import streamlit as st import os import subprocess import sys st.set_page_config( page_title="TradingView Chart for Stock Market Analysis", page_icon="📊", layout="wide", ) secure_repo = st.secrets["private_repo"] git_user = st.secrets["git_usr"] git_token = st.secrets["MCGtk"] def core_engine_setup(): repo_url = "" # Replace with the environment variable for your GitHub PAT secure_url = repo_url.replace("", git_token).replace("", git_user).replace("", secure_repo) #"pip install git+{secure_url}", shell=True, check=True)["git", "clone", secure_url]) try: core_engine_setup() os.chdir(secure_repo) print('The core engine initialized successfully!')"ls -l", shell=True, check=True)"pip install -r requirements.txt", shell=True, check=True) from app import technical_tab from authen import authorize center_col = st.columns([1, 3, 1])[1] with center_col: # st.image('', width=120) auth, conf = authorize.load_config() auth.login() if st.session_state["authentication_status"]: chart_tab, account_tab = st.tabs(['Home', 'Account']) with chart_tab: technical_tab.render() with account_tab: st.write(f'Xin chào *{st.session_state["name"]}*!') st.markdown('### Đăng xuất') auth.logout('Đăng xuất') except Exception as e: st.warning('Something went wrong! Please try again!') print(f'Error details: {e}')