"""Updated version of core.py from https://github.com/yamatt/homoglyphs/tree/main/homoglyphs_fork for modern python3 """ from collections import defaultdict import json from itertools import product import os import unicodedata import homoglyphs_fork as hg CURRENT_DIR = hg.core.CURRENT_DIR # Actions if char not in alphabet STRATEGY_LOAD = 1 # load category for this char STRATEGY_IGNORE = 2 # add char to result STRATEGY_REMOVE = 3 # remove char from result ASCII_RANGE = range(128) class Categories: """ Work with aliases from ISO 15924. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_15924#List_of_codes """ fpath = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, "categories.json") @classmethod def _get_ranges(cls, categories): """ :return: iter: (start code, end code) :rtype: list """ with open(cls.fpath, encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) for category in categories: if category not in data["aliases"]: raise ValueError("Invalid category: {}".format(category)) for point in data["points"]: if point[2] in categories: yield point[:2] @classmethod def get_alphabet(cls, categories): """ :return: set of chars in alphabet by categories list :rtype: set """ alphabet = set() for start, end in cls._get_ranges(categories): chars = (chr(code) for code in range(start, end + 1)) alphabet.update(chars) return alphabet @classmethod def detect(cls, char): """ :return: category :rtype: str """ with open(cls.fpath, encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) # try detect category by unicodedata try: category = unicodedata.name(char).split()[0] except TypeError: # In Python2 unicodedata.name raise error for non-unicode chars pass else: if category in data["aliases"]: return category # try detect category by ranges from JSON file. code = ord(char) for point in data["points"]: if point[0] <= code <= point[1]: return point[2] @classmethod def get_all(cls): with open(cls.fpath, encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) return set(data["aliases"]) class Languages: fpath = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, "languages.json") @classmethod def get_alphabet(cls, languages): """ :return: set of chars in alphabet by languages list :rtype: set """ with open(cls.fpath, encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) alphabet = set() for lang in languages: if lang not in data: raise ValueError("Invalid language code: {}".format(lang)) alphabet.update(data[lang]) return alphabet @classmethod def detect(cls, char): """ :return: set of languages which alphabet contains passed char. :rtype: set """ with open(cls.fpath, encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) languages = set() for lang, alphabet in data.items(): if char in alphabet: languages.add(lang) return languages @classmethod def get_all(cls): with open(cls.fpath, encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) return set(data.keys()) class Homoglyphs: def __init__( self, categories=None, languages=None, alphabet=None, strategy=STRATEGY_IGNORE, ascii_strategy=STRATEGY_IGNORE, ascii_range=ASCII_RANGE, ): # strategies if strategy not in (STRATEGY_LOAD, STRATEGY_IGNORE, STRATEGY_REMOVE): raise ValueError("Invalid strategy") self.strategy = strategy self.ascii_strategy = ascii_strategy self.ascii_range = ascii_range # Homoglyphs must be initialized by any alphabet for correct work if not categories and not languages and not alphabet: categories = ("LATIN", "COMMON") # cats and langs self.categories = set(categories or []) self.languages = set(languages or []) # alphabet self.alphabet = set(alphabet or []) if self.categories: alphabet = Categories.get_alphabet(self.categories) self.alphabet.update(alphabet) if self.languages: alphabet = Languages.get_alphabet(self.languages) self.alphabet.update(alphabet) self.table = self.get_table(self.alphabet) @staticmethod def get_table(alphabet): table = defaultdict(set) # removed CURRENT_DIR here: with open(os.path.join("confusables_sept2022.json")) as f: data = json.load(f) for char in alphabet: if char in data: for homoglyph in data[char]: if homoglyph in alphabet: table[char].add(homoglyph) return table @staticmethod def get_restricted_table(source_alphabet, target_alphabet): table = defaultdict(set) # removed CURRENT_DIR here: with open(os.path.join("confusables_sept2022.json")) as f: data = json.load(f) for char in source_alphabet: if char in data: for homoglyph in data[char]: if homoglyph in target_alphabet: table[char].add(homoglyph) return table @staticmethod def uniq_and_sort(data): result = list(set(data)) result.sort(key=lambda x: (-len(x), x)) return result def _update_alphabet(self, char): # try detect languages langs = Languages.detect(char) if langs: self.languages.update(langs) alphabet = Languages.get_alphabet(langs) self.alphabet.update(alphabet) else: # try detect categories category = Categories.detect(char) if category is None: return False self.categories.add(category) alphabet = Categories.get_alphabet([category]) self.alphabet.update(alphabet) # update table for new alphabet self.table = self.get_table(self.alphabet) return True def _get_char_variants(self, char): if char not in self.alphabet: if self.strategy == STRATEGY_LOAD: if not self._update_alphabet(char): return [] elif self.strategy == STRATEGY_IGNORE: return [char] elif self.strategy == STRATEGY_REMOVE: return [] # find alternative chars for current char alt_chars = self.table.get(char, set()) if alt_chars: # find alternative chars for alternative chars for current char alt_chars2 = [self.table.get(alt_char, set()) for alt_char in alt_chars] # combine all alternatives alt_chars.update(*alt_chars2) # add current char to alternatives alt_chars.add(char) # uniq, sort and return return self.uniq_and_sort(alt_chars) def _get_combinations(self, text, ascii=False): variations = [] for char in text: alt_chars = self._get_char_variants(char) if ascii: alt_chars = [ char for char in alt_chars if ord(char) in self.ascii_range ] if not alt_chars and self.ascii_strategy == STRATEGY_IGNORE: return if alt_chars: variations.append(alt_chars) if variations: for variant in product(*variations): yield "".join(variant) def get_combinations(self, text): return list(self._get_combinations(text)) def _to_ascii(self, text): for variant in self._get_combinations(text, ascii=True): if max(map(ord, variant)) in self.ascii_range: yield variant def to_ascii(self, text): return self.uniq_and_sort(self._to_ascii(text))