from pyChatGPT import ChatGPT import openai import gradio as gr import os, sys, json from loguru import logger import paddlehub as hub import random from encoder import get_encoder openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") from utils import get_tmt_client, getTextTrans_tmt tmt_client = get_tmt_client() # language_translation_model = hub.Module(directory=f'./baidu_translate') def getTextTrans(text, source='zh', target='en'): return getTextTrans_tmt(tmt_client, text, source, target) # def is_chinese(string): # for ch in string: # if u'\u4e00' <= ch <= u'\u9fff': # return True # return False # if not is_chinese(text) and target == 'en': # return text # try: # text_translation = language_translation_model.translate(text, source, target) # return text_translation # except Exception as e: # return text session_token = os.environ.get('SessionToken') #"session_token_: {session_token}") def get_api(): api = None try: api = ChatGPT(session_token) # api.refresh_auth() except Exception as e:'get_api_error: {e}') api = None return api def get_response_from_chatgpt(api, text): if api is None: # return "Sorry, I'm busy. Try again later.(1)" return "Openai said: I'm too tired. Let me lie down for a few days. If you like, you can visit my home(1)." try: resp = api.send_message(text) # api.refresh_auth() # api.reset_conversation() response = resp['message'] conversation_id = resp['conversation_id'] parent_id = resp['parent_id'] #"response_: {response}")"conversation_id_: [{conversation_id}] / parent_id: [{parent_id}]") except: # response = "Sorry, I'm busy. Try again later.(2)" response = "Openai said: I'm so tired. Let me lie down for a few days. If you like, you can visit my home(2)." return response token_encoder = get_encoder() total_tokens = 4096 max_output_tokens = 1024 max_input_tokens = total_tokens - max_output_tokens def get_response_from_openai(input, history): def openai_create(prompt): # no chatgpt, and from gpt-3 try: response = openai.Completion.create( model="text-davinci-003", prompt=prompt, temperature=0.9, max_tokens=max_output_tokens, top_p=1, frequency_penalty=0, presence_penalty=0.6, stop=[" Human:", " AI:"] ) ret = response.choices[0].text if ret == '': ret = "Openai said: I'm too tired. Let me lie down for a few days. If you like, you can visit my home(3)." except Exception as e: ret = "Openai said: I'm too tired. Let me lie down for a few days. If you like, you can visit my home(4)." return ret history = history or [] his= [tuple(item) for item in history] s = list(sum(his, ())) s.append(input) inp = ' '.join(s) tokens = token_encoder.encode(inp) if len(tokens) > max_input_tokens: new_tokens = tokens[-max_input_tokens:] inp = token_encoder.decode(new_tokens) # tokens_1 = token_encoder.encode(inp) #"tokens_len[1]__{len(tokens)}__{len(new_tokens)}__{len(tokens_1)}") # else: #"tokens_len[0]__{len(tokens)}") output = openai_create(inp) return output start_work = """async() => { function isMobile() { try { document.createEvent("TouchEvent"); return true; } catch(e) { return false; } } function getClientHeight() { var clientHeight=0; if(document.body.clientHeight&&document.documentElement.clientHeight) { var clientHeight = (document.body.clientHeightdocument.documentElement.clientHeight)?document.body.clientHeight:document.documentElement.clientHeight; } return clientHeight; } function img_click(img) { this_width = parseInt( + 20; if (this_width > 100) { this_width = 20; } = this_width + "%"; } function setNativeValue(element, value) { const valueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(element.__proto__, 'value').set; const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(element); const prototypeValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, 'value').set; if (valueSetter && valueSetter !== prototypeValueSetter) {, value); } else {, value); } element.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true })); } function save_conversation(chatbot) { var conversations = new Array(); var conversations_noimg = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < chatbot.children.length; i++) { innerHTML = chatbot.children[i].innerHTML; conversations.push(innerHTML); if (innerHTML.indexOf(" gradio-app').shadowRoot; if (!gradioEl) { gradioEl = document.querySelector('body > gradio-app'); } if (typeof window['gradioEl'] === 'undefined') { window['gradioEl'] = gradioEl; const page1 = window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('#page_1')[0]; const page2 = window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('#page_2')[0]; = "none"; = "block"; window['div_count'] = 