modules.visual_backbones.VisualBackbone` and a :class:`~virtex.modules.textual_heads.TextualHead` on top of it. During training, it maximizes the likelihood of ground truth caption conditioned on image features. During inference, it predicts a caption for an input image through beam search decoding. Parameters ---------- visual: virtex.modules.visual_backbones.VisualBackbone A :class:`~virtex.modules.visual_backbones.VisualBackbone` which computes visual features from an input image. textual: virtex.modules.textual_heads.TextualHead A :class:`~virtex.modules.textual_heads.TextualHead` which makes final predictions conditioned on visual features. sos_index: int, optional (default = 1) The index of the end token (``[SOS]``) in vocabulary. eos_index: int, optional (default = 2) The index of the end token (``[EOS]``) in vocabulary. caption_backward: bool, optional (default = False) Whether to *also* perform captioning in backward direction. Default is ``False`` -- only forward captioning is performed. When ``True``, a clone of textual head is created, which does not share weights with "forward" model except input and output embeddings. decoder: Any, optional (default = None) An instance of :class:`~virtex.utils.beam_search.AutoRegressiveBeamSearch` or :class:`~virtex.utils.nucleus_sampling.AutoRegressiveNucleusSampling` for decoding captions during inference (unused during training). """ def __init__( self, visual: VisualBackbone, textual: TextualHead, caption_backward: bool = False, sos_index: int = 1, eos_index: int = 2, label_smoothing: float = 0.0, decoder: Any = None, ): super().__init__() self.visual = visual self.textual = textual self.padding_idx = self.textual.padding_idx self.caption_backward = caption_backward # Clone the textual module for backward direction if doing captioning # in both directions (separately). if self.caption_backward: self.backward_textual = copy.deepcopy(self.textual) # Share weights for visual projection, and input/output embeddings. self.backward_textual.visual_projection = self.textual.visual_projection self.backward_textual.embedding = self.textual.embedding self.backward_textual.output = self.textual.output # These boundary indices are needed for beam search. self.sos_index = sos_index self.eos_index = eos_index self.decoder = decoder self.loss = CrossEntropyLossWithLabelSmoothing( label_smoothing, ignore_index=self.padding_idx ) def forward(self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, Any]: r""" Given a batch of images and captions, compute log likelihood loss per caption token during training. During inference (with images), predict a caption through either beam search decoding or nucleus sampling. Parameters ---------- batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] Training or inference batch. During training, a batch would at least contain keys ``{"image", "caption_tokens", "caption_lengths"}`` and also ``"noitpac_tokens"`` for bicaptioning. During inference, a batch would contain key ``{"image"}`` and optionally ``"decode_prompt"`` as a partial sequence for decoding. Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] A dict with the following structure, containing loss for optimization, loss components to log directly to tensorboard, and optionally predictions. .. code-block:: { "loss": torch.Tensor, "loss_components": { "captioning_forward": torch.Tensor, "captioning_backward": torch.Tensor, (optional) }, "predictions": torch.Tensor } """ # shape: (batch_size, channels, height, width) visual_features = self.visual(batch["image"]) batch_size = visual_features.size(0) if "caption_tokens" in batch: caption_tokens = batch["caption_tokens"] caption_lengths = batch["caption_lengths"] # shape: (batch_size, max_caption_length, vocab_size) output_logits = self.textual( visual_features, caption_tokens, caption_lengths ) loss = self.loss( output_logits[:, :-1].contiguous().view(-1, self.textual.vocab_size), caption_tokens[:, 1:].contiguous().view(-1), ) output_dict: Dict[str, Any] = { "loss": loss, # Single scalar per batch for logging in training script. "loss_components": {"captioning_forward": loss.clone().detach()}, } # Do captioning in backward direction if specified. if self.caption_backward: backward_caption_tokens = batch["noitpac_tokens"] backward_output_logits = self.backward_textual( visual_features, backward_caption_tokens, caption_lengths ) backward_loss = self.loss( backward_output_logits[:, :-1] .contiguous() .view(-1, self.textual.vocab_size), backward_caption_tokens[:, 1:].contiguous().view(-1), ) output_dict["loss"] += backward_loss # Single scalar per batch for logging in training script. output_dict["loss_components"].update( captioning_backward=backward_loss.clone().detach() ) if