from __future__ import annotations from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd import json from pathlib import Path from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download, HfApi import streamlit as st from features import FEATURES from utils import check_password, process_olivia_data def format_seconds(seconds: int) -> str: if seconds == 1: return "1 second" elif seconds < 60: return f"{seconds} seconds" else: minutes = seconds // 60 remaining_seconds = seconds % 60 if minutes == 1: minute_str = "1 minute" else: minute_str = f"{minutes} minutes" if remaining_seconds == 1: second_str = "1 second" else: second_str = f"{remaining_seconds} seconds" return f"{minute_str} {second_str}" REPO_URL = "" api = HfApi() features_to_show = ['C: Missed Expectation : No Call Back/Follow Up', 'C: Missed Expectation - Not Informed', 'C: Missed Promises', 'C: Repeat Contact - General/Other', 'C: Repeat Contact - Previous Calls', 'C: Repeat Information', 'C: Agent Hanged Up', 'C: Disputing Charge / Chargeback', 'A: Transfer', 'A: Transfer offer', 'C: Channel Switch - Website', 'C: Objection - Competitor - Switch', 'C: Channel Switch - Webchat', 'Escalation: External - Attorney General', 'Escalation: External - BBB', 'Escalation: External - Legal', 'Escalation: Internal - Complaint', 'Escalation: Internal - Corporate', 'Escalation: Internal - Do Not Contact/Remove from list', 'Escalation: Internal - Supervisor', 'Voucher', 'Refund Voucher', 'Refund' ] style = ( 'border: 1px solid #ccc; ' 'padding: 10px; ' 'border-radius: 5px; ' 'max-height: 500px; ' # Set your desired maximum height 'overflow: auto;' # Enable vertical scrollbar if content exceeds max height ) def get_div(input): return f'


' def main(): if not check_password(): st.stop() comments_path = hf_hub_download( repo_id='trevolution/conversation-analytics-comments', repo_type='dataset', filename='comments_report_7.json', token=st.secrets['WRITE_TOKEN'], ) with open(comments_path, 'r') as f: comments = json.load(f) with open('transcriptions_report_7.json', 'r') as f: transcriptions = json.load(f) with open('analytics_report_7.json', 'r') as f: analytics = json.load(f) call_ids = [json.loads(_['metadata'])['call_id'] for _ in transcriptions] call_ids = list(sorted(list(set(call_ids)))) st.title('Olivia - Agent - Conversation Analytics') call_id = st.selectbox( 'Call IDs:', call_ids, format_func=lambda call_id: f'{call_ids.index(call_id) + 1}: {call_id}' ) if not st.session_state.get('selectbox'): st.session_state['selectbox'] = call_id else: if call_id != st.session_state['selectbox']: st.session_state['analyze_button'] = False st.session_state['selectbox'] = call_id transcription = [json.loads(_['transcription']) for _ in transcriptions if json.loads(_['metadata'])['call_id'] == call_id][0] try: analytics = [json.loads(_['analytics']) for _ in analytics if call_id == json.loads(_['metadata'])['call_id']][0] analytics = analytics['analytics'] analytics = [f for f in analytics if f['name'] in features_to_show] except: analytics = None'data/{call_id}.ogg', format='audio/ogg') analyze_button = st.button("Get Conversation Analytics") if not st.session_state.get('analyze_button'): st.session_state['analyze_button'] = analyze_button if st.session_state['selectbox'] and st.session_state['analyze_button']: conversation = process_olivia_data(transcription) st.text('Conversation (Olivia Speech-to-Text):') st.markdown(get_div(conversation['text']), unsafe_allow_html=True) with st.spinner('Loading analytics...'): st.text('Analytics') readable_analytics = '' for i, feature in enumerate(analytics): if feature['timestamp']: start_time, end_time = int(feature['timestamp'][0]), int(feature['timestamp'][1]) start_time, end_time = format_seconds(start_time), format_seconds(end_time) readable_analytics += f"{i+1}. {feature['name']}: {feature['response']}. Quotation: {feature['quotation']}. Timestamp: {start_time}-{end_time}\n\n\n" else: readable_analytics += f"{i+1}. {feature['name']}: {feature['response']}. Quotation: {feature['quotation']}\n\n\n" st.markdown(get_div(readable_analytics), unsafe_allow_html=True) if "saved_comments" not in st.session_state: st.session_state['saved_comments'] = "" user_comments = st.text_area(f"Comments on {call_id}", key='user_comments', height=350) def submit(): st.session_state['saved_comments'] = st.session_state['user_comments'] st.session_state['user_comments'] = "" button = st.button("Save comments", on_click=submit) if button and st.session_state['saved_comments']: if call_id in comments: comments[call_id].append( { 'timestamp':"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 'text': st.session_state['saved_comments'] } ) else: comments[call_id] = [ { 'timestamp':"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 'text': st.session_state['saved_comments'] } ] api.upload_file( path_or_fileobj=json.dumps(comments).encode('utf-8'), path_in_repo="comments_report_7.json", repo_id="trevolution/conversation-analytics-comments", repo_type="dataset", token=st.secrets['WRITE_TOKEN'], commit_message=f"{call_id}_{'%Y-%m-%d')}" ) st.success("Saved") if comments.get(call_id): value = '' for comment in comments.get(call_id): value += f"{comment['timestamp']}: {comment['text']}\n" st.text_area(label='Comments:', value=value, disabled=True, height=350) else: st.text_area(label='Comments:', value="No comments exist at the moment", disabled=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()