0; window['chat_bot'] = window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('#chat_bot')[0]; window['chat_bot1'] = window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('#chat_bot1')[0]; window['chat_his'] = window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('#chat_history')[0].querySelectorAll('textarea')[0]; chat_row = window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('#chat_row')[0]; prompt_row = window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('#prompt_row')[0]; window['chat_bot1'].children[1].textContent = ''; clientHeight = getClientHeight(); if (isMobile()) { output_htmls = window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('.output-html'); for (var i = 0; i < output_htmls.length; i++) { output_htmls[i].style.display = "none"; } new_height = (clientHeight - 250) + 'px'; } else { new_height = (clientHeight - 350) + 'px'; } = new_height; window['chat_bot'].style.height = new_height; window['chat_bot'].children[2].style.height = new_height; window['chat_bot1'].style.height = new_height; window['chat_bot1'].children[2].style.height = new_height; prompt_row.children[0].style.flex = 'auto'; prompt_row.children[0].style.width = '100%'; window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('#chat_radio')[0].style.flex = 'auto'; window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('#chat_radio')[0].style.width = '100%'; prompt_row.children[0].setAttribute('style','flex-direction: inherit; flex: 1 1 auto; width: 100%;border-color: green;border-width: 1px !important;') window['chat_bot1'].children[1].setAttribute('style', 'border-bottom-right-radius:0;top:unset;bottom:0;padding-left:0.1rem'); window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('#btns_row')[0].children[0].setAttribute('style', 'min-width: min(10px, 100%); flex-grow: 1'); window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('#btns_row')[0].children[1].setAttribute('style', 'min-width: min(10px, 100%); flex-grow: 1'); load_conversation(window['chat_bot1'].children[2].children[0]); window['chat_bot1'].children[2].scrollTop = window['chat_bot1'].children[2].scrollHeight; window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('#clear-btn')[0].onclick = function(e){ if (confirm('Clear all outputs?')==true) { window['chat_bot1'].children[2].children[0].innerHTML = ''; save_conversation(window['chat_bot1'].children[2].children[0]); } } window['prevPrompt'] = ''; window['doCheckPrompt'] = 0; window['prevImgSrc'] = ''; window['checkChange'] = function checkChange() { try { if (window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('.gr-radio')[0].checked) { if (window['chat_bot'].children[2].children[0].children.length > window['div_count']) { new_len = window['chat_bot'].children[2].children[0].children.length - window['div_count']; for (var i = 0; i < new_len; i++) { new_div = window['chat_bot'].children[2].children[0].children[window['div_count'] + i].cloneNode(true); window['chat_bot1'].children[2].children[0].appendChild(new_div); } window['div_count'] = chat_bot.children[2].children[0].children.length; window['chat_bot1'].children[2].scrollTop = window['chat_bot1'].children[2].scrollHeight; save_conversation(window['chat_bot1'].children[2].children[0]); } if (window['chat_bot'].children[0].children.length > 1) { window['chat_bot1'].children[1].textContent = window['chat_bot'].children[0].children[1].textContent; } else { window['chat_bot1'].children[1].textContent = ''; } } else { texts = window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('textarea'); text0 = texts[0]; text1 = texts[1]; img_index = 0; text_value = text1.value; if (window['doCheckPrompt'] === 0 && window['prevPrompt'] !== text_value) { console.log('_____new prompt___[' + text_value + ']_'); window['doCheckPrompt'] = 1; window['prevPrompt'] = text_value; tabitems = window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('.tabitem'); for (var i = 0; i < tabitems.length; i++) { inputText = tabitems[i].children[0].children[1].children[0].querySelectorAll('.gr-text-input')[0]; setNativeValue(inputText, text_value); } setTimeout(function() { btns = window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('button'); for (var i = 0; i < btns.length; i++) { if (['Generate image','Run'].includes(btns[i].innerText)) { btns[i].click(); } } window['doCheckPrompt'] = 0; }, 10); } tabitems = window['gradioEl'].querySelectorAll('.tabitem'); imgs = tabitems[img_index].children[0].children[1].children[1].querySelectorAll("img"); if (imgs.length > 0) { if (window['prevImgSrc'] !== imgs[0].src) { var user_div = document.createElement("div"); user_div.className = "px-3 py-2 rounded-[22px] rounded-br-none text-white text-sm chat-message svelte-rct66g"; = "#16a34a"; user_div.innerHTML = "

