#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os sys.path.append('./') import shapely from shapely.geometry import Polygon,MultiPoint import numpy as np import editdistance sys.path.append('../../') from weighted_editdistance import weighted_edit_distance from tqdm import tqdm try: import pickle except ImportError: import cPickle as pickle def list_from_str(st): line = st.split(',') # box[0:4], polygon[4:12], word, seq_word, detection_score, rec_socre, seq_score, char_score_path new_line = [float(a) for a in line[4:12]]+[float(line[-4])]+[line[-5]]+[line[-6]]+[float(line[-3])]+[float(line[-2])] + [line[-1]] return new_line def polygon_from_list(line): """ Create a shapely polygon object from gt or dt line. """ polygon_points = np.array(line).reshape(4, 2) polygon = Polygon(polygon_points).convex_hull return polygon def polygon_iou(list1, list2): """ Intersection over union between two shapely polygons. """ polygon_points1 = np.array(list1).reshape(4, 2) poly1 = Polygon(polygon_points1).convex_hull polygon_points2 = np.array(list2).reshape(4, 2) poly2 = Polygon(polygon_points2).convex_hull union_poly = np.concatenate((polygon_points1,polygon_points2)) if not poly1.intersects(poly2): # this test is fast and can accelerate calculation iou = 0 else: try: inter_area = poly1.intersection(poly2).area #union_area = poly1.area + poly2.area - inter_area union_area = MultiPoint(union_poly).convex_hull.area iou = float(inter_area) / (union_area+1e-6) except shapely.geos.TopologicalError: print('shapely.geos.TopologicalError occured, iou set to 0') iou = 0 return iou def nms(boxes,overlap): rec_scores = [b[-2] for b in boxes] indices = sorted(range(len(rec_scores)), key=lambda k: -rec_scores[k]) box_num = len(boxes) nms_flag = [True]*box_num for i in range(box_num): ii = indices[i] if not nms_flag[ii]: continue for j in range(box_num): jj = indices[j] if j == i: continue if not nms_flag[jj]: continue box1 = boxes[ii] box2 = boxes[jj] box1_score = rec_scores[ii] box2_score = rec_scores[jj] str1 = box1[9] str2 = box2[9] box_i = [box1[0],box1[1],box1[4],box1[5]] box_j = [box2[0],box2[1],box2[4],box2[5]] poly1 = polygon_from_list(box1[0:8]) poly2 = polygon_from_list(box2[0:8]) iou = polygon_iou(box1[0:8],box2[0:8]) thresh = overlap if iou > thresh: if box1_score > box2_score: nms_flag[jj] = False if box1_score == box2_score and poly1.area > poly2.area: nms_flag[jj] = False if box1_score == box2_score and poly1.area<=poly2.area: nms_flag[ii] = False break return nms_flag def packing(save_dir, cache_dir, pack_name): files = os.listdir(save_dir) if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.mkdir(cache_dir) os.system('zip -r -q -j '+os.path.join(cache_dir, pack_name+'.zip')+' '+save_dir+'/*') def test_single(results_dir,lexicon_type=3,cache_dir='./cache_dir',score_det=0.5,score_rec=0.5,score_rec_seq=0.5,overlap=0.2, use_lexicon=True, weighted_ed=True, use_seq=False, use_char=False, mix=False): ''' results_dir: result directory score_det: score of detection bounding box score_rec: score of the mask recognition branch socre_rec_seq: score of the sequence recognition branch overlap: overlap threshold used for nms lexicon_type: 1 for generic; 2 for weak; 3 for strong use_seq: use the recognition result of sequence branch use_mix: use both the recognition result of the mask and sequence branches, selected by score ''' print('score_det:', 'score_det:', score_det, 'score_rec:', score_rec, 'score_rec_seq:', score_rec_seq, 'lexicon_type:', lexicon_type, 'weighted_ed:', weighted_ed, 'use_seq:', use_seq, 'use_char:', use_char, 