import random from typing import List import unicodedata import albumentations as alb import cv2 from import SentencePieceBPETokenizer class CaptionOnlyTransform(alb.BasicTransform): r""" A base class for custom `albumentations `_ transform, which can transform captions. Captions may be ``str``, or tokens (``List[int]``) as per implementation of :meth:`apply_to_caption`. These transforms will have consistent API as other transforms from albumentations. """ @property def targets(self): return {"caption": self.apply_to_caption} def apply_to_caption(self, caption, **params): raise NotImplementedError def update_params(self, params, **kwargs): # Super class adds "width" and "height" but we don't have image here. return params class ImageCaptionTransform(alb.BasicTransform): r""" Similar to :class:``, this extends super class to work on ``(image, caption)`` pair together. """ @property def targets(self): return {"image": self.apply, "caption": self.apply_to_caption} def apply_to_caption(self): raise NotImplementedError class NormalizeCaption(CaptionOnlyTransform): r""" Perform common normalization with caption: lowercase, trim leading and trailing whitespaces, NFKD normalization and strip accents. Examples -------- >>> normalize = NormalizeCaption(always_apply=True) >>> out = normalize(caption="Some caption input here.") # keys: {"caption"} """ def __init__(self): # `always_apply = True` because this is essential part of pipeline. super().__init__(always_apply=True) def apply_to_caption(self, caption: str, **params) -> str: caption = caption.lower() caption = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", caption) caption = "".join([chr for chr in caption if not unicodedata.combining(chr)]) return caption class TokenizeCaption(CaptionOnlyTransform): r""" Tokenize a caption (``str``) to list of tokens (``List[int]``) by the mapping defined in :attr:`tokenizer`. Parameters ---------- tokenizer: A :class:`` which encodes a caption into tokens. add_boundaries: bool, optional (defalult = True) Whether to add ``[SOS]`` and ``[EOS]`` boundary tokens from tokenizer. Examples -------- >>> tokenizer = SentencePieceBPETokenizer("coco.vocab", "coco.model") >>> tokenize = TokenizeCaption(tokenizer, always_apply=True) >>> out = tokenize(caption="Some caption input here.") # keys: {"caption"} """ def __init__(self, tokenizer: SentencePieceBPETokenizer): # `always_apply = True` because this is essential part of pipeline. super().__init__(always_apply=True) self.tokenizer = tokenizer def apply_to_caption(self, caption: str, **params) -> List[int]: token_indices: List[int] = self.tokenizer.encode(caption) # Add boundary tokens. token_indices.insert(0, self.tokenizer.token_to_id("[SOS]")) token_indices.append(self.tokenizer.token_to_id("[EOS]")) return token_indices def get_transform_init_args_names(self): return ("tokenizer",) class TruncateCaptionTokens(CaptionOnlyTransform): r""" Truncate a list of caption tokens (``List[int]``) to maximum length. Parameters ---------- max_caption_length: int, optional (default = 30) Maximum number of tokens to keep in output caption tokens. Extra tokens will be trimmed from the right end of the token list. Examples -------- >>> truncate = TruncateCaptionTokens(max_caption_length=5, always_apply=True) >>> out = truncate(caption=[2, 35, 41, 67, 98, 50, 3]) >>> out["caption"] [2, 35, 41, 67, 98] """ def __init__(self, max_caption_length: int = 30): # `always_apply = True` because this is essential part of pipeline. super().__init__(always_apply=True) self.max_caption_length = max_caption_length def apply_to_caption(self, caption: List[int], **params) -> List[int]: return caption[: self.max_caption_length] def get_transform_init_args_names(self): return ("max_caption_length",) class HorizontalFlip(ImageCaptionTransform): r""" Flip the image horizontally randomly (equally likely) and replace the word "left" with "right" in the caption. .. note:: This transform can also work on images only (without the captions). Its behavior will be same as albumentations :class:`~albumentations.augmentations.transforms.HorizontalFlip`. Examples -------- >>> flip = HorizontalFlip(p=0.5) >>> out1 = flip(image=image, caption=caption) # keys: {"image", "caption"} >>> # Also works with images (without caption). >>> out2 = flip(image=image) # keys: {"image"} """ def apply(self, img, **params): return cv2.flip(img, 1) def apply_to_caption(self, caption, **params): caption = ( caption.replace("left", "[TMP]") .replace("right", "left") .replace("[TMP]", "right") ) return caption class RandomResizedSquareCrop(alb.RandomResizedCrop): r""" A variant of :class:`albumentations.augmentations.transforms.RandomResizedCrop` which assumes a square crop (width = height). Everything else is same. Parameters ---------- size: int Dimension of the width and height of the cropped image. """ def __init__(self, size: int, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(height=size, width=size, *args, **kwargs) class CenterSquareCrop(alb.CenterCrop): r""" A variant of :class:`albumentations.augmentations.transforms.CenterCrop` which assumes a square crop (width = height). Everything else is same. Parameters ---------- size: int Dimension of the width and height of the cropped image. """ def __init__(self, size: int, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(height=size, width=size, *args, **kwargs) class SquareResize(alb.Resize): r""" A variant of :class:`albumentations.augmentations.transforms.Resize` which assumes a square resize (width = height). Everything else is same. Parameters ---------- size: int Dimension of the width and height of the resized image. """ def __init__(self, size: int, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(height=size, width=size, *args, **kwargs) # ============================================================================= # SOME COMMON CONSTANTS AND IMAGE TRANSFORMS: # These serve as references here, and are used as default params in many # dataset class constructors. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGENET_COLOR_MEAN = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406) r"""ImageNet color normalization mean in RGB format (values in 0-1).""" IMAGENET_COLOR_STD = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225) r"""ImageNet color normalization std in RGB format (values in 0-1).""" DEFAULT_IMAGE_TRANSFORM = alb.Compose( [ alb.SmallestMaxSize(256, p=1.0), CenterSquareCrop(224, p=1.0), alb.Normalize(mean=IMAGENET_COLOR_MEAN, std=IMAGENET_COLOR_STD, p=1.0), ] ) r"""Default transform without any data augmentation (during pretraining).""" # =============================================================================