" + text0.value + "

"; window['chat_bot1'].children[2].children[0].appendChild(user_div); var bot_div = document.createElement("div"); bot_div.className = "px-3 py-2 rounded-[22px] rounded-bl-none place-self-start text-white text-sm chat-message svelte-rct66g"; = "#2563eb"; = "40%"; bot_div.onclick = function(e){ img_click(this); } = "0.2rem"; bot_div.appendChild(imgs[0].cloneNode(true)); window['chat_bot1'].children[2].children[0].appendChild(bot_div); window['chat_bot1'].children[2].scrollTop = window['chat_bot1'].children[2].scrollHeight; window['prevImgSrc'] = imgs[0].src; save_conversation(window['chat_bot1'].children[2].children[0]); } } if (tabitems[img_index].children[0].children[1].children[1].children[0].children.length > 1) { window['chat_bot1'].children[1].textContent = tabitems[img_index].children[0].children[1].children[1].children[0].textContent; } else { window['chat_bot1'].children[1].textContent = ''; } } } catch(e) { } } window['checkChange_interval'] = window.setInterval("window.checkChange()", 500); } return false; }""" space_ids = { "spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion":"Stable Diffusion 2.1", # "spaces/runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5":"Stable Diffusion 1.5", # "spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-1":"Stable Diffusion 1.0", } tab_actions = [] tab_titles = [] for space_id in space_ids.keys(): print(space_id, space_ids[space_id]) try: tab = gr.Interface.load(space_id) tab_actions.append(tab) tab_titles.append(space_ids[space_id]) except Exception as e:"load_fail__{space_id}_{e}") def chat(api, input0, input1, chat_radio, chat_history): out_chat = [] chat_history = chat_history.replace('

', '').replace('

', '') if chat_history != '': out_chat_1 = json.loads(chat_history) for i in range(int(len(out_chat_1)/2)): out_chat.append([out_chat_1[2*i], out_chat_1[2*i+1]]) #"out_chat_: {len(out_chat)} / {chat_radio}") if chat_radio == "Talk to chatGPT": # response = get_response_from_chatgpt(api, input0) response = get_response_from_openai(input0, out_chat) out_chat.append((input0, response)) #'liuyz_5___{out_chat}__') return api, out_chat, input1 else: prompt_en = getTextTrans(input0, source='zh', target='en') + f',{random.randint(0,sys.maxsize)}' return api, out_chat, prompt_en with gr.Blocks(title='Talk to chatGPT') as demo: with gr.Group(elem_id="page_0", visible=True) as page_0: gr.HTML("

You can duplicating this space and use your own session token: Duplicate Space

") gr.HTML("

Instruction on how to get session token can be seen in video here. Add your session token by going to settings and add under secrets.

") with gr.Group(elem_id="page_1", visible=True) as page_1: with gr.Box(): with gr.Row(): start_button = gr.Button("Let's talk to chatGPT!", elem_id="start-btn", visible=True), inputs=[], outputs=[], _js=start_work) with gr.Group(elem_id="page_2", visible=False) as page_2: with gr.Row(elem_id="chat_row"): chatbot = gr.Chatbot(elem_id="chat_bot", visible=False).style(color_map=("green", "blue")) chatbot1 = gr.Chatbot(elem_id="chat_bot1").style(color_map=("green", "blue")) with gr.Row(elem_id="prompt_row"): prompt_input0 = gr.Textbox(lines=2, label="prompt",show_label=False) prompt_input1 = gr.Textbox(lines=4, label="prompt", visible=False) chat_history = gr.Textbox(lines=4, label="prompt", elem_id="chat_history", visible=False) chat_radio = gr.Radio(["Talk to chatGPT", "Text to Image"], elem_id="chat_radio",value="Talk to chatGPT", show_label=False, visible=True) with gr.Row(elem_id="btns_row"): with gr.Column(id="submit_col"): submit_btn = gr.Button(value = "submit",elem_id="submit-btn").style( margin=True, rounded=(True, True, True, True), width=100 ) with gr.Column(id="clear_col"): clear_btn = gr.Button(value = "clear outputs", elem_id="clear-btn").style( margin=True, rounded=(True, True, True, True), width=100 ) api = gr.State(value=get_api()), inputs=[api, prompt_input0, prompt_input1, chat_radio, chat_history], outputs=[api, chatbot, prompt_input1], ) with gr.Row(elem_id='tab_img', visible=False).style(height=5): tab_img = gr.TabbedInterface(tab_actions, tab_titles) demo.launch(debug = True)