import os import streamlit as st from dotenv import dotenv_values from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA, LLMChain from langchain.document_loaders import TextLoader from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings from langchain.llms import HuggingFaceEndpoint from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma env_vars = dotenv_values(".env") # prepare Falcon Huggingface API llm = HuggingFaceEndpoint( endpoint_url= f"{env_vars['HUGGINGFACE_MODEL']}", huggingfacehub_api_token=env_vars["HUGGINGFACE_API_TOKEN"], task="text-generation", model_kwargs = { "min_length": 8192, "max_length":8192, "temperature":0.9, "max_new_tokens":4000, "num_return_sequences":1 } ) keyword_prompt_template = "What are 10 important keywords related too: {word}? Only return a list of words and do not include any duplicates." keyword_chain = LLMChain( llm=llm, prompt=PromptTemplate.from_template(keyword_prompt_template), ) outline_prompt_template = "Create an outline for an article about: {word}." outline_chain = LLMChain( llm=llm, prompt=PromptTemplate.from_template(outline_prompt_template), ) article_prompt_template = """ Act as an expert SEO Writer. Write a well crafted article using the given outline as a guide. Use the relavant keywords you are provided. Apply EEAT principles and SEO best practices. It is important that the content is at least 1500 words. Be sure to include section headers. OUTLINE: {outline} KEYWORDS: {keywords} """ article_chain = LLMChain( llm=llm, prompt=PromptTemplate.from_template(article_prompt_template), ) st.title("Blog Writer") keyword = st.text_input("Input the keyword you wish to write about") if keyword: with st.spinner("Writing..."): st.write(f"Writing about: {keyword}") with st.expander("Keywords"): keywords = st.write(keywords) with st.expander("Outline"): outline = st.write(outline) with st.expander("Article"): article =, keywords=keywords) st.write(article)