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Improve your IELTS Academic Writing score

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Last activity on May 24, 2023
    Welcome to Improve Your IELTS Academic Writing
  2. Meet Your Course Trainers
  3. Course Overview
  4. Using the Platform
    Learning Outcomes
  6. Check Your Knowledge
  7. Band Descriptors
  8. Test Format
  9. TASK 1
    Learning Outcomes
  10. Check Your Knowledge
  11. Overall Structure
    5 Topics
  12. Types of Visuals
    4 Topics
  13. Paragraph Structure
    8 Topics
  14. Organisation and Logic
    3 Topics
  15. Practice
    5 Topics
  16. Lesson Summary
    Task Achievement
    2 Topics
  18. Coherence and Cohesion
    2 Topics
  19. Lexical Resource
    2 Topics
  20. Grammatical Range and Accuracy
    2 Topics
  21. Lesson Summary
  22. TASK 2
    Learning Outcomes
  23. Check Your Knowledge
  24. Overall Structure
    5 Topics
  25. Question Types
    4 Topics
  26. Paragraph Structure
    12 Topics
  27. Organisation and Logic
    3 Topics
  28. Practice
    5 Topics
  29. Lesson Summary
    Task Response
    2 Topics
  31. Coherence and Cohesion
    2 Topics
  32. Lexical Resource
    2 Topics
  33. Grammatical Range and Accuracy
    2 Topics
  34. Lesson Summary
    Overall tips
  36. Congratulations on Completing the Course
Lesson 33, Topic 1
In Progress
Lesson 33
0% Complete

Comparing Band Descriptors

Comparing Band Descriptors

In this part of the lesson, you will compare the Grammatical range and accuracy descriptors for Bands 5, 6, 7, and 8. This lesson will use the public band descriptors for Task 2, which you can view here.

What is Grammatical range and accuracy?

The range of your grammar refers to the variety of the sentence structures you use, while the accuracy refers to how correct your grammar is (how many errors you make).

Assessing Grammatical range and accuracy


The range of your grammar means using a variety of sentence structures. These may include the use of:

  • different types of sentences (simple, complex*, compound, different tenses)
  • nominalisation
  • passive voice
  • modal verbs

*Complex sentences include: conditional sentences (if…, …), relative clauses (…which…) and other dependent clauses (…because…, …while…, …although….)


Errors in accuracy could be in the following areas:

  • verb tense
  • agreement (subject-verb agreement, and modifier/quantifier-noun agreement)
  • articles (a, an, the)
  • punctuation (commas, full stops, capital letters)
  • complex sentences
  • modal verbs

Band 5 and 6

Here are the Band 5 and 6 descriptors for Grammatical range and accuracy.

Grammatical range and accuracy
Band 5Band 6
  • uses only a limited range of structures
  • attempts complex sentences but these tend to be less accurate than simple sentences
  • may make frequent grammatical errors and punctuation may be faulty; errors can cause some difficulty for the reader
  • uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms
  • makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication

What do you need to do to move from a Band 5 to a Band 6 in Grammatical range and accuracy?

Band 7 and 8

Now compare the Band 7 and Band 8 descriptors.

Grammatical range and accuracy
Band 7Band 8
  • uses a variety of complex structures
  • produces frequent error-free sentences
  • has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors
  • uses a wide range of structures
  • the majority of sentences are error-free
  • makes only very occasional errors or inappropriacies

What do you need to do to move from a Band 7 to a Band 8 in Grammatical range and accuracy?

To help with the range and accuracy of your grammar, you could review some of the language lessons you have looked at in this course, such as: