import sys import os # This means you will use the first GPU among the four GPUs in our case. # "0", "1", "2", "3". Since FT dataset is small, using one GPU should be proper. os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]= "0" import torch import numpy as np import pandas as pd import warnings import lightning as L torch.set_float32_matmul_precision('high') # Filter out FutureWarning and UnderReviewWarning messages from pl_bolts warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", module="pl_bolts") # Add the parent directory to sys.path sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))) import tokenizer_sl import auto_evaluator_sl print(os.path.dirname(__file__)) torch.manual_seed(1004) np.random.seed(1004) print(os.getcwd()) """ Note 1 to Dr. Lang I have checked that when we not freeze the MTR model, then the test loss values are keep decreasing when I set the epochs as 7. (At least for solute.) So We you may try to run more epochs if you want. But Solvent may be already overfitted or will get soon since it has only few data. Using learning rate bigger than the default setting is not that recommanded since we don't freeze the MTR model. But lower lr could work. Be aware of doing version control (ver_ft). Make sure you keep the same version for both 'solute' and 'solvent' otherwise, you will get confused. The variable "dir_model_ft_to_save" is where the FT model get saved. The result csv files will be located at 'evaluations/corresponding version/solute and (or) solvent.csv' You can run this code by cd ~/SolLlama python But makes sure you are running this in your virtual environment that all requirements_cuda118.txt installed """ """ # You can run both 'solute' and 'solvent' at one run by doing the below for solute_or_solvent in ['solute' ,'solvent']: The REST of the codes except the variant solute_or_solvent right below with this (SAME) indentation levels """ #### Hyper Parameters ##### <- You can control these parameters as you want # solute_or_solvent = 'solvent' solute_or_solvent = 'solute' ver_ft = 0 # version control for FT model & evaluation data # Or it will overwrite the models and results batch_size_pair = [64, 64] if solute_or_solvent == 'solute' else [10, 10] # [train, valid(test)] # since 'solute' has very small dataset. So I thinl 10 for train and 10 for valid(test) should be the maximum values. lr = 0.0001 epochs = 7 use_freeze = False # Freeze the model or not # False measn not freezing overwrite_level_2 = True # If you don't want to overwrite the models and csv files, then change this to False ########################### # I just reused our previous research code with some modifications. dir_main = "/home/ylee/SolLlama" name_model_mtr = "ChemLlama_Medium_30m_vloss_val_loss=0.029_ep_epoch=04.ckpt" dir_model_mtr = f"{dir_main}/model_mtr/{name_model_mtr}" max_seq_length = 512 tokenizer = tokenizer_sol.fn_load_tokenizer_llama( max_seq_length=max_seq_length, ) max_length = max_seq_length num_workers = 2 dir_model_ft_to_save = f"{dir_main}/save_models_ft/ft_version_{ver_ft}" array_level_2 = auto_evaluator_sol.auto_evaluator_level_2_sol( dir_model_mtr=dir_model_mtr, dir_model_ft_to_save=dir_model_ft_to_save, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_length=max_seq_length, solute_or_solvent=solute_or_solvent, num_workers=num_workers, batch_size_pair=batch_size_pair, lr=lr, overwrite_level_2=overwrite_level_2, epochs=epochs, use_freeze=use_freeze, ) print(array_level_2.shape) print(array_level_2) list_column_names_level_2 = [ 'solute_or_solvent', 'metric_1', 'metric_2', 'epoch', 'loss', 'loss_ranking', 'metric_1_ranking' ] df_evaluation_level_2 = pd.DataFrame(array_level_2, columns=list_column_names_level_2) os.makedirs(f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/evaluations/ft_version_{ver_ft}', exist_ok=True) df_evaluation_level_2.to_csv(f'{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/evaluations/ft_version_{ver_ft}/{solute_or_solvent}.csv', index=False)