not # During validation (while pretraining), get best prediction # at every timestep. output_dict["predictions"] = torch.argmax(output_logits, dim=-1) else: if self.decoder is None: raise ValueError("Decoder for predicting captions is missing!") # During inference, decode captions from forward transformer model. # Check if the batch contains decoding prompt. if "decode_prompt" in batch: # shape: (batch_size, prompt_length) start_predictions = torch.unsqueeze(batch["decode_prompt"], 0) start_predictions = start_predictions.repeat(batch_size, 1) else: # shape: (batch_size, ) start_predictions = torch.full( (batch_size,), self.sos_index, device=visual_features.device ).long() # Add image features as a default argument to match callable # signature accepted by beam search class (partial captions only). decoding_step = functools.partial(self.decoding_step, visual_features) predicted_caption, _ = start_predictions, decoding_step ) output_dict = {"predictions": predicted_caption} return output_dict def decoding_step( self, visual_features: torch.Tensor, partial_captions: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Given visual features and a batch of (assumed) partial captions, predict the logits over output vocabulary tokens for next timestep. This method is used by :class:`~virtex.utils.beam_search.AutoRegressiveBeamSearch` and :class:`~virtex.utils.nucleus_sampling.AutoRegressiveNucleusSampling`. .. note:: For nucleus sampling, ``beam_size`` will always be 1 (not relevant). Parameters ---------- projected_visual_features: torch.Tensor A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, ..., textual_feature_size)`` with visual features already projected to ``textual_feature_size``. partial_captions: torch.Tensor A tensor of shape ``(batch_size * beam_size, timesteps)`` containing tokens predicted so far -- one for each beam. We need all prior predictions because our model is auto-regressive. Returns ------- torch.Tensor A tensor of shape ``(batch_size * beam_size, vocab_size)`` -- logits over output vocabulary tokens for next timestep. """ # Expand and repeat image features while doing beam search. batch_size, channels, height, width = visual_features.size() beam_size = int(partial_captions.size(0) / batch_size) if beam_size > 1: # shape: (batch_size * beam_size, channels, height, width) visual_features = visual_features.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, beam_size, 1, 1, 1) visual_features = visual_features.view( batch_size * beam_size, channels, height, width ) # Provide caption lengths as current length (irrespective of predicted # EOS/padding tokens). shape: (batch_size, ) caption_lengths = torch.ones_like(partial_captions) if len(caption_lengths.size()) == 2: caption_lengths = caption_lengths.sum(1) else: # Add a timestep. shape: (batch_size, 1) partial_captions = partial_captions.unsqueeze(1) # shape: (batch_size * beam_size, partial_caption_length, vocab_size) logits = self.textual(visual_features, partial_captions, caption_lengths) # Return logits from the last timestep. return logits[:, -1, :] def log_predictions( self, batch: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], tokenizer: SentencePieceBPETokenizer ) -> str: self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): predictions = self.forward(batch)["predictions"] self.train() predictions_str = "" for tokens, preds in zip(batch["caption_tokens"], predictions): predictions_str += f""" Caption tokens : {" ".join(tokens.tolist())} Predictions (f): {" ".join(preds.tolist())} """ return predictions_str class ForwardCaptioningModel(CaptioningModel): r""" Convenient extension of :class:`~virtex.models.captioning.CaptioningModel` for better readability: this passes ``caption_backward=False`` to super class. """ def __init__( self, visual: VisualBackbone, textual: TextualHead, sos_index: int = 1, eos_index: int = 2, label_smoothing: float = 0.0, decoder: Any = None, ): super().__init__( visual, textual, sos_index=sos_index, eos_index=eos_index, caption_backward=False, label_smoothing=label_smoothing, decoder=decoder, ) class BidirectionalCaptioningModel(CaptioningModel): r""" Convenient extension of :class:`~virtex.models.captioning.CaptioningModel` for better readability: this passes ``caption_backward=True`` to super class. """ def __init__( self, visual: VisualBackbone, textual: TextualHead, sos_index: int = 1, eos_index: int = 2, label_smoothing: float = 0.0, decoder: Any = None, ): super().__init__( visual, textual, sos_index=sos_index, eos_index=eos_index, caption_backward=True, label_smoothing=label_smoothing, decoder=decoder, ) # Convenient handle for our main model. VirTexModel = BidirectionalCaptioningModel