本目录主要提供Vicuna model相关的工具: 1. 使用纯C++推理 2. 使用GPTQ量化到2bit, 4bit, 6bit, 8bit. --- ## 使用纯C++推理 感谢之前的工作: [Llama.cpp](https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp) 、 [Alpaca.cpp](https://github.com/antimatter15/alpaca.cpp), 请注意 - 这里的步骤应该在你训练完了lora再进行. - 合并后的checkpoint对于7B模型大概消耗13G磁盘空间,对于13B模型大概消耗37G, 30B和65B由于我们有限的设备条件没有测试. 注意在转换过程中会消耗很大的内存 ( 比如13B可能超过64G,但你可以通过提高swap空间解决 ) - 另外, 7B,13B,30B,65B的checkpoint分别默认被分成1,2,4,8片 ( 这也是cpp里边固定的设置 ) 1.首先,你需要将你的lora参数与原始模型合并,并将它们转换为`ggml`格式,用于cpp推理。 ``` bash prepare_llama_cpp.sh ``` ( 在我们的代码中,首先将hf模型和lora转换为合并的`consolidated.0x.pth`,其中`x`对应num_shards,并将它们转换为`ggml-model-f16.bin`。 ) ```bash python tools/merge_lora_for_cpp.py --lora_path $lora_path ``` 1. 接下来,进入`vicuna.cpp`目录,开始使用CPU和C++进行聊天 ! ```bash cd tools/vicuna.cpp make chat # we also offer a Makefile.ref, which you can call it with `make -f Makefile.ref ` ./chat -m $ggml-path ``` [Optional]你可以将上述ggml转换为int4(`ggml-model-q4_0.bin`)然后进行聊天(但性能会有所损失)。 ```bash make quantize ./quantize.sh ``` --- ## Quantize LLaMA 提供了一种定量的方法,可以在显存小于4G的设备上使用LLaMA-7B(2bit)模型进行推理。该量化工具参考之前的研究[GPTQ-for-LLaMa](https://github.com/qwopqwop200/GPTQ-for-LLaMa)。 本地测试使用的transformers版本为4.29.0.dev0。 ### 1. 首先需要确保模型为huggingface格式。如果不是,可以通过下面的命令转换: ```bash python convert_llama.py --input_dir /model/llama-7b --model_size 7B --output_dir ./llama-hf ``` ### 2. 然后进行模型量化,下面分别是量化为8bit、4bit、2bit的方法: - 将LLaMA-7B的模型量化为8-bit ```bash CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python quant_llama.py ./llama-hf/llama-7b wikitext2 --wbits 8 --true-sequential --act-order --groupsize 128 --save llama7b-8bit-128g.pt ``` - 将LLaMA-7B的模型量化为4-bit(推荐) ```bash CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python quant_llama.py ./llama-hf/llama-7b wikitext2 --wbits 4 --true-sequential --act-order --groupsize 128 --save llama7b-4bit-128g.pt ``` - 将LLaMA-7B的模型量化为2-bit ```bash CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python quant_llama.py ./llama-hf/llama-7b wikitext2 --wbits 2 --true-sequential --act-order --groupsize 128 --save llama7b-2bit-128g.pt ``` ### 3. 直接生成结果 or 者使用gradio在网页上操作: - 根据输入的text推理 ```bash python quant_generate.py --model_path ./llama-hf/llama-7b --quant_path llama7b-4bit-128g.pt --wbits 4 --groupsize 128 --text "the mean of life is" ``` - 使用gradio推理,你可以直接在网页上操作 ```bash python quant_generate.py --model_path ./llama-hf/llama-7b --quant_path llama7b-4bit-128g.pt --wbits 4 --groupsize 128 --gradio ``` #### LLaMA-7B 生成结果和显存占用: - 8bit[8.5G显存] [Download](https://huggingface.co/Chinese-Vicuna/llama7b_8bit_128g). ```text the mean of life is 70 years. the median age at death in a population, regardless if it's male or female? ``` - 4bit[5.4G显存] [Download](https://huggingface.co/Chinese-Vicuna/llama7b_4bit_128g). ```text the mean of life is 70 years. the median age at death in africa was about what? ``` - 2bit[4G显存] [Download](https://huggingface.co/Chinese-Vicuna/llama7b_2bit_128g). ```text the mean of life is a good., and it’s not to be worth in your own homework for an individual who traveling on my back with me our localities that you can do some work at this point as well known by us online gaming sites are more than 10 years old when i was going out there around here we had been written about his time were over all sited down after being spent from most days while reading between two weeks since I would have gone before its age site;... ``` --- TODO: - [ ] 调整`merge_lora.py`占用空间过大的问题。 - [ ] 修复由于原代码中的`n_ctx'而导致的分段错误。 - [ ] 加速cpu推理。