# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ A Translation module. You can translate text using this module. """ import random import typing import httpcore import httpx from httpx import Timeout import urls, utils from googletrans.gtoken import TokenAcquirer from googletrans.constants import ( DEFAULT_USER_AGENT, LANGCODES, LANGUAGES, SPECIAL_CASES, DEFAULT_RAISE_EXCEPTION, DUMMY_DATA ) from googletrans.models import Translated, Detected EXCLUDES = ('en', 'ca', 'fr') class Translator: """Google Translate ajax API implementation class You have to create an instance of Translator to use this API :param service_urls: google translate url list. URLs will be used randomly. For example ``['translate.google.com', 'translate.google.co.kr']`` :type service_urls: a sequence of strings :param user_agent: the User-Agent header to send when making requests. :type user_agent: :class:`str` :param proxies: proxies configuration. Dictionary mapping protocol or protocol and host to the URL of the proxy For example ``{'http': 'foo.bar:3128', 'http://host.name': 'foo.bar:4012'}`` :type proxies: dictionary :param timeout: Definition of timeout for httpx library. Will be used for every request. :type timeout: number or a double of numbers ||||||| constructed merge base :param proxies: proxies configuration. Dictionary mapping protocol or protocol and host to the URL of the proxy For example ``{'http': 'foo.bar:3128', 'http://host.name': 'foo.bar:4012'}`` :param raise_exception: if `True` then raise exception if smth will go wrong :type raise_exception: boolean """ def __init__(self, service_urls=None, user_agent=DEFAULT_USER_AGENT, raise_exception=DEFAULT_RAISE_EXCEPTION, proxies: typing.Dict[str, httpcore.AsyncHTTPProxy] = None, timeout: Timeout = None): self.client = httpx.Client() if proxies is not None: # pragma: nocover self.client.proxies = proxies self.client.headers.update({ 'User-Agent': user_agent, }) if timeout is not None: self.client.timeout = timeout self.service_urls = service_urls or ['translate.google.com'] self.token_acquirer = TokenAcquirer(client=self.client, host=self.service_urls[0]) self.raise_exception = raise_exception def _pick_service_url(self): if len(self.service_urls) == 1: return self.service_urls[0] return random.choice(self.service_urls) def _translate(self, text, dest, src, override): token = self.token_acquirer.do(text) params = utils.build_params(query=text, src=src, dest=dest, token=token, override=override) url = urls.TRANSLATE.format(host=self._pick_service_url()) r = self.client.get(url, params=params) if r.status_code == 200: data = utils.format_json(r.text) return data else: if self.raise_exception: raise Exception('Unexpected status code "{}" from {}'.format(r.status_code, self.service_urls)) DUMMY_DATA[0][0][0] = text return DUMMY_DATA def _parse_extra_data(self, data): response_parts_name_mapping = { 0: 'translation', 1: 'all-translations', 2: 'original-language', 5: 'possible-translations', 6: 'confidence', 7: 'possible-mistakes', 8: 'language', 11: 'synonyms', 12: 'definitions', 13: 'examples', 14: 'see-also', } extra = {} for index, category in response_parts_name_mapping.items(): extra[category] = data[index] if (index < len(data) and data[index]) else None return extra def translate(self, text, dest='en', src='auto', **kwargs): """Translate text from source language to destination language :param text: The source text(s) to be translated. Batch translation is supported via sequence input. :type text: UTF-8 :class:`str`; :class:`unicode`; string sequence (list, tuple, iterator, generator) :param dest: The language to translate the source text into. The value should be one of the language codes listed in :const:`googletrans.LANGUAGES` or one of the language names listed in :const:`googletrans.LANGCODES`. :param dest: :class:`str`; :class:`unicode` :param src: The language of the source text. The value should be one of the language codes listed in :const:`googletrans.LANGUAGES` or one of the language names listed in :const:`googletrans.LANGCODES`. If a language is not specified, the system will attempt to identify the source language automatically. :param src: :class:`str`; :class:`unicode` :rtype: Translated :rtype: :class:`list` (when a list is passed) Basic usage: >>> from googletrans import Translator >>> translator = Translator() >>> translator.translate('안녕하세요.') >>> translator.translate('안녕하세요.', dest='ja') >>> translator.translate('veritas lux mea', src='la') Advanced usage: >>> translations = translator.translate(['The quick brown fox', 'jumps over', 'the lazy dog'], dest='ko') >>> for translation in translations: ... print(translation.origin, ' -> ', translation.text) The quick brown fox -> 빠른 갈색 여우 jumps over -> 이상 점프 the lazy dog -> 게으른 개 """ dest = dest.lower().split('_', 1)[0] src = src.lower().split('_', 1)[0] if src != 'auto' and src not in LANGUAGES: if src in SPECIAL_CASES: src = SPECIAL_CASES[src] elif src in LANGCODES: src = LANGCODES[src] else: raise ValueError('invalid source language') if dest not in LANGUAGES: if dest in SPECIAL_CASES: dest = SPECIAL_CASES[dest] elif dest in LANGCODES: dest = LANGCODES[dest] else: raise ValueError('invalid destination language') if isinstance(text, list): result = [] for item in text: translated = self.translate(item, dest=dest, src=src, **kwargs) result.append(translated) return result origin = text data = self._translate(text, dest, src, kwargs) # this code will be updated when the format is changed. translated = ''.join([d[0] if d[0] else '' for d in data[0]]) extra_data = self._parse_extra_data(data) # actual source language that will be recognized by Google Translator when the # src passed is equal to auto. try: src = data[2] except Exception: # pragma: nocover pass pron = origin try: pron = data[0][1][-2] except Exception: # pragma: nocover pass if pron is None: try: pron = data[0][1][2] except: # pragma: nocover pass if dest in EXCLUDES and pron == origin: pron = translated # put final values into a new Translated object result = Translated(src=src, dest=dest, origin=origin, text=translated, pronunciation=pron, extra_data=extra_data) return result def detect(self, text, **kwargs): """Detect language of the input text :param text: The source text(s) whose language you want to identify. Batch detection is supported via sequence input. :type text: UTF-8 :class:`str`; :class:`unicode`; string sequence (list, tuple, iterator, generator) :rtype: Detected :rtype: :class:`list` (when a list is passed) Basic usage: >>> from googletrans import Translator >>> translator = Translator() >>> translator.detect('이 문장은 한글로 쓰여졌습니다.') >>> translator.detect('この文章は日本語で書かれました。') >>> translator.detect('This sentence is written in English.') >>> translator.detect('Tiu frazo estas skribita en Esperanto.') Advanced usage: >>> langs = translator.detect(['한국어', '日本語', 'English', 'le français']) >>> for lang in langs: ... print(lang.lang, lang.confidence) ko 1 ja 0.92929292 en 0.96954316 fr 0.043500196 """ if isinstance(text, list): result = [] for item in text: lang = self.detect(item) result.append(lang) return result data = self._translate(text, 'en', 'auto', kwargs) # actual source language that will be recognized by Google Translator when the # src passed is equal to auto. src = '' confidence = 0.0 try: src = ''.join(data[8][0]) confidence = data[8][-2][0] except Exception: # pragma: nocover pass result = Detected(lang=src, confidence=confidence) return result