import requests from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta import pandas as pd from features import calendar def electricity_prices(historical: bool = False, area: list = None, start: str = ( - timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), end: str = ("%Y-%m-%d")) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Fetches electricity prices from Energinet (Dataservice API). Parameters: - historical (bool): If True, fetches historical data from start date to end date. If False, fetches data for the current day. Default is False. - area (list): Define the area for the API call. Default is None. - start (str): Define a start date for the API call. Default is 'Yesterday'. - end (str): Define a end date for the API call. Default is 'Today'. Returns: - pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with electricity prices for different areas in Denmark (DK1, DK2). """ # Define the API URL for electricity prices data and make a request to the API API_URL = '' r = requests.get(API_URL , params={ 'offset': 0, 'start': start+'T00:00', 'end': end+'T23:59', 'filter': '{"PriceArea":["DK1", "DK2"]}', 'sort': 'HourUTC DESC' }) # Extract JSON data from the response and make a DataFrame data = r.json()['records'] df = pd.DataFrame(data) # Format date and time df["date"] = df["HourDK"].map(lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['HourDK']) df['hour'] = pd.to_datetime(df['datetime']).dt.hour df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) # Divide the price to KWH df['SpotPriceDKK_KWH'] = df['SpotPriceDKK'] / 1000 # Drop unnecessary columns df.drop('SpotPriceDKK', axis=1, inplace=True) # Filter the df based on the area if area is None: filtered_df = df else: filtered_df = df[df['PriceArea'].isin(area)] # Filter the df based on the historical parameter today = ("%Y-%m-%d") if historical: filtered_df = filtered_df[ != today] else: filtered_df = filtered_df[ == today] # Convert datetime to timestamp in milliseconds and add it as a new column filtered_df["timestamp"] = filtered_df["datetime"].apply(lambda x: int(x.timestamp() * 1000)) # Reset the index to avoid duplicate entries filtered_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # Select relevant columns for electricity prices data and reorder them reordered_df = filtered_df[['timestamp', 'datetime', 'date', 'hour', 'PriceArea', 'SpotPriceDKK_KWH']] # Unpivot DataFrame reordered_df = reordered_df.melt(id_vars=['timestamp', 'datetime', 'date', 'hour', "PriceArea"], var_name="attribute", value_name="value") # Combine columns into a single "heading" column reordered_df["heading"] = reordered_df["PriceArea"] + "_" + reordered_df["attribute"] # Drop the columns that are no longer needed reordered_df.drop(columns=["PriceArea"], inplace=True) reordered_df.drop(columns=["attribute"], inplace=True) # Pivot DataFrame electricity_prices = reordered_df.pivot_table(index=['timestamp', 'datetime', 'date', 'hour'], columns="heading", values="value").reset_index() # Converting column names to lowercase for consistency electricity_prices.columns = list(map(str.lower, electricity_prices.columns)) # Replace spaces in column names with underscores electricity_prices.columns = electricity_prices.columns.str.replace(' ', '_') # Return the DataFrame with electricity prices data return electricity_prices def electricity_prices_window(historical: bool = False, area: list = None, start: str = ('2020-01-01'), end: str = + timedelta(days=(7*1))) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Fetches electricity prices and make rolling windows. Parameters: - historical (bool): If True, fetches historical data from start date to end date. If False, fetches data for the current day. Default is False. - area (list): List of areas to fetch data for. Default is None. - start (str): Define a start date for the API call. Default is '2020-01-01'. - end (str): Define a end date for the API call. Default is one week from today. Returns: - pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with electricity prices window. """ electricity_df = electricity_prices( historical=True, area=area, start=start ) calendar_hours_df = calendar.calendar_denmark( freq='H', start=start, end=end ) # Merging the electricity and calendar dataframes merge_data = pd.merge(electricity_df, calendar_hours_df, how='right', left_on='timestamp', right_on='timestamp') # Drop and rename columns merge_data = merge_data.drop(columns=['date_x', 'datetime_x', 'hour_x']) merge_data = merge_data.rename(columns={'date_y': 'date', 'datetime_y': 'datetime', 'hour_y': 'hour'}) merge_data_for_rolling = merge_data # Get today's date (only the date part, without time) today = # Create a boolean mask where the 'datetime' column's date part is before today mask = merge_data_for_rolling['datetime'] < today # Fill NaN values in the 'dk1_spotpricedkk_kwh' column with the previous row's value # Only fill NaNs for rows where the date is before today (using the mask) merge_data_for_rolling.loc[mask, 'dk1_spotpricedkk_kwh'] = merge_data_for_rolling['dk1_spotpricedkk_kwh'].ffill() # Defining a copy of the combined data to avoid modifying the original dataframe electricity_window_df = merge_data_for_rolling # Adding a column with the mean for the previous 1 week electricity_window_df['prev_1w_mean'] = electricity_window_df['dk1_spotpricedkk_kwh'].rolling(window=24*(1*7), min_periods=1).mean() # Adding a column with the mean for the previous 2 weeks electricity_window_df['prev_2w_mean'] = electricity_window_df['dk1_spotpricedkk_kwh'].rolling(window=24*(2*7), min_periods=1).mean() # Adding a column with the mean for the previous 4 weeks electricity_window_df['prev_4w_mean'] = electricity_window_df['dk1_spotpricedkk_kwh'].rolling(window=24*(4*7), min_periods=1).mean() # Adding a column with the mean for the previous 6 weeks electricity_window_df['prev_6w_mean'] = electricity_window_df['dk1_spotpricedkk_kwh'].rolling(window=24*(6*7), min_periods=1).mean() # Adding a column with the mean for the previous 8 weeks electricity_window_df['prev_8w_mean'] = electricity_window_df['dk1_spotpricedkk_kwh'].rolling(window=24*(8*7), min_periods=1).mean() # Adding a column with the mean for the previous 12 weeks electricity_window_df['prev_12w_mean'] = electricity_window_df['dk1_spotpricedkk_kwh'].rolling(window=24*(12*7), min_periods=1).mean() # Filter the df based on the historical parameter today = ("%Y-%m-%d") if historical: electricity_window_df_filtered = electricity_window_df[ < today] else: electricity_window_df_filtered = electricity_window_df[ >= today] # Only keep the columns 'timestamp', 'prev_1w_mean', 'prev_2w_mean', and 'prev_4w_mean' electricity_window_df_filtered=electricity_window_df_filtered[['timestamp', 'datetime', 'prev_1w_mean', 'prev_2w_mean', 'prev_4w_mean', 'prev_6w_mean', 'prev_8w_mean', 'prev_12w_mean']] # Return the DataFrame with electricity prices data return electricity_window_df_filtered