from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager import dataclasses import datetime from distutils.version import LooseVersion import logging from pathlib import Path import time from typing import ContextManager from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Sequence from typing import Tuple from typing import Union import warnings import humanfriendly import numpy as np import torch from typeguard import check_argument_types from typeguard import check_return_type import wandb if LooseVersion(torch.__version__) >= LooseVersion("1.1.0"): from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter else: from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter Num = Union[float, int, complex, torch.Tensor, np.ndarray] _reserved = {"time", "total_count"} def to_reported_value(v: Num, weight: Num = None) -> "ReportedValue": assert check_argument_types() if isinstance(v, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)): if != 1: raise ValueError(f"v must be 0 or 1 dimension: {len(v.shape)}") v = v.item() if isinstance(weight, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)): if != 1: raise ValueError(f"weight must be 0 or 1 dimension: {len(weight.shape)}") weight = weight.item() if weight is not None: retval = WeightedAverage(v, weight) else: retval = Average(v) assert check_return_type(retval) return retval def aggregate(values: Sequence["ReportedValue"]) -> Num: assert check_argument_types() for v in values: if not isinstance(v, type(values[0])): raise ValueError( f"Can't use different Reported type together: " f"{type(v)} != {type(values[0])}" ) if len(values) == 0: warnings.warn("No stats found") retval = np.nan elif isinstance(values[0], Average): retval = np.nanmean([v.value for v in values]) elif isinstance(values[0], WeightedAverage): # Excludes non finite values invalid_indices = set() for i, v in enumerate(values): if not np.isfinite(v.value) or not np.isfinite(v.weight): invalid_indices.add(i) values = [v for i, v in enumerate(values) if i not in invalid_indices] if len(values) != 0: # Calc weighed average. Weights are changed to sum-to-1. sum_weights = sum(v.weight for i, v in enumerate(values)) sum_value = sum(v.value * v.weight for i, v in enumerate(values)) if sum_weights == 0: warnings.warn("weight is zero") retval = np.nan else: retval = sum_value / sum_weights else: warnings.warn("No valid stats found") retval = np.nan else: raise NotImplementedError(f"type={type(values[0])}") assert check_return_type(retval) return retval class ReportedValue: pass @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Average(ReportedValue): value: Num @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class WeightedAverage(ReportedValue): value: Tuple[Num, Num] weight: Num class SubReporter: """This class is used in Reporter. See the docstring of Reporter for the usage. """ def __init__(self, key: str, epoch: int, total_count: int): assert check_argument_types() self.key = key self.epoch = epoch self.start_time = time.perf_counter() self.stats = defaultdict(list) self._finished = False self.total_count = total_count self.count = 0 self._seen_keys_in_the_step = set() def get_total_count(self) -> int: """Returns the number of iterations over all epochs.""" return self.total_count def get_epoch(self) -> int: return self.epoch def next(self): """Close up this step and reset state for the next step""" for key, stats_list in self.stats.items(): if key not in self._seen_keys_in_the_step: # Fill nan value if the key is not registered in this step if isinstance(stats_list[0], WeightedAverage): stats_list.append(to_reported_value(np.nan, 0)) elif isinstance(stats_list[0], Average): stats_list.append(to_reported_value(np.nan)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"type={type(stats_list[0])}") assert len(stats_list) == self.count, (len(stats_list), self.count) self._seen_keys_in_the_step = set() def register( self, stats: Dict[str, Optional[Union[Num, Dict[str, Num]]]], weight: Num = None, ) -> None: assert check_argument_types() if self._finished: raise RuntimeError("Already finished") if len(self._seen_keys_in_the_step) == 0: # Increment count as the first register in this step self.total_count += 1 self.count += 1 for key2, v in stats.items(): if key2 in _reserved: raise RuntimeError(f"{key2} is reserved.") if key2 in self._seen_keys_in_the_step: raise RuntimeError(f"{key2} is registered twice.") if v is None: v = np.nan r = to_reported_value(v, weight) if key2 not in self.stats: # If it's the first time to register the key, # append nan values in front of the the value # to make it same length to the other stats # e.g. # stat A: [0.4, 0.3, 0.5] # stat B: [nan, nan, 0.2] nan = to_reported_value(np.nan, None if weight is None else 0) self.stats[key2].extend( r if i == self.count - 1 else nan for i in range(self.count) ) else: self.stats[key2].append(r) self._seen_keys_in_the_step.add(key2) def log_message(self, start: int = None, end: int = None) -> str: if self._finished: raise RuntimeError("Already finished") if start is None: start = 0 if start < 0: start = self.count + start if end is None: end = self.count if self.count == 0 or start == end: return "" message = f"{self.epoch}epoch:{self.key}:" f"{start + 1}-{end}batch: " for idx, (key2, stats_list) in enumerate(self.stats.items()): assert len(stats_list) == self.count, (len(stats_list), self.count) # values: List[ReportValue] values = stats_list[start:end] if idx != 0 and idx != len(stats_list): message += ", " v = aggregate(values) if abs(v) > 1.0e3: message += f"{key2}={v:.3e}" elif abs(v) > 1.0e-3: message += f"{key2}={v:.3f}" else: message += f"{key2}={v:.3e}" return message def tensorboard_add_scalar(self, summary_writer: SummaryWriter, start: int = None): if start is None: start = 0 if start < 0: start = self.count + start for key2, stats_list in self.stats.items(): assert len(stats_list) == self.count, (len(stats_list), self.count) # values: List[ReportValue] values = stats_list[start:] v = aggregate(values) summary_writer.add_scalar(key2, v, self.total_count) def wandb_log(self, start: int = None, commit: bool = True): if start is None: start = 0 if start < 0: start = self.count + start d = {} for key2, stats_list in self.stats.items(): assert len(stats_list) == self.count, (len(stats_list), self.count) # values: List[ReportValue] values = stats_list[start:] v = aggregate(values) d[key2] = v d["iteration"] = self.total_count wandb.log(d, commit=commit) def finished(self) -> None: self._finished = True @contextmanager def measure_time(self, name: str): start = time.perf_counter() yield start t = time.perf_counter() - start self.register({name: t}) def measure_iter_time(self, iterable, name: str): iterator = iter(iterable) while True: try: start = time.perf_counter() retval = next(iterator) t = time.perf_counter() - start self.register({name: t}) yield retval except StopIteration: break class Reporter: """Reporter class. Examples: >>> reporter = Reporter() >>> with reporter.observe('train') as sub_reporter: ... for batch in iterator: ... stats = dict(loss=0.2) ... sub_reporter.register(stats) """ def __init__(self, epoch: int = 0): assert check_argument_types() if epoch < 0: raise ValueError(f"epoch must be 0 or more: {epoch}") self.epoch = epoch # stats: Dict[int, Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]] # e.g. self.stats[epoch]['train']['loss'] self.stats = {} def get_epoch(self) -> int: return self.epoch def set_epoch(self, epoch: int) -> None: if epoch < 0: raise ValueError(f"epoch must be 0 or more: {epoch}") self.epoch = epoch @contextmanager def observe(self, key: str, epoch: int = None) -> ContextManager[SubReporter]: sub_reporter = self.start_epoch(key, epoch) yield sub_reporter # Receive the stats from sub_reporter self.finish_epoch(sub_reporter) def start_epoch(self, key: str, epoch: int = None) -> SubReporter: if epoch is not None: if epoch < 0: raise ValueError(f"epoch must be 0 or more: {epoch}") self.epoch = epoch if self.epoch - 1 not in self.stats or key not in self.stats[self.epoch - 1]: # If the previous epoch doesn't exist for some reason, # maybe due to bug, this case also indicates 0-count. if self.epoch - 1 != 0: warnings.warn( f"The stats of the previous epoch={self.epoch - 1}" f"doesn't exist." ) total_count = 0 else: total_count = self.stats[self.epoch - 1][key]["total_count"] sub_reporter = SubReporter(key, self.epoch, total_count) # Clear the stats for the next epoch if it exists self.stats.pop(epoch, None) return sub_reporter def finish_epoch(self, sub_reporter: SubReporter) -> None: if self.epoch != sub_reporter.epoch: raise RuntimeError( f"Don't change epoch during observation: " f"{self.epoch} != {sub_reporter.epoch}" ) # Calc mean of current stats and set it as previous epochs stats stats = {} for key2, values in sub_reporter.stats.items(): v = aggregate(values) stats[key2] = v stats["time"] = datetime.timedelta( seconds=time.perf_counter() - sub_reporter.start_time ) stats["total_count"] = sub_reporter.total_count if LooseVersion(torch.__version__) >= LooseVersion("1.4.0"): if torch.cuda.is_initialized(): stats["gpu_max_cached_mem_GB"] = ( torch.cuda.max_memory_reserved() / 2 ** 30 ) else: if torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.max_memory_cached() > 0: stats["gpu_cached_mem_GB"] = torch.cuda.max_memory_cached() / 2 ** 30 self.stats.setdefault(self.epoch, {})[sub_reporter.key] = stats sub_reporter.finished() def sort_epochs_and_values( self, key: str, key2: str, mode: str ) -> List[Tuple[int, float]]: """Return the epoch which resulted the best value. Example: >>> val = reporter.sort_epochs_and_values('eval', 'loss', 'min') >>> e_1best, v_1best = val[0] >>> e_2best, v_2best = val[1] """ if mode not in ("min", "max"): raise ValueError(f"mode must min or max: {mode}") if not self.has(key, key2): raise KeyError(f"{key}.