# This file is from: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp # And it converts LLaMA model's pytorch_model.bin to ggml compatible file # Load the model using Torch # Iterate over all variables and write them to a binary file. # For each variable, write the following: # - Number of dimensions (int) # - Name length (int) # - Dimensions (int[n_dims]) # - Name (char[name_length]) # - Data (float[n_dims]) # # By default, the bigger matrices are converted to 16-bit floats. # This can be disabled by adding the "use-f32" CLI argument. # # At the start of the ggml file we write the model parameters # and vocabulary. # import os import sys import json import struct import numpy as np import torch from sentencepiece import SentencePieceProcessor import argparse # args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # The original base model checkpoint dir parser.add_argument("--dir_model", type=str, default='lora-Vicuna/checkpoint-3000-with-lora/ckpt') # The finetuned lora model checkpoint dir parser.add_argument("--dir_out",type=str, default=None) # NOTE: you can find it in llama-7b dir parser.add_argument("--fname_tokenizer", type=str, default="lora-Vicuna/llama-7b/tokenizer.model") # 0=fp32, 1=fp16 parser.add_argument("--ftype", type=int, default=1) # NOTE: this parameter is n_parts split of the `consolidated.0x` checkpoint parser.add_argument("--shard", type=int, default=None) args = parser.parse_args() if args.dir_out is None: dir_out = args.dir_model # output in the same directory as the model dir_model = args.dir_model ftype=args.ftype fname_tokenizer=args.fname_tokenizer fname_hparams = dir_model + "/params.json" # possible data types # ftype == 0 -> float32 # ftype == 1 -> float16 # # map from ftype to string ftype_str = ["f32", "f16"] if ftype < 0 or ftype > 1: print("Invalid ftype: " + str(ftype)) sys.exit(1) fname_out = dir_out + "/ggml-model-" + ftype_str[ftype] + ".bin" if os.path.exists(fname_out): print(f"Skip conversion, it already exists: {fname_out}") sys.exit(0) with open(fname_hparams, "r") as f: hparams = json.load(f) tokenizer = SentencePieceProcessor(fname_tokenizer) hparams.update({"vocab_size": tokenizer.vocab_size()}) def get_n_parts(dim): if dim == 4096: return 1 elif dim == 5120: return 2 elif dim == 6656: return 4 elif dim == 8192: return 8 else: print("Invalid dim: " + str(dim)) sys.exit(1) if args.shard is None: # default n_parts = get_n_parts(hparams["dim"]) else: n_parts = args.shard print(hparams) print('n_parts = ', n_parts) for p in range(n_parts): print('Processing part ', p) fname_model = dir_model + "/consolidated.0" + str(p) + ".pth" fname_out = dir_out + "/ggml-model-" + ftype_str[ftype] + ".bin" if (p > 0): fname_out = dir_out + "/ggml-model-" + ftype_str[ftype] + ".bin" + "." + str(p) model = torch.load(fname_model, map_location="cpu") fout = open(fname_out, "wb") fout.write(struct.pack("i", 0x67676d6c)) # magic: ggml in hex fout.write(struct.pack("i", hparams["vocab_size"])) fout.write(struct.pack("i", hparams["dim"])) fout.write(struct.pack("i", hparams["multiple_of"])) fout.write(struct.pack("i", hparams["n_heads"])) fout.write(struct.pack("i", hparams["n_layers"])) fout.write(struct.pack("i", hparams["dim"] // hparams["n_heads"])) # rot (obsolete) fout.write(struct.pack("i", ftype)) # Is this correct?? for i in range(tokenizer.vocab_size()): if tokenizer.is_unknown(i): # "" token (translated as ??) text = " \u2047 ".encode("utf-8") fