# Copyright (c) 2022, National Diet Library, Japan # # This software is released under the CC BY 4.0. # https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ import sys import pathlib import itertools import re from joblib import Parallel, delayed import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image from torch.utils.data import IterableDataset, ChainDataset import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET pt = re.compile(r'(\{(.*)\})?(.*)') def find_image_root(image_name, leaf_dir, root_dir): image_root = leaf_dir.parent while image_root >= root_dir: image_paths = list(image_root.rglob(image_name)) if len(image_paths) > 1: print(ValueError(f'{image_name} is ambiguous\n{image_paths}'), sys.stderr) break elif len(image_paths) == 1: return pathlib.Path(str(image_paths[0])[:-len(image_name)]) image_root = image_root.parent return None class XMLRawDataset(IterableDataset): IMAGE_TYPE_NONE = 0 IMAGE_TYPE_BYTE = 1 IMAGE_TYPE_ENCODED = 2 IMAGE_TYPE_IMAGE = 3 IMAGE_TYPE_GRAY_IMAGE = 4 @staticmethod def from_list(input_paths, image_type=IMAGE_TYPE_IMAGE, accept_empty=False, accept_only_en=False, keep_remain=False, n_jobs=4): if type(input_paths) == str: input_paths = [input_paths] else: assert type(input_paths) == list xml_files = [] for p in input_paths: print(p) p = pathlib.Path(p) assert p.exists() xmls = p.rglob('*.xml') xml_files.extend([(f, p) for f in xmls]) xml_files = sorted(xml_files) return ChainDataset(Parallel(n_jobs)([ delayed(XMLRawDataset)(xml_file, input_path, image_type, accept_empty, accept_only_en, keep_remain) for xml_file, input_path in xml_files])) def __init__(self, xml_file, input_path, image_type=IMAGE_TYPE_IMAGE, accept_empty=False, accept_only_en=False, keep_remain=False, sensitive=False): self.xml_file = xml_file self.input_path = input_path self.image_type = image_type self.accept_empty = accept_empty self.accept_only_en = accept_only_en self.keep_remain = keep_remain self.sensitive = sensitive with open(xml_file, 'r') as f: try: tree = ET.parse(f) self.root = tree.getroot() except ValueError: with open(xml_file, encoding="utf-8") as file: self.root = ET.fromstring(file.read()) except ET.ParseError as e: print(f) raise e groups = pt.match(self.root.tag).groups() if groups[1]: self.namespace = f"{{{groups[1]}}}" else: self.namespace = '' if groups[2] != 'OCRDATASET': return [] self.remains = None def __iter__(self): if self.remains is not None: for v in self.remains: yield v self.remains = None return if self.keep_remain: self.remains = [] image_root = None for xpage in self.root: page = xpage.attrib image_name = page['IMAGENAME'] if image_root is None: image_root = find_image_root(image_name, self.xml_file, self.input_path) if image_root is None: print(FileNotFoundError(f'{image_name} is not Found'), file=sys.stderr) continue image_path = image_root / image_name if not image_path.exists(): print(FileNotFoundError(f'{image_name} is not Found'), file=sys.stderr) continue ext = image_path.suffix if self.image_type is not XMLRawDataset.IMAGE_TYPE_NONE: try: with open(image_path, 'rb') as f: imageBin = f.read() imageBuf = np.frombuffer(imageBin, dtype=np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(imageBuf, cv2.IMREAD_ANYCOLOR) if img is None: raise Exception('image cant not decode') except Exception as e: print(f'error occured at {image_path}\n{e}') continue if self.accept_only_en: ilines = itertools.chain.from_iterable([ # xpage.iterfind(f'.//{self.namespace}BLOCK[@TYPE="欧文"]'), xpage.iterfind(f'.//{self.namespace}INLINE[@TYPE="欧文"]'), xpage.iterfind(f'.//{self.namespace}INLINE[@TYPE="回転欧文"]'), ]) else: data_list = [ xpage.iterfind(f'.//{self.namespace}LINE'), ] if self.accept_empty: data_list.extend([ xpage.iterfind(f'.//{self.namespace}BLOCK[@TYPE="回転欧文"]'), xpage.iterfind(f'.//{self.namespace}BLOCK[@TYPE="欧文"]'), xpage.iterfind(f'.//{self.namespace}BLOCK[@TYPE="ノンブル"]'), xpage.iterfind(f'.//{self.namespace}BLOCK[@TYPE="柱"]'), ]) ilines = itertools.chain.from_iterable(data_list) for xline in ilines: line = xline.attrib line['done'] = True if 'ERROR' in line: continue line['X'] = int(line['X']) line['Y'] = int(line['Y']) line['WIDTH'] = int(line['WIDTH']) line['HEIGHT'] = int(line['HEIGHT']) line['path'] = image_path line['tag'] = xline.tag if self.accept_empty: line['STRING'] = line.get('STRING', None) if 'DIRECTION' not in line: if line['WIDTH'] > line['HEIGHT']: line['DIRECTION'] = '横' else: line['DIRECTION'] = '縦' elif len(line.get('STRING', '')) == 0: continue line['label'] = line['STRING'] line['direction'] = line['DIRECTION'] chars = list() line['cattrs'] = chars for char in xline: char = char.attrib char['X'] = int(char['X']) - line['X'] char['Y'] = int(char['Y']) - line['Y'] char['WIDTH'] = int(char['WIDTH']) char['HEIGHT'] = int(char['HEIGHT']) chars.append(char) if self.image_type is not self.IMAGE_TYPE_NONE: y1, y2 = line['Y'], line['Y'] + line['HEIGHT'] x1, x2 = line['X'], line['X'] + line['WIDTH'] g = img[y1:y2, x1:x2] if self.image_type == self.IMAGE_TYPE_ENCODED: retval, g = cv2.imencode(ext, g) assert retval elif self.image_type == self.IMAGE_TYPE_IMAGE: g = Image.fromarray(g) elif self.image_type == self.IMAGE_TYPE_GRAY_IMAGE: g = Image.fromarray(g).convert('L') else: g = None if not self.sensitive and line['label']: line['label'] = line['label'].lower() yield g, line if self.keep_remain: for xline in xpage.iterfind("./*"): line = xline.attrib if 'done' in line: continue line['path'] = image_path line['tag'] = xline.tag self.remains.append(line) class SyntheticDataset(IterableDataset): def __init__(self, chars, fontpath): from PIL import ImageFont, ImageDraw import functools self.chars = chars dtmp = ImageDraw.Draw(Image.new('L', (400, 200))) self._font = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath, 32) self._textsize = functools.partial(dtmp.multiline_textsize, font=self._font) def __iter__(self): import random from more_itertools import chunked from PIL import ImageDraw chars = [] chars.extend(self.chars) random.shuffle(chars) for s in chunked(chars, 40): s = ''.join(s) w, h = self._textsize(s) g = Image.new('RGB', (w, h), (255, 255, 255)) d = ImageDraw.Draw(g) d.text((0, 0), s, font=self._font, fill=(0, 0, 0)) line = { 'path': None, 'direction': '横', 'label': s, 'WIDTH': w, 'HEIGHT': h, 'STRING': s, 'cattrs': None, } yield g.convert('L'), line class ListRawDataset(IterableDataset): IMAGE_TYPE_BYTE = 0 IMAGE_TYPE_ENCODED = 1 IMAGE_TYPE_IMAGE = 2 IMAGE_TYPE_GRAY_IMAGE = 3 def __init__(self, input_paths, read_image=True, image_type=IMAGE_TYPE_IMAGE, n_jobs=4): self.read_image = read_image self.image_type = image_type if type(input_paths) == str: input_paths = [input_paths] else: assert type(input_paths) == list self.images = list() self.labels = list() for input_path in input_paths: p = pathlib.Path(input_path) assert p.exists() with open(p, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: image_path, label = line.strip('\n').split() image_path = p.parent / image_path self.images.append(image_path) self.labels.append(label) def __iter__(self): for image_path, label in zip(self.images, self.labels): ext = image_path.suffix try: with open(image_path, 'rb') as f: imageBin = f.read() imageBuf = np.frombuffer(imageBin, dtype=np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(imageBuf, cv2.IMREAD_ANYCOLOR) h, w, c = img.shape if img is None: raise Exception('image cant not decode') except Exception as e: print(f'error occured at {image_path}\n{e}') continue if self.read_image: g = img if self.image_type == self.IMAGE_TYPE_ENCODED: retval, g = cv2.imencode(ext, g) assert retval elif self.image_type == self.IMAGE_TYPE_IMAGE: g = Image.fromarray(g) elif self.image_type == self.IMAGE_TYPE_GRAY_IMAGE: g = Image.fromarray(g).convert('L') else: g = None line = { 'path': image_path, 'direction': '横', 'label': label, 'WIDTH': w, 'HEIGHT': h, 'STRING': label, } yield g, line class XMLRawDatasetWithCli(IterableDataset): def __init__(self, img_data, xml_data, accept_empty=False, accept_only_en=False, sensitive=False, yield_block_pillar=True, yield_block_page_num=True): self.xml_data = xml_data self.orig_img = img_data self.accept_empty = accept_empty self.accept_only_en = accept_only_en self.sensitive = sensitive self.root = xml_data.getroot() self.remains = None self.yield_block_pillar = yield_block_pillar self.yield_block_page_num = yield_block_page_num groups = pt.match(self.root.tag).groups() if groups[1]: self.namespace = f"{{{groups[1]}}}" else: self.namespace = '' if groups[2] != 'OCRDATASET': return [] def __iter__(self): from PIL import Image root = self.xml_data.getroot() for xml_line in root.find('PAGE'): is_block_page_num = (xml_line.tag == 'BLOCK') and (xml_line.attrib['TYPE'] == 'ノンブル') is_block_pillar = (xml_line.tag == 'BLOCK') and (xml_line.attrib['TYPE'] == '柱') do_yield = (xml_line.tag == 'LINE') or (is_block_page_num and self.yield_block_page_num) or (is_block_pillar and self.yield_block_pillar) if not do_yield: print("This {0} elemetn will be skipped.".format(xml_line.tag)) print(xml_line.attrib) continue xml_attrib = xml_line.attrib w = xml_attrib['WIDTH'] h = xml_attrib['HEIGHT'] y1, y2 = int(xml_attrib['Y']), int(xml_attrib['Y']) + int(xml_attrib['HEIGHT']) x1, x2 = int(xml_attrib['X']), int(xml_attrib['X']) + int(xml_attrib['WIDTH']) g = Image.fromarray(self.orig_img[y1:y2, x1:x2]).convert('L') direction = '横' if 'DIRECTION' not in xml_attrib: if int(w) > int(h): direction = '横' else: direction = '縦' else: direction = xml_attrib['DIRECTION'] line = { 'path': None, 'direction': direction, 'label': None, 'WIDTH': w, 'HEIGHT': h, 'STRING': None, 'cattrs': None, 'X' : xml_attrib['X'], 'Y' : xml_attrib['Y'], 'TYPE' :xml_attrib['TYPE'], 'tag' : xml_line.tag, 'STRING': None, 'done': True } yield g, line