import datetime from urllib.request import Request, urlopen from pypdf import PdfReader from io import StringIO import io import pandas as pd import os import torch from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification from transformers import pipeline from openai import OpenAI from groq import Groq import time from openai import OpenAI #openai_key = "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" #client = OpenAI(api_key = openai_key) desc = pd.read_excel('Descriptor.xlsx',header = None) desc_list = desc.iloc[:,0].to_list() def callAzure(prompt,text): url = "" api_key = "o5yaLhTIvg0s5zuYVInBpyneEZO8oonY" client = OpenAI(base_url=url, api_key=api_key) msg = "{} {}".format(prompt, text) msg = msg[:7000] response = messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": msg, } ], model="azureai", ) return response.choices[0].message.content def call(prompt, text): client = Groq(api_key=os.getenv("key"),) prompt = prompt + " Answer only the summary, no instructions" chat_completion = messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": "{} {}".format(prompt, text), } ], model=model, ) return chat_completion.choices[0].message.content def filter(input_json): sym = pd.read_excel('symbol.xlsx',header = None) sym_list = sym.iloc[:,0].to_list() if input_json['FileURL']==None or input_json['FileURL'].lower()=='null': return [0,"File_URL"] if input_json['symbol']== 'null' or input_json['symbol'] not in sym_list: return [0,"symbol"] if input_json['TypeofAnnouncement'] not in ['General_Announcements','Outcome','General']: return [0,"Annoucement"] if input_json['Descriptor'] not in desc_list: return [0,"Desc"] url = ''+ input_json['FileURL'].split('Pname=')[-1] req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) html = urlopen(req) cont = reader = PdfReader(io.BytesIO(cont)) content = '' for i in range(len(reader.pages)): content+= reader.pages[i].extract_text() document = content return [1, document] def summary(input_json): prompt = pd.read_excel('DescriptorPrompt.xlsx') promptShort = prompt.iloc[:,1].to_list() promptLong = prompt.iloc[:,2].to_list() output = {} filtering_results = filter(input_json) if filtering_results[0] == 0: #return 0 return filtering_results[1] id = desc_list.index(input_json['Descriptor']) long_text = filtering_results[1] url = ''+ input_json['FileURL'].split('Pname=')[-1] output["Link to BSE website"] = url output["Date of time of receiving data from BSE"] = input_json["newsdate"] + "Z" output["Stock Ticker"] = input_json['symbol'] answer = callAzure(promptShort[id], long_text) try: idx = answer.index("\n") except: idx = -2 output['Short Summary'] = answer[idx+2:] answer = callAzure(promptLong[id], long_text) try: idx = answer.index("\n") except: idx = -2 output['Long summary'] = answer[idx+2:] prompt = "1 word Financial SEO tag for this news article" answer = callAzure(prompt, output['Short Summary']) try: idx = answer.index("\n") except: idx = -2 output['Tag'] = answer[idx+2:] prompt = "Give a single headline for this News Article" answer = callAzure(prompt, output['Short Summary']) try: idx = answer.index("\n") except: idx = -2 output['Headline'] = answer[idx+2:] utc_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() ist_now = utc_now.astimezone(datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=5, minutes=30))) Date = ist_now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") time = ist_now.strftime("%X") output['Date and time of data delivery from Skylark'] = Date+"T"+time+"Z" prompt = "Answer in one word the sentiment of this News out of Positive, Negative or Neutral {}" output['Sentiment'] = callAzure(prompt, output['Short Summary']) #time.sleep(60) # response = client.images.generate( # model="dall-e-3", # prompt=headline.text, # size="1024x1024", # quality="standard", # n=1 # ) # output["Link to Infographic (data visualization only)] =[0].url return output