import numpy as np from sklearn import svm def train_boundary(latent_codes, scores, chosen_num_or_ratio=0.02, split_ratio=0.7, invalid_value=None, logger=None, logger_name='train_boundary'): """Trains boundary in latent space with offline predicted attribute scores. Given a collection of latent codes and the attribute scores predicted from the corresponding images, this function will train a linear SVM by treating it as a bi-classification problem. Basically, the samples with highest attribute scores are treated as positive samples, while those with lowest scores as negative. For now, the latent code can ONLY be with 1 dimension. NOTE: The returned boundary is with shape (1, latent_space_dim), and also normalized with unit norm. Args: latent_codes: Input latent codes as training data. scores: Input attribute scores used to generate training labels. chosen_num_or_ratio: How many samples will be chosen as positive (negative) samples. If this field lies in range (0, 0.5], `chosen_num_or_ratio * latent_codes_num` will be used. Otherwise, `min(chosen_num_or_ratio, 0.5 * latent_codes_num)` will be used. (default: 0.02) split_ratio: Ratio to split training and validation sets. (default: 0.7) invalid_value: This field is used to filter out data. (default: None) logger: Logger for recording log messages. If set as `None`, a default logger, which prints messages from all levels to screen, will be created. (default: None) Returns: A decision boundary with type `numpy.ndarray`. Raises: ValueError: If the input `latent_codes` or `scores` are with invalid format. """ # if not logger: # logger = setup_logger(work_dir='', logger_name=logger_name) if (not isinstance(latent_codes, np.ndarray) or not len(latent_codes.shape) == 2): raise ValueError(f'Input `latent_codes` should be with type' f'`numpy.ndarray`, and shape [num_samples, ' f'latent_space_dim]!') num_samples = latent_codes.shape[0] latent_space_dim = latent_codes.shape[1] if (not isinstance(scores, np.ndarray) or not len(scores.shape) == 2 or not scores.shape[0] == num_samples or not scores.shape[1] == 1): raise ValueError(f'Input `scores` should be with type `numpy.ndarray`, and ' f'shape [num_samples, 1], where `num_samples` should be ' f'exactly same as that of input `latent_codes`!') if chosen_num_or_ratio <= 0: raise ValueError(f'Input `chosen_num_or_ratio` should be positive, ' f'but {chosen_num_or_ratio} received!') #'Filtering training data.') print('Filtering training data.') if invalid_value is not None: latent_codes = latent_codes[scores[:, 0] != invalid_value] scores = scores[scores[:, 0] != invalid_value] #'Sorting scores to get positive and negative samples.') print('Sorting scores to get positive and negative samples.') sorted_idx = np.argsort(scores, axis=0)[::-1, 0] latent_codes = latent_codes[sorted_idx] scores = scores[sorted_idx] num_samples = latent_codes.shape[0] if 0 < chosen_num_or_ratio <= 1: chosen_num = int(num_samples * chosen_num_or_ratio) else: chosen_num = int(chosen_num_or_ratio) chosen_num = min(chosen_num, num_samples // 2) #'Spliting training and validation sets:') print('Filtering training data.') train_num = int(chosen_num * split_ratio) val_num = chosen_num - train_num # Positive samples. positive_idx = np.arange(chosen_num) np.random.shuffle(positive_idx) positive_train = latent_codes[:chosen_num][positive_idx[:train_num]] positive_val = latent_codes[:chosen_num][positive_idx[train_num:]] # Negative samples. negative_idx = np.arange(chosen_num) np.random.shuffle(negative_idx) negative_train = latent_codes[-chosen_num:][negative_idx[:train_num]] negative_val = latent_codes[-chosen_num:][negative_idx[train_num:]] # Training set. train_data = np.concatenate([positive_train, negative_train], axis=0) train_label = np.concatenate([np.ones(train_num,, np.zeros(train_num,], axis=0) #' Training: {train_num} positive, {train_num} negative.') print(f' Training: {train_num} positive, {train_num} negative.') # Validation set. val_data = np.concatenate([positive_val, negative_val], axis=0) val_label = np.concatenate([np.ones(val_num,, np.zeros(val_num,], axis=0) #' Validation: {val_num} positive, {val_num} negative.') print(f' Validation: {val_num} positive, {val_num} negative.') # Remaining set. remaining_num = num_samples - chosen_num * 2 remaining_data = latent_codes[chosen_num:-chosen_num] remaining_scores = scores[chosen_num:-chosen_num] decision_value = (scores[0] + scores[-1]) / 2 remaining_label = np.ones(remaining_num, remaining_label[remaining_scores.ravel() < decision_value] = 0 remaining_positive_num = np.sum(remaining_label == 1) remaining_negative_num = np.sum(remaining_label == 0) #' Remaining: {remaining_positive_num} positive, ' # f'{remaining_negative_num} negative.') print(f' Remaining: {remaining_positive_num} positive, ' f'{remaining_negative_num} negative.') #'Training boundary.') print(f'Training boundary.') clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear') classifier =, train_label) #'Finish training.') print(f'Finish training.') if val_num: val_prediction = classifier.predict(val_data) correct_num = np.sum(val_label == val_prediction) #'Accuracy for validation set: ' # f'{correct_num} / {val_num * 2} = ' # f'{correct_num / (val_num * 2):.6f}') print(f'Accuracy for validation set: ' f'{correct_num} / {val_num * 2} = ' f'{correct_num / (val_num * 2):.6f}') vacc=correct_num/len(val_label) ''' if remaining_num: remaining_prediction = classifier.predict(remaining_data) correct_num = np.sum(remaining_label == remaining_prediction)'Accuracy for remaining set: ' f'{correct_num} / {remaining_num} = ' f'{correct_num / remaining_num:.6f}') ''' a = classifier.coef_.reshape(1, latent_space_dim).astype(np.float32) return a / np.linalg.norm(a),vacc