import json import os import random import google.generativeai as genai import gradio as gr from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader GOOGLE_API_KEY = os.getenv('GOOGLE_API_KEY') genai.configure(api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY) model = genai.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash-latest", generation_config={"response_mime_type": "application/json"}) def merge_games(clues, num_merges=10): """Generates around 10 merges of words from the given clues. Args: clues: A list of clues, where each clue is a list containing the words, the answer, and the explanation. num_merges: The approximate number of merges to generate (default: 10). Returns: A list of tuples, where each tuple contains the merged words and the indices of the selected rows. """ merged = [] while len(merged) < num_merges: num_rows = random.choice([3, 4]) selected_rows = random.sample(range(len(clues)), num_rows) words_list = [word for row in [clues[i][0] for i in selected_rows] for word in row] if len(words_list) in [8, 9]: merged.append((words_list, selected_rows)) return merged example_clues = [ (['ARROW', 'TIE', 'HONOR'], 'BOW', 'such as a bow and arrow, a bow tie, or a bow as a sign of honor'), (['DOG', 'TREE'], 'BARK', 'such as the sound a dog makes, or a tree is made of bark'), (['MONEY', 'RIVER', 'ROB', 'BLOOD'], 'CRIME', 'such as money being stolen, a river being a potential crime scene, ' 'robbery, or blood being a result of a violent crime'), (['BEEF', 'TURKEY', 'FIELD', 'GRASS'], 'GROUND', 'such as ground beef, a turkey being a ground-dwelling bird, a field or grass being a type of ground'), (['BANK', 'GUITAR', 'LIBRARY'], 'NOTE', 'such as a bank note, a musical note on a guitar, or a note being a written comment in a library book'), (['ROOM', 'PIANO', 'TYPEWRITER'], 'KEYS', 'such as a room key, piano keys, or typewriter keys'), (['TRAFFIC', 'RADAR', 'PHONE'], 'SIGNAL', 'such as traffic signals, radar signals, or phone signals'), (['FENCE', 'PICTURE', 'COOKIE'], 'FRAME', 'such as a frame around a yard, a picture frame, or a cookie cutter being a type of frame'), (['YARN', 'VIOLIN', 'DRESS'], 'STRING', 'strings like material, instrument, clothing fastener'), (['JUMP', 'FLOWER', 'CLOCK'], 'SPRING', 'such as jumping, flowers blooming in the spring, or a clock having a sprint component'), (['SPY', 'KNIFE'], 'WAR', 'Both relate to aspects of war, such as spies being involved in war or knives being used as weapons'), (['STADIUM', 'SHOE', 'FIELD'], 'SPORT', 'Sports like venues, equipment, playing surfaces'), (['TEACHER', 'CLUB'], 'SCHOOL', 'such as a teacher being a school staff member or a club being a type of school organization'), (['CYCLE', 'ARMY', 'COURT', 'FEES'], 'CHARGE', 'charges like electricity, battle, legal, payments'), (['FRUIT', 'MUSIC', 'TRAFFIC', 'STUCK'], 'JAM', 'Jams such as fruit jam, a music jam session, traffic jam, or being stuck in a jam'), (['POLICE', 'DOG', 'THIEF'], 'CRIME', 'such as police investigating crimes, dogs being used to detect crimes, or a thief committing a crime'), (['ARCTIC', 'SHUT', 'STAMP'], 'SEAL', 'such as the Arctic being home to seals, or shutting a seal on an envelope, or a stamp being a type of seal'), ] example_groupings = [] merges = merge_games(example_clues, 5) for merged_words, indices in merges: groups = [{ "words": example_clues[i][0], "clue": example_clues[i][1], "explanation": example_clues[i][2] } for i in indices] example_groupings.append((merged_words, json.dumps(groups, separators=(',', ':')))) def render_jinja2_template(template, system_prompt, history, query): env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('.')) template = env.from_string(template) return template.render(system_prompt=system_prompt, history=history, query=query) def group_words(words): template = ''' {% for example in history %} INPUT: {{ example[0] }} OUTPUT: {{ example[1] }} {% endfor %} INPUT: {{ query }} OUTPUT: {{ system }} Groups = {'words': list[str], 'clue': str, 'explanation': str} Return: Groups ''' grouping_system_prompt = ("You are an assistant for the game Codenames. Your task is to help players by grouping a " "given group of secrets into 3 to 4 groups of 2 to 4 words. Each group should consist of secrets that " "share a common theme or other word connections such as homonym, hypernyms or synonyms. Avoid clues that are not too generic or not unique enough to be guessed easily") prompt = render_jinja2_template(template, grouping_system_prompt, example_groupings, words) # print(prompt) raw_response = model.generate_content( prompt, generation_config={'top_k': 3, 'temperature': 1.1}) response = json.loads(raw_response.text) print("Grouping words:", words) print("Got groupings: ", json.dumps(response, indent=4)) return [group["words"] for group in response] def generate_clues(group): template = ''' {% for example in history %} INPUT: {{ example[0] }} OUTPUT: { 'clue':{{ example[1] }}, 'explanation':{{ example[2] }} } {% endfor %} INPUT: {{ query }} OUTPUT: {{ system }} Clue = {'clue': str, 'explanation': str} Return: Clue ''' clue_system_prompt = ("You are a codenames game companion. Your task is to give a single word clue related to " "a given group of words. You will only respond with a single word clue. The clue can be a common theme or other word connections such as homonym, hypernyms or synonyms. Avoid clues that are not too generic or not unique enough to be guessed easily") prompt = render_jinja2_template(template, clue_system_prompt, example_clues, group) raw_response = model.generate_content( prompt, generation_config={'top_k': 3, 'temperature': 1.1}) response = json.loads(raw_response.text) print("Generating clues for: ", group) print("Got clue: ", json.dumps(response, indent=4)) return response def process_image(img): print(img, type(img)) raw_response = model.generate_content(['Identify the words in this game of Codenames. Provide only a list of ' 'words. Provide the words in capital letters only. Group these words into ' '6 or 8 groups that can be guessed together using a single word clue in ' 'the game of codenames. Give a response as json of the form: {"Game": ' '}', img], stream=True) raw_response.resolve() response = json.loads(raw_response.text) words = response['Game'] return gr.update(choices=words, value=words) with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("# *Codenames* clue generator") gr.Markdown("Provide a list of words to generate a clue") with gr.Row(): game_image = gr.Image(type="pil") word_list_input = gr.Dropdown(label="Detected words", choices=[], multiselect=True, interactive=True) with gr.Row(): detect_words_button = gr.Button("Detect Words") group_words_button = gr.Button("Group Words") dropdowns, buttons, outputs = [], [], [] for i in range(4): with gr.Row(): group_input = gr.Dropdown(label=f"Group {i + 1}", choices=[], allow_custom_value=True, multiselect=True, interactive=True) clue_button = gr.Button("Generate Clue", size='sm') clue_output = gr.Textbox(label=f"Clue {i + 1}") dropdowns.append(group_input) buttons.append(clue_button) outputs.append(clue_output) def pad_or_truncate(lst, n=4): # Ensure the length of the list is at most n truncated_lst = lst[:n] return truncated_lst + (n - len(truncated_lst)) * [None] def group_words_callback(words): word_groups = group_words(words) word_groups = pad_or_truncate(word_groups, 4) print("Got groups: ", word_groups, type(word_groups)) return [gr.update(value=word_groups[i], choices=words) for i in range(4)] def generate_clues_callback(group): print("Generating clues: ", group) g = generate_clues(group) return gr.update(value=g['clue'], info=g['explanation']), inputs=game_image, outputs=[word_list_input]), inputs=word_list_input, outputs=dropdowns) for i in range(4): buttons[i].click(generate_clues_callback, inputs=dropdowns[i], outputs=outputs[i]) demo.launch(share=True, debug=True)