new file mode 100644--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+function glitch() {
+ javascript: (function() { window.__glitch_runs = window.g__glitch_runs ? window.__glith_runs + 1 : 1; const MODES = { STANDARD: 'STANDARD', TURBO: 'TURBO' }; const OPTIONS = Object.assign({ G_T: false, G_I: true, TURBO: false }, { G_T: true } || {}); const GLITCH_TEXT = OPTIONS.G_T; const GLITCH_IMAGES = OPTIONS.G_I; const MODE = OPTIONS.TURBO ? MODES.TURBO : MODES.STANDARD; if (MODE === MODES.TURBO) { window.__glitch_runs = 3; } const transformTranspose = (header, input, gap = 1) => { const idx = header + Math.floor(Math.random() * (input.length - header - gap)); const tmp = input[idx]; input[idx] = input[idx + gap]; input[idx + gap] = tmp; return input; }; const transformSubstitute = (header, input) => { const by = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256); const idx = header + Math.floor(Math.random() * (input.length - header)); input[idx] = by; return input; }; const transformText = str => { let bytes = new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(str); const errors = Math.random() * (0.05 * str.length); for (let i = 0; i < errors; i += 1) { bytes = Math.random() > 0.5 ? transformSubstitute(0, bytes) : transformTranspose(0, bytes, Math.floor(Math.random() * str.length - 1) + 1); } const string = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(bytes); return string; }; const glitchImage = image => { try { image.onload = () => { }; image.style.backgroundColor = '#262626'; const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width = image.naturalWidth; canvas.height = image.naturalHeight; context.drawImage(image, 0, 0); const data = canvas.toBlob(blob => { const fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = event => { const data = blob.size === event.target.result.byteLength ? new Uint8Array(event.target.result) : null; image.onerror = () => { image.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); }; const glitchOnce = () => { const errors = Math.random() * 10 * window.__glitch_runs; let corrupted = data.slice(0); for (let i = 0; i < errors; i++) { corrupted = Math.random() > 0.5 ? transformTranspose(100, corrupted) : transformSubstitute(100, corrupted); } const corruptBlob = new Blob([corrupted], { type: 'image/png' }); const corruptSrc = URL.createObjectURL(corruptBlob); image.src = corruptSrc; }; const glitchImageRaf = () => { glitchOnce(); window.requestAnimationFrame(glitchImageRaf); }; const glitchImageTimeout = (max = 300) => { glitchOnce(); window.setTimeout(() => { glitchImageTimeout(max); }, Math.random() * max / 2 + Math.random() * max / 2); }; if (MODE === MODES.STANDARD) { glitchImageTimeout(); } else if (MODE === MODES.TURBO) { glitchImageRaf(); } }; fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); }, 'image/jpeg'); } catch (e) { return false; } }; const glitchText = n => { const original = n.textContent; const glitchText = () => { n.textContent = transformText(original).replace(/�/g, ''); }; const glitchTextTimeout = (max = 1000) => { glitchText(); window.setTimeout(() => { glitchTextTimeout(max); }, Math.random() * max / 2 + Math.random() * max / 2); }; const glitchTextRaf = () => { glitchText(); window.requestAnimationFrame(glitchTextRaf); }; glitchTextTimeout(); }; const textNodesUnder = el => { let n; const a = []; const walk = document.createTreeWalker(el, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false); while ((n = walk.nextNode())) { a.push(n); } return a; }; const setupGlitch = () => { if (GLITCH_IMAGES) { const images = document.querySelectorAll('img'); images.forEach(i => { i.complete ? glitchImage(i) : (i.onload = event => glitchImage(event.target)); }); } if (GLITCH_TEXT) { const textNodes = textNodesUnder(document.body).filter(n => n.textContent && n.textContent.length > 0 && n.textContent.trim()); textNodes.forEach(glitchText); } }; if (document.readyState === 'complete') { setupGlitch(); } else { document.body.addEventListener('load', setupGlitch); } })();
+function snow() {
+ window.open("javascript:(function()%7Bjavascript%3A (function() %7B%0A var letter %3D prompt('What letter%3F')%3B%0A var color %3D prompt('What color%3F')%3B%0A var speed %3D prompt('What speed%3F')%3B%0A var container %3D document.createElement('div')%3B%0A document.body.appendChild(container)%3B%0A container.style.position %3D 'fixed'%3B%0A container.style.top %3D '0'%3B%0A container.style.left %3D '0'%3B%0A container.style.width %3D '100%25'%3B%0A container.style.height %3D '100%25'%3B%0A container.style.overflow %3D 'hidden'%3B%0A container.style.pointerEvents %3D 'none'%3B%0A%0A function init() %7B%0A var injection %3D document.createElement('style')%3B%0A document.body.appendChild(injection)%3B%0A injection.innerHTML %3D '%40-webkit-keyframes snow %7B%5Cnfrom %7Btop%3A-1%25%3B%7D%5Cnto%7Btop%3A121%25%3B%7D%7D%5Cn%40-moz-keyframes snow %7B%5Cnfrom %7Btop%3A -1%25%3B%7D%5Cnto %7Btop%3A 121%25%3B%7D%5Cn%7D'%3B%0A %7D%0A init()%3B%0A window.setInterval(createParticle%2C speed)%3B%0A timeChoices %3D %5B5%2C 6%2C 7%2C 8%2C 9%2C 10%5D%3B%0A%0A function destroy(evt) %7B%0A container.removeChild(evt.target)%3B%0A %7D%0A%0A function createParticle() %7B%0A var particle %3D document.createElement('span')%3B%0A var randomSpeed %3D timeChoices%5BMath.floor(Math.random() * timeChoices.length)%5D%3B%0A particle.innerHTML %3D letter%3B%0A particle.className %3D 'flake'%3B%0A particle.style.position %3D 'absolute'%3B%0A particle.style.color %3D color%3B%0A particle.style.backgroundColor %3D 'transparent'%3B%0A particle.style.width %3D '5px'%3B%0A particle.style.height %3D '5px'%3B%0A particle.style.pointerEvents %3D 'none'%3B%0A particle.style.right %3D Math.random() * 100 %2B '%25'%3B%0A particle.style.borderRadius %3D '50%25'%3B%0A particle.style.WebkitAnimation %3D 'snow ' %2B randomSpeed %2B 's linear'%3B%0A container.appendChild(particle)%3B%0A particle.addEventListener('webkitAnimationEnd'%2C destroy)%3B%0A %7D%0A%7D)()%7D)()%3B", "_self");
+function watch() {
+ window.open("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/The-Wellerman-Group/v3@latest/assets/wellerman.mp4", "_blank")
+function goggles() {
+ javascript: var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = 'https://x-ray-goggles.mouse.org/webxray.js'; script.className = 'webxray'; script.setAttribute('data-lang', 'en-US'); script.setAttribute('data-baseuri', 'https://x-ray-goggles.mouse.org'); document.body.appendChild(script);
+function bomb() {
+ var js = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')); js.onerror = function() { console.log('Sorry, the script could not be loaded.') }; js.src = 'https://fontbomb.ilex.ca/js/main.js';
+function ship() {
+ javascript: var KICKtrashVERSION = '2.0'; var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; document.body.appendChild(s); s.src = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/CyranicusTheGreat/superior-asteriods@master/js.js'; void (0);
+function snake() {
+ javascript: Q = 64; m = b = Q * Q; a = [P = l = u = d = p = S = w = 0]; u = 89; f = (h = j = t = (b + Q) / 2) - 1; (B = (D = document).body).appendChild(x = D.createElement("p")); (X = x.style).position = "fixed"; X.left = X.top = 0; X.background = "#FFF"; x.innerHTML = "