from PIL import Image import io import pandas as pd import numpy as np from typing import Optional from ultralytics import YOLO from ultralytics.yolo.utils.plotting import Annotator, colors # Initialize the models model_sample_model = YOLO("") def get_image_from_bytes(binary_image: bytes) -> Image: """Convert image from bytes to PIL RGB format Args: binary_image (bytes): The binary representation of the image Returns: PIL.Image: The image in PIL RGB format """ input_image ="RGB") return input_image def get_bytes_from_image(image: Image) -> bytes: """ Convert PIL image to Bytes Args: image (Image): A PIL image instance Returns: bytes : BytesIO object that contains the image in JPEG format with quality 85 """ return_image = io.BytesIO(), format='JPEG', quality=85) # save the image in JPEG format with quality 85 # set the pointer to the beginning of the file return return_image def transform_predict_to_df(results: list, labeles_dict: dict) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Transform predict from yolov8 (torch.Tensor) to pandas DataFrame. Args: results (list): A list containing the predict output from yolov8 in the form of a torch.Tensor. labeles_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the labels names, where the keys are the class ids and the values are the label names. Returns: predict_bbox (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing the bounding box coordinates, confidence scores and class labels. """ # Transform the Tensor to numpy array predict_bbox = pd.DataFrame(results[0].to("cpu").numpy().boxes.xyxy, columns=['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']) # Add the confidence of the prediction to the DataFrame predict_bbox['confidence'] = results[0].to("cpu").numpy().boxes.conf # Add the class of the prediction to the DataFrame predict_bbox['class'] = (results[0].to("cpu").numpy().boxes.cls).astype(int) # Replace the class number with the class name from the labeles_dict predict_bbox['name'] = predict_bbox["class"].replace(labeles_dict) return predict_bbox def get_model_predict(model: YOLO, input_image: Image, save: bool = False, image_size: int = 1248, conf: float = 0.5, augment: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get the predictions of a model on an input image. Args: model (YOLO): The trained YOLO model. input_image (Image): The image on which the model will make predictions. save (bool, optional): Whether to save the image with the predictions. Defaults to False. image_size (int, optional): The size of the image the model will receive. Defaults to 1248. conf (float, optional): The confidence threshold for the predictions. Defaults to 0.5. augment (bool, optional): Whether to apply data augmentation on the input image. Defaults to False. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the predictions. """ # Make predictions predictions = model.predict( imgsz=image_size, source=input_image, conf=conf, save=save, augment=augment, flipud=0.0, fliplr=0.0, mosaic=0.0, ) # Transform predictions to pandas dataframe predictions = transform_predict_to_df(predictions, model.model.names) return predictions def get_model_predict_origin(model: YOLO, input_image: Image, save: bool = False, image_size: int = 1248, conf: float = 0.5, augment: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get the predictions of a model on an input image. Args: model (YOLO): The trained YOLO model. input_image (Image): The image on which the model will make predictions. save (bool, optional): Whether to save the image with the predictions. Defaults to False. image_size (int, optional): The size of the image the model will receive. Defaults to 1248. conf (float, optional): The confidence threshold for the predictions. Defaults to 0.5. augment (bool, optional): Whether to apply data augmentation on the input image. Defaults to False. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the predictions. """ # Make predictions predictions = model.predict( imgsz=image_size, source=input_image, conf=conf, save=save, augment=augment, flipud=0.0, fliplr=0.0, mosaic=0.0, ) # Transform predictions to pandas dataframe return predictions ################################# BBOX Func ##################################### def add_bboxs_on_img(image: Image, predict: pd.DataFrame()) -> Image: """ add a bounding box on the image Args: image (Image): input image predict (pd.DataFrame): predict from model Returns: Image: image whis bboxs """ # Create an annotator object annotator = Annotator(np.array(image)) # sort predict by xmin value predict = predict.sort_values(by=['xmin'], ascending=True) # iterate over the rows of predict dataframe for i, row in predict.iterrows(): # create the text to be displayed on image text = f"{row['name']}: {int(row['confidence'] * 100)}%" # get the bounding box coordinates bbox = [row['xmin'], row['ymin'], row['xmax'], row['ymax']] # add the bounding box and text on the image annotator.box_label(bbox, text, color=colors(row['class'], True)) # convert the annotated image to PIL image return Image.fromarray(annotator.result()) ################################# Models ##################################### def detect_sample_model(input_image: Image) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Predict from sample_model. Base on YoloV8 Args: input_image (Image): The input image. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing the object location. """ predict = get_model_predict( model=model_sample_model, input_image=input_image, save=False, image_size=640, augment=False, conf=0.5, ) return predict def detect_sample_model_origin(input_image: Image) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Predict from sample_model. Base on YoloV8 Args: input_image (Image): The input image. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame containing the object location. """ predict = get_model_predict_origin( model=model_sample_model, input_image=input_image, save=False, image_size=640, augment=False, conf=0.5, ) return predict