Animal,Action,framing,outfit,place,National Geographic,quality,Focus,Film,Quality Lions,from below,side view sho,golden hour,Tanzania,National Geographic,4K,sharp focus,Lomography XPro 200,--ar 2:1 male gazelle,standing in tall grass,from below,morning hour,"mist, Tanzania",,8K,deep depth of field,Kodak Gold 200, male rhino,standing near a water hole,over head shot,sunset hour,EMOTION: Daunting,,,swallow depth of fiel,Fujifilm Pro 400H, Cheetah,running after gazelle,head-on shot,nighttime hour,Dense jungle foliage,,,,Tri-X 400, Silver monkey,resting after eating,zoomed-in close-up,stormy weather,Serengeti plains of Tanzania,,,,Agfa Vista Plus 200, A leopard ,resting after eating,slow motion movement,snowy weather,EMOTION: Majestic ,,,,Ilford XP2 Super 400, A Group of zebras,kicking up dust,time-lapse movement,sunny day,Tanzanian savanna,,,,Konica Infrared 750, Orangutang,standing up,infrared vision,cloudy day,EMOTION: Fierce,,,,Kodak Vision3 500T, A Unusual close up of a giraffe,roaring loudly,x-ray vision,rainy day,branch in Tanzania,,,,, Mountain Gorilla,sniffing the air,night vision,misty morning,EMOTION: Curious,,,,, A group of Meerkats,climbing a tree,thermal vision,foggy evening,tree branch,,,,, "male lion, Simba",swimming in a river,silhouette shot,moonlit night, tree branch as a makeshift swing in Tanzania.,,,,, White tiger,hiding in the bushes,panning shot,starry night,South Pole,,,,, Polar bear,grooming its fur,tracking shot,autumn colors,North Pole,,,,, Kangaroo,hunting for prey,dolly zoom shot,spring flowers,,,,,, Elephant calf,caring for its young,depth of field focus shift,summer beach,,,,,, Jaguar,marking its territory,wide-angle shot,winter wonderland,,,,,, Penguin colony,basking in the sun,telephoto shot,jungle adventure,,,,,, Hippopotamus,,,underwater world,,,,,, Flamingos in flight,,,mountain view,,,,,, Koala sleeping in a tree,,,,,,,,, Giant octopus,,,,,,,,, Puffins on a cliff,,,,,,,,, Flying squirrels,,,,,,,,, Colorful chameleon,,,,,,,,,