import cv2 import random import math import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont __all__ = ["draw_system", "draw_det"] def draw_det(dt_boxes, img): for box in dt_boxes: box = np.array(box).astype(np.int32).reshape(-1, 2) cv2.polylines(img, [box], True, color=(255, 255, 0), thickness=2) return img def draw_system( image, boxes, txts=None, scores=None, drop_score=0.5, font_path="./doc/fonts/simfang.ttf", ): h, w = image.height, image.width img_left = image.copy() img_right = np.ones((h, w, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 random.seed(0) draw_left = ImageDraw.Draw(img_left) if txts is None or len(txts) != len(boxes): txts = [None] * len(boxes) for idx, (box, txt) in enumerate(zip(boxes, txts)): if scores is not None and scores[idx] < drop_score: continue color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)) draw_left.polygon(box, fill=color) img_right_text = draw_box_txt_fine((w, h), box, txt, font_path) pts = np.array(box, np.int32).reshape((-1, 1, 2)) cv2.polylines(img_right_text, [pts], True, color, 1) img_right = cv2.bitwise_and(img_right, img_right_text) img_left = Image.blend(image, img_left, 0.5) img_show ="RGB", (w * 2, h), (255, 255, 255)) img_show.paste(img_left, (0, 0, w, h)) img_show.paste(Image.fromarray(img_right), (w, 0, w * 2, h)) return np.array(img_show) def draw_box_txt_fine(img_size, box, txt, font_path="./doc/fonts/simfang.ttf"): box_height = int( math.sqrt((box[0][0] - box[3][0])**2 + (box[0][1] - box[3][1])**2)) box_width = int( math.sqrt((box[0][0] - box[1][0])**2 + (box[0][1] - box[1][1])**2)) if box_height > 2 * box_width and box_height > 30: img_text ="RGB", (box_height, box_width), (255, 255, 255)) draw_text = ImageDraw.Draw(img_text) if txt: font = create_font(txt, (box_height, box_width), font_path) draw_text.text([0, 0], txt, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=font) img_text = img_text.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270) else: img_text ="RGB", (box_width, box_height), (255, 255, 255)) draw_text = ImageDraw.Draw(img_text) if txt: font = create_font(txt, (box_width, box_height), font_path) draw_text.text([0, 0], txt, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=font) pts1 = np.float32( [[0, 0], [box_width, 0], [box_width, box_height], [0, box_height]]) pts2 = np.array(box, dtype=np.float32) M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2) img_text = np.array(img_text, dtype=np.uint8) img_right_text = cv2.warpPerspective( img_text, M, img_size, flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=(255, 255, 255), ) return img_right_text def create_font(txt, sz, font_path="./doc/fonts/simfang.ttf"): font_size = int(sz[1] * 0.99) font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, font_size, encoding="utf-8") length = font.getlength(txt) if length > sz[0]: font_size = int(font_size * sz[0] / length) font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, font_size, encoding="utf-8") return font def str_count(s): """ Count the number of Chinese characters, a single English character and a single number equal to half the length of Chinese characters. args: s(string): the input of string return(int): the number of Chinese characters """ import string count_zh = count_pu = 0 s_len = len(s) en_dg_count = 0 for c in s: if c in string.ascii_letters or c.isdigit() or c.isspace(): en_dg_count += 1 elif c.isalpha(): count_zh += 1 else: count_pu += 1 return s_len - math.ceil(en_dg_count / 2)