import streamlit as st import pandas as pd st.set_page_config(layout="wide") with st.sidebar.expander("📍 Explanation", expanded=False): st.markdown(""" **About** This demo allows you to explore the data inside the [MRPC]( dataset. It illustrates how **Word Position Deviation (WPD)** and **Lexical Deviation (LD)** can be used to find different types of [paraphrase pairs]( inside MRPC. By using what we observe from the data, we can find and correct numerous labelling errors inside MRPC, thus we present a revision of MRPC termed as **MRPC-R1**. **Data Display** The paraphrase pairs are displayed as **S1** and **S2** from the original MRPC (columns 1,2) and MRPC-R1 (columns 3,4), along with their labels (columns 5), showing if the label was changed or kept. By changing the **Display Types** option below, you can filter the displayed pairs to show pairs that were rejected (label changed from paraphrase to non-paraphrase) or corrected (inconsistencies corrected). This demo accompanies the paper ["Towards Better Characterization of Paraphrases" (ACL 2022)](, which describes in detail the methodologies used.""") with st.sidebar.expander("⚙️ Dataset Options", expanded=False): st.markdown("This allows you to switch between the MRPC train and test sets, as well as choose to display only the original paraphrase pairs (MRPC) and/or the corrected pairs (MRPC-R1).") split ="Dataset Split", ["train", "test"]) display ="Display only pairs from", [ "Both MRPC and MRPC-R1", "Only MRPC", "Only MRPC-R1"]) ptype ="Display Types", ["All Paraphrases", "Only Paraphrases in MRPC-R1", "Rejected Paraphrases from MRPC", "Corrected Paraphrases from MRPC"]) display_reason = st.sidebar.checkbox( "Display reason for label change", value=False) with st.sidebar.expander("📍 Label Change Explanation", expanded=False): st.markdown(""" Labels may change between MRPC and MRPC-R1, as displayed in column 5. For example, **1->0** means that the pair was labelled as a paraphrase (1) in MRPC, but corrected to non-paraphrase (0) in MRPC-R1, meaning we **rejected** the paraphrase. There are three main cases: 1. **no need to correct**: label was accepted. The text in original pair and new pair is the **same**. 2. **corrected**: label was kept as sentences were corrected. The text in original pair and new pair is **different**. 3. **can't correct**: label was rejected as sentences could not be corrected. The text in original pair and new pair is the **same**. """) st.sidebar.markdown("**WPD/LD Score Filter Options**") display_range_wpd=st.sidebar.slider( "Filter by WPD Scores", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=(0.1, 0.7)) display_range_ld=st.sidebar.slider( "Filter by LD Scores", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=(0.1, 0.4)) with st.sidebar.expander("📍 WPD/LD Score Explanation", expanded=False): st.markdown(""" WPD and LD measure differences in the two sentences of a paraphrase pair: * WPD measures difference in the sentence structure * LD measures differences in the words used By setting WPD to a high range (>0.4) and LD to a low range (<0.1), we can find paraphrases that do not change much in words used but have very different structures. When LD is set to a high range (>0.5), we can find many pairs labelled as paraphrases in MRPC are not in fact paraphrases. """) st.markdown("**Additional Filter Options**") "Filter By Scores From", ["MRPC", "MRPC-R1"]) display_scores=st.checkbox("Display scores", value=False) def load_df(split): if split == "train": df=pd.read_csv("./mrpc_train_scores.csv") else: df=pd.read_csv("./mrpc_test_scores.csv") df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return df def filter_df(df, display, ptype, filter_by, display_scores): # filter data if display == "Only MRPC": df=df.drop(["new_s1", "new_s2"], axis=1) elif display == "Only MRPC-R1": df=df.drop(["og_s1", "og_s2"], axis=1) # filter paraphrase type if ptype == "All Paraphrases": condition=df.og_label == 1 df_sel=df[condition] elif ptype == "Only Paraphrases in MRPC-R1": condition=df.new_label == 1 df_sel=df[condition] elif ptype == "Rejected Paraphrases from MRPC": condition=(df.new_label == 0) & (df.og_label == 1) df_sel=df[condition] elif ptype == "Corrected Paraphrases from MRPC": condition=df.remarks == "corrected" df_sel=df[condition] else: # all df_sel=df # sort by scores if filter_by == "MRPC": # wpd condition=(df_sel.og_wpd >= display_range_wpd[0]) & ( df_sel.og_wpd < display_range_wpd[1]) df_sel=df_sel[condition] # ld condition=(df_sel.og_ld >= display_range_ld[0]) & ( df_sel.og_ld < display_range_ld[1]) df_sel=df_sel[condition] else: # wpd condition=(df_sel.new_wpd >= display_range_wpd[0]) & ( df_sel.new_wpd < display_range_wpd[1]) df_sel=df_sel[condition] # ld condition=(df_sel.new_ld >= display_range_ld[0]) & ( df_sel.new_ld < display_range_ld[1]) df_sel=df_sel[condition] # filter scores if filter_by == "MRPC": df_sel.sort_values("og_ld", inplace=True) df_sel.sort_values("og_wpd", inplace=True) else: df_sel.sort_values("new_ld", inplace=True) df_sel.sort_values("new_wpd", inplace=True) if not display_scores: df_sel.drop(["og_ld", "og_wpd", "new_ld", "new_wpd"], axis=1, inplace=True) if not display_reason: df_sel.drop(["remarks", ], axis=1, inplace=True) label_col=df_sel["og_label"].astype( str)+"->"+df_sel["new_label"].astype(str) df_sel["og/new label"]=label_col df_sel.drop(["og_label", "new_label"], axis=1, inplace=True) df_sel.drop_duplicates(inplace=True, ignore_index=True) return df_sel df=load_df(split) df_sel=filter_df(df, display, ptype, filter_by, display_scores) df_sel.rename(columns={"og_s1": "Original S1 (MRPC)", "og_s2": "Original S2 (MRPC)", "new_s1": "New S1 (MRPC-R1)", "new_s2": "New S2 (MRPC-R1)"}, inplace=True) st.markdown("**MRPC Paraphrase Data Explorer** (Displaying " + str(len(df_sel))+" items)") st.table(data=df_sel)