import gradio as gr import requests import json from numbers import Real builtin_pairs = [ ("Chat Examples", "dialogueExamples"), ("Chat History", "chatHistory"), ("World Info (after)", "worldInfoAfter"), ("World Info (before)", "worldInfoBefore"), ("Enhance Definitions", "enhanceDefinitions"), ("Char Description", "charDescription"), ("Char Personality", "charPersonality"), ("Scenario", "scenario"), ("Persona Description", "personaDescription"), ("JB", "jailbreak"), ("NSFW", "nsfw"), ("Main Prompt", "main"), ] builtin_prompts = [{ "name": x[0], "identifier": x[1], "system_prompt": True, "marker": True, } for x in builtin_pairs] # Not meant to 100% validate a preset. Just enough that the code # that renders it won't crash trying to access an invalid key. class Validator: def __init__(self, obj): self.valid = True self.obj = obj def try_validate_key(self, key, ty): if key not in self.obj: return False if not isinstance(self.obj[key], ty): return False return True def validate_key(self, key, ty): r = self.try_validate_key(key, ty) if not r: self.valid = False return r def validate_key_if_present(self, key, ty): if key in self.obj and not isinstance(self.obj[key], ty): self.valid = False def validate_keys_if_present(self, keys, ty): for k in keys: self.validate_key_if_present(k, ty) def validate_prompt(self): self.validate_key("identifier", bool) self.validate_key("name", str) self.validate_keys_if_present([ "injection_position", "injection_depth", ], int) self.validate_keys_if_present([ "role", "content", ], str) self.validate_keys_if_present([ "system_prompt", "marker", "forbid_overrides", ], bool) def validate_prompt_order(self): if not self.try_validate_key("character_id", str): self.validate_key("character_id", int) if self.validate_key("order", list): if not Validator.is_valid_prompt_order_list(self.obj["order"]): self.valid = False def validate_prompt_order_list(self): for s in self.obj: if not Validator.is_valid_ordering(s): self.valid = False def validate_ordering(self): self.validate_key("identifier", str) self.validate_key("enabled", bool) def validate_preset(self): self.validate_keys_if_present([ "impersonation_prompt", "new_chat_prompt", "new_group_chat_prompt", "new_example_chat_prompt", "continue_nudge_prompt", "wi_format", "scenario_format", "personality_format", "group_nudge_prompt", "assistant_prefill", "human_sysprompt_message", "continue_postfix", ], str) self.validate_keys_if_present([ "claude_use_sysprompt", "squash_system_messages", "continue_prefill", ], bool) self.validate_keys_if_present([ "temperature", "frequency_penalty", "presence_penalty", "count_penalty", "top_p", "top_k", "top_a", "min_p", "repetition_penalty", ], Real) self.validate_key_if_present("names_behavior", int) known_prompt_ids = set(x[1] for x in builtin_pairs) if self.validate_key("prompts", list): for prompt in self.obj["prompts"]: if not Validator.is_valid_prompt(prompt): continue known_prompt_ids.add(prompt["identifier"]) seen_cid0 = False if self.validate_key("prompt_order", list) and len(self.obj["prompt_order"]) > 0 and isinstance(self.obj["prompt_order"][0], dict): for order in self.obj["prompt_order"]: if Validator.is_valid_prompt_order(order) and order["character_id"] == 100001 and all(o["identifier"] in known_prompt_ids for o in order["order"]): seen_cid0 = True # if Validator.is_valid_prompt_order_list(self.obj["prompt_order"]) and all(lambda o: o["identifier"] in known_prompt_ids for o in self.obj["prompt_order"]): # seen_cid0 = True if not seen_cid0: self.valid = False @classmethod def is_valid_preset(cls, preset): v = cls(preset) v.validate_preset() return v.valid @classmethod def is_valid_prompt(cls, prompt): v = cls(prompt) v.validate_prompt() return v.valid @classmethod def is_valid_prompt_order(cls, prompt_order): v = cls(prompt_order) v.validate_prompt_order() return v.valid @classmethod def is_valid_prompt_order_list(cls, prompt_order_list): v = cls(prompt_order_list) v.validate_prompt_order_list() return v.valid @classmethod def is_valid_ordering(cls, ordering): v = cls(ordering) v.validate_ordering() return v.valid def maybe_convert_to_original_format(obj): if obj.get("version") != 1: return obj, False # Synthesize a traditional preset return { "prompts": obj["data"]["prompts"] + builtin_prompts, "prompt_order": [{ "character_id": 100001, "order": obj["data"]["prompt_order"], }] }, True CONVERT_MESSAGE = "This preset was converted from version 1 to the traditional format, there may be inconsistencies." def load_from_file(path): with open(path, "r") as f: try: obj = json.load(f) except Exception: raise gr.Error("File is not valid JSON") return None, True obj, modified = maybe_convert_to_original_format(obj) if not Validator.is_valid_preset(obj): raise gr.Error("File is not a valid preset") return None, True return gr.update(selected=1), obj, CONVERT_MESSAGE if modified else None def load_from_url(url): resp = requests.get(url) if not resp.ok: raise gr.Error("Failed to load URL") return None, True try: obj = json.loads(resp.text) except Exception: raise gr.Error("URL is not valid JSON") return None, True obj, modified = maybe_convert_to_original_format(obj) if not Validator.is_valid_preset(obj): raise gr.Error("URL is not a valid preset") return None, True return gr.update(selected=1), obj, CONVERT_MESSAGE if modified else None def render_prompt(prompt, enabled=True): with gr.Accordion(prompt["name"] + ("" if enabled else " (DISABLED)"), open=enabled or prompt.get("marker", False)): if prompt.get("marker", False): gr.Markdown(f"This is a marker ({prompt['identifier']})") else: gr.Markdown(f"Role: {prompt['role'] or 'system'}") if "injection_position" in prompt and prompt["injection_position"] == 1 and "injection_depth" in prompt: gr.Markdown(f"Injection depth: {prompt['injection_depth']} (absolute)") gr.Code(prompt["content"], container=False) with gr.Blocks() as demo: # preset_error = gr.State(False) preset = gr.State(None) load_extra = gr.State(None) gr.Markdown("# SillyTavern preset viewer") with gr.Tabs() as tabs: with gr.TabItem("Upload", id=0): file = gr.File(label="Upload a preset (.json)", file_types=[".json"]) file.upload(fn=load_from_file, inputs=[file], outputs=[tabs, preset, load_extra]) url_input = gr.Textbox(label="Enter a URL to a preset (.json) - press Enter to submit") url_input.submit(fn=load_from_url, inputs=[url_input], outputs=[tabs, preset, load_extra]) with gr.TabItem("Viewer", id=1): @gr.render(inputs=[preset, load_extra]) def render_preset(preset, load_extra): if preset is None: gr.Markdown("No preset loaded, enter a URL or upload a file") else: gr.Markdown("Preset loaded and validated") if load_extra is not None: gr.Markdown(load_extra) prompt_map = builtin_prompts.copy() prompt_map.update({p["identifier"]: p for p in preset["prompts"]}) gr.Markdown("# Preset") for order in (next(o for o in preset["prompt_order"] if o["character_id"] == 100001)["order"] if isinstance(preset["prompt_order"], list) else preset["prompt_order"]): prompt = prompt_map[order["identifier"]] render_prompt(prompt, order["enabled"]) gr.Markdown("# All prompts") with gr.Accordion("All prompts", open=False): for prompt in prompt_map.values(): render_prompt(prompt) demo.launch()