{key2} is not found: {self.get_all_keys()}") # iterate from the last epoch values = [(e, self.stats[e][key][key2]) for e in self.stats] if mode == "min": values = sorted(values, key=lambda x: x[1]) else: values = sorted(values, key=lambda x: -x[1]) return values def sort_epochs(self, key: str, key2: str, mode: str) -> List[int]: return [e for e, v in self.sort_epochs_and_values(key, key2, mode)] def sort_values(self, key: str, key2: str, mode: str) -> List[float]: return [v for e, v in self.sort_epochs_and_values(key, key2, mode)] def get_best_epoch(self, key: str, key2: str, mode: str, nbest: int = 0) -> int: return self.sort_epochs(key, key2, mode)[nbest] def check_early_stopping( self, patience: int, key1: str, key2: str, mode: str, epoch: int = None, logger=None, ) -> bool: if logger is None: logger = logging if epoch is None: epoch = self.get_epoch() best_epoch = self.get_best_epoch(key1, key2, mode) if epoch - best_epoch > patience: f"[Early stopping] {key1}.{key2} has not been " f"improved {epoch - best_epoch} epochs continuously. " f"The training was stopped at {epoch}epoch" ) return True else: return False def has(self, key: str, key2: str, epoch: int = None) -> bool: if epoch is None: epoch = self.get_epoch() return ( epoch in self.stats and key in self.stats[epoch] and key2 in self.stats[epoch][key] ) def log_message(self, epoch: int = None) -> str: if epoch is None: epoch = self.get_epoch() message = "" for key, d in self.stats[epoch].items(): _message = "" for key2, v in d.items(): if v is not None: if len(_message) != 0: _message += ", " if isinstance(v, float): if abs(v) > 1.0e3: _message += f"{key2}={v:.3e}" elif abs(v) > 1.0e-3: _message += f"{key2}={v:.3f}" else: _message += f"{key2}={v:.3e}" elif isinstance(v, datetime.timedelta): _v = humanfriendly.format_timespan(v) _message += f"{key2}={_v}" else: _message += f"{key2}={v}" if len(_message) != 0: if len(message) == 0: message += f"{epoch}epoch results: " else: message += ", " message += f"[{key}] {_message}" return message def get_value(self, key: str, key2: str, epoch: int = None): if not self.has(key, key2): raise KeyError(f"{key}.{key2} is not found in stats: {self.get_all_keys()}") if epoch is None: epoch = self.get_epoch() return self.stats[epoch][key][key2] def get_keys(self, epoch: int = None) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Returns keys1 e.g. train,eval.""" if epoch is None: epoch = self.get_epoch() return tuple(self.stats[epoch]) def get_keys2(self, key: str, epoch: int = None) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Returns keys2 e.g. loss,acc.""" if epoch is None: epoch = self.get_epoch() d = self.stats[epoch][key] keys2 = tuple(k for k in d if k not in ("time", "total_count")) return keys2 def get_all_keys(self, epoch: int = None) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...]: if epoch is None: epoch = self.get_epoch() all_keys = [] for key in self.stats[epoch]: for key2 in self.stats[epoch][key]: all_keys.append((key, key2)) return tuple(all_keys) def matplotlib_plot(self, output_dir: Union[str, Path]): """Plot stats using Matplotlib and save images.""" keys2 = set.union(*[set(self.get_keys2(k)) for k in self.get_keys()]) for key2 in keys2: keys = [k for k in self.get_keys() if key2 in self.get_keys2(k)] plt = self._plot_stats(keys, key2) p = output_dir / f"{key2}.png" p.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(p) def _plot_stats(self, keys: Sequence[str], key2: str): assert check_argument_types() # str is also Sequence[str] if isinstance(keys, str): raise TypeError(f"Input as [{keys}]") import matplotlib matplotlib.use("agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as ticker plt.clf() epochs = np.arange(1, self.get_epoch() + 1) for key in keys: y = [ self.stats[e][key][key2] if e in self.stats and key in self.stats[e] and key2 in self.stats[e][key] else np.nan for e in epochs ] assert len(epochs) == len(y), "Bug?" plt.plot(epochs, y, label=key, marker="x") plt.legend() plt.title(f"epoch vs {key2}") # Force integer tick for x-axis plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) plt.xlabel("epoch") plt.ylabel(key2) plt.grid() return plt def tensorboard_add_scalar(self, summary_writer: SummaryWriter, epoch: int = None): if epoch is None: epoch = self.get_epoch() for key1 in self.get_keys(epoch): for key2 in self.stats[epoch][key1]: if key2 in ("time", "total_count"): continue summary_writer.add_scalar( f"{key1}_{key2}_epoch", self.stats[epoch][key1][key2], epoch, ) def wandb_log(self, epoch: int = None, commit: bool = True): if epoch is None: epoch = self.get_epoch() d = {} for key1 in self.get_keys(epoch): for key2 in self.stats[epoch][key1]: if key2 in ("time", "total_count"): continue d[f"{key1}_{key2}_epoch"] = self.stats[epoch][key1][key2] d["epoch"] = epoch wandb.log(d, commit=commit) def state_dict(self): return {"stats": self.stats, "epoch": self.epoch} def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: dict): self.epoch = state_dict["epoch"] self.stats = state_dict["stats"]