'mix:', mix) if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.mkdir(cache_dir) nms_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir,str(score_det)+'_'+str(score_rec)+'_'+str(score_rec_seq)) if not os.path.exists(nms_dir): os.mkdir(nms_dir) if lexicon_type==1: # generic lexicon lexicon_path = '../../lexicons/ic15/GenericVocabulary_new.txt' lexicon_fid=open(lexicon_path, 'r') pair_list = open('../../lexicons/ic15/GenericVocabulary_pair_list.txt', 'r') pairs = dict() for line in pair_list.readlines(): line=line.strip() word = line.split(' ')[0].upper() word_gt = line[len(word)+1:] pairs[word] = word_gt lexicon_fid=open(lexicon_path, 'r') lexicon=[] for line in lexicon_fid.readlines(): line=line.strip() lexicon.append(line) if lexicon_type==2: # weak lexicon lexicon_path = '../../lexicons/ic15/ch4_test_vocabulary_new.txt' lexicon_fid=open(lexicon_path, 'r') pair_list = open('../../lexicons/ic15/ch4_test_vocabulary_pair_list.txt', 'r') pairs = dict() for line in pair_list.readlines(): line=line.strip() word = line.split(' ')[0].upper() word_gt = line[len(word)+1:] pairs[word] = word_gt lexicon_fid=open(lexicon_path, 'r') lexicon=[] for line in lexicon_fid.readlines(): line=line.strip() lexicon.append(line) for i in tqdm(range(1,501)): img = 'img_'+str(i)+'.jpg' gt_img = 'gt_img_'+str(i)+'.txt' if lexicon_type==3: # weak lexicon_path = '../../lexicons/ic15/new_strong_lexicon/new_voc_img_' + str(i) + '.txt' lexicon_fid=open(lexicon_path, 'r') pair_list = open('../../lexicons/ic15/new_strong_lexicon/pair_voc_img_' + str(i) + '.txt', 'r') pairs = dict() for line in pair_list.readlines(): line=line.strip() word = line.split(' ')[0].upper() word_gt = line[len(word)+1:] pairs[word] = word_gt lexicon_fid=open(lexicon_path, 'r') lexicon=[] for line in lexicon_fid.readlines(): line=line.strip() lexicon.append(line) result_path = os.path.join(results_dir,'res_img_'+str(i)+'.txt') if os.path.isfile(result_path): with open(result_path,'r') as f: dt_lines = [a.strip() for a in f.readlines()] dt_lines = [list_from_str(dt) for dt in dt_lines] else: dt_lines = [] dt_lines = [dt for dt in dt_lines if dt[-2]>score_rec_seq and dt[-3]>score_rec and dt[-6]>score_det] nms_flag = nms(dt_lines,overlap) boxes = [] for k in range(len(dt_lines)): dt = dt_lines[k] if nms_flag[k]: if dt not in boxes: boxes.append(dt) with open(os.path.join(nms_dir,'res_img_'+str(i)+'.txt'),'w') as f: for g in boxes: gt_coors = [int(b) for b in g[0:8]] with open('../../../' + g[-1], "rb") as input_file: # with open(g[-1], "rb") as input_file: dict_scores = pickle.load(input_file) if use_char and use_seq: if g[-2]>g[-3]: word = g[-5] scores = dict_scores['seq_char_scores'][:,1:-1].swapaxes(0,1) else: word = g[-4] scores = dict_scores['seg_char_scores'] elif use_seq: word = g[-5] scores = dict_scores['seq_char_scores'][:,1:-1].swapaxes(0,1) else: word = g[-4] scores = dict_scores['seg_char_scores'] match_word, match_dist = find_match_word(word, lexicon, pairs, scores, use_lexicon, weighted_ed) if match_dist<1.5 or lexicon_type==1: gt_coor_strs = [str(a) for a in gt_coors]+ [match_word] f.write(','.join(gt_coor_strs)+'\r\n') pack_name = str(score_det)+'_'+str(score_rec)+'_over'+str(overlap) packing(nms_dir,cache_dir,pack_name) submit_file_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, pack_name+'.zip') return submit_file_path def find_match_word(rec_str, lexicon, pairs, scores_numpy, use_ed = True, weighted_ed = False): if not use_ed: return rec_str rec_str = rec_str.upper() dist_min = 100 dist_min_pre = 100 match_word = '' match_dist = 100 if not weighted_ed: for word in lexicon: word = word.upper() ed = editdistance.eval(rec_str, word) length_dist = abs(len(word) - len(rec_str)) # dist = ed + length_dist dist = ed if dist