import logging import os import time from datetime import datetime from typing import Optional import gradio as gr import logfire import pandas as pd from buster.completers import Completion from gradio.themes.utils import ( colors, fonts, get_matching_version, get_theme_assets, sizes, ) import cfg from cfg import setup_buster CONCURRENCY_COUNT = int(os.getenv("CONCURRENCY_COUNT", 64)) AVAILABLE_SOURCES_UI = [ "Gen AI 360: LLMs", "Gen AI 360: LangChain", "Gen AI 360: Advanced RAG", "Towards AI Blog", "Activeloop Docs", "HF Transformers Docs", "Wikipedia", # "OpenAI Docs", "LangChain Docs", ] AVAILABLE_SOURCES = [ "llm_course", "langchain_course", "advanced_rag_course", "towards_ai", "activeloop", "hf_transformers", "wikipedia", # "openai", "langchain_docs", ] buster = setup_buster(cfg.buster_cfg) # suppress httpx logs they are spammy and uninformative logging.getLogger("httpx").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def save_completion(completion: Completion, history): collection = "completion_data-hf" # Convert completion to JSON and ignore certain columns completion_json = completion.to_json( columns_to_ignore=["embedding", "similarity", "similarity_to_answer"] ) # Add the current date and time to the JSON completion_json["timestamp"] = completion_json["history"] = history completion_json["history_len"] = len(history) try: cfg.mongo_db[collection].insert_one(completion_json)"Completion saved to db") except Exception as e:"Something went wrong logging completion to db: {e}") def log_likes(completion: Completion, like_data: gr.LikeData): collection = "liked_data-test" completion_json = completion.to_json( columns_to_ignore=["embedding", "similarity", "similarity_to_answer"] ) completion_json["liked"] = like_data.liked"User reported {like_data.liked=}") try: cfg.mongo_db[collection].insert_one(completion_json)"") except:"Something went wrong logging") def log_emails(email: gr.Textbox): collection = "email_data-test""User reported {email=}") email_document = {"email": email} try: cfg.mongo_db[collection].insert_one(email_document)"") except:"Something went wrong logging") return "" def format_sources(matched_documents: pd.DataFrame) -> str: if len(matched_documents) == 0:"No sources found") return "" documents_answer_template: str = ( "📝 Here are the sources I used to answer your question:\n\n{documents}\n\n{footnote}" ) document_template: str = ( "[🔗 {document.source}: {document.title}]({document.url}), relevance: {document.similarity_to_answer:2.1f} %" # | # total chunks matched: {document.repetition:d}" ) matched_documents.similarity_to_answer = ( matched_documents.similarity_to_answer * 100 ) matched_documents = matched_documents.sort_values( "similarity_to_answer", ascending=False ).drop_duplicates("title", keep="first") display_source_to_ui = { ui: src for ui, src in zip(AVAILABLE_SOURCES, AVAILABLE_SOURCES_UI) } matched_documents["source"] = matched_documents["source"].replace( display_source_to_ui ) documents = "\n".join( [ document_template.format(document=document) for _, document in matched_documents.iterrows() ] ) footnote: str = "I'm a bot 🤖 and not always perfect." return documents_answer_template.format(documents=documents, footnote=footnote) def add_sources(history, completion): formatted_sources = format_sources(completion.matched_documents) history.append([None, formatted_sources]) return history def user(user_input, history): """Adds user's question immediately to the chat.""" return "", history + [[user_input, None]] def get_empty_source_completion(user_input): return Completion( user_inputs=user_input, answer_text="You have to select at least one source from the dropdown menu.", matched_documents=pd.DataFrame(), error=False, ) def get_answer(history, sources: Optional[list[str]] = None): user_input = history[-1][0] if len(sources) == 0: completion = get_empty_source_completion(user_input) else: # Go to code names display_ui_to_source = { ui: src for ui, src in zip(AVAILABLE_SOURCES_UI, AVAILABLE_SOURCES) } sources_renamed = [display_ui_to_source[disp] for disp in sources] completion = buster.process_input(user_input, sources=sources_renamed) history[-1][1] = "" for token in completion.answer_generator: history[-1][1] += token yield history, completion theme = gr.themes.Soft() with gr.Blocks( theme=gr.themes.Soft( primary_hue="blue", secondary_hue="blue", font=[fonts.GoogleFont("Source Sans Pro"), fonts.GoogleFont("IBM Plex Mono")], ) ) as demo: with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown( "