from langchain import PromptTemplate from langchain.llms import Clarifai from global_config import GlobalConfig prompt = None llm_contents = None llm_yaml = None def get_llm(use_gpt: bool) -> Clarifai: """ Get a large language model. :param use_gpt: True if GPT-3.5 is required; False is Llama 2 is required """ if use_gpt: llm = Clarifai( pat=GlobalConfig.CLARIFAI_PAT, user_id=GlobalConfig.CLARIFAI_USER_ID_GPT, app_id=GlobalConfig.CLARIFAI_APP_ID_GPT, model_id=GlobalConfig.CLARIFAI_MODEL_ID_GPT, verbose=True, # temperature=0.1, ) else: llm = Clarifai( pat=GlobalConfig.CLARIFAI_PAT, user_id=GlobalConfig.CLARIFAI_USER_ID, app_id=GlobalConfig.CLARIFAI_APP_ID, model_id=GlobalConfig.CLARIFAI_MODEL_ID, verbose=True, # temperature=0.1, ) print(llm) return llm def generate_slides_content(topic: str) -> str: """ Generate the outline/contents of slides for a presentation on a given topic. :param topic: Topic/subject matter/idea on which slides are to be generated :return: The content """ global prompt global llm_contents if prompt is None: with open(GlobalConfig.SLIDES_TEMPLATE_FILE, 'r') as in_file: template_txt = prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(template_txt) formatted_prompt = prompt.format(topic=topic) print(f'formatted_prompt:\n{formatted_prompt}') if llm_contents is None: llm_contents = get_llm(use_gpt=False) slides_content = llm_contents(formatted_prompt, verbose=True) return slides_content def text_to_json(content: str) -> str: """ Convert input text into structured JSON representation. :param content: Input text :return: JSON string """ global llm_yaml content = content.replace('```', '') # f-string is not used in order to prevent interpreting the brackets text = ''' Convert the given slide deck text into structured JSON output. Also, generate and add an engaging presentation title. The output should be only correct and valid JSON having the following structure: { "title": "...", "slides": [ { "heading": "...", "bullet_points": [ "...", [ "...", "..." ] ] }, { ... }, ] } Text: ''' text += content text += ''' Output: ```json ''' text = text.strip() print(text) if llm_yaml is None: llm_yaml = get_llm(use_gpt=True) output = llm_yaml(text, verbose=True) output = output.strip() first_index = max(0, output.find('{')) last_index = min(output.rfind('}'), len(output)) output = output[first_index: last_index + 1] return output def text_to_yaml(content: str) -> str: """ Convert input text into structured YAML representation. :param content: Input text :return: JSON string """ global llm_yaml content = content.replace('```', '') # f-string is not used in order to prevent interpreting the brackets text = ''' You are a helpful AI assistant. Convert the given slide deck text into structured YAML output. Also, generate and add an engaging presentation title. The output should be only correct and valid YAML having the following structure: title: "..." slides: - heading: "..." bullet_points: - "..." - "..." - heading: "..." bullet_points: - "..." - "...": # This line ends with a colon because it has a sub-block - "..." - "..." Text: ''' text += content text += ''' Output: ```yaml ''' text = text.strip() print(text) if llm_yaml is None: llm_yaml = get_llm(use_gpt=True) output = llm_yaml(text, verbose=True) output = output.strip() # first_index = max(0, output.find('{')) # last_index = min(output.rfind('}'), len(output)) # output = output[first_index: last_index + 1] return output if __name__ == '__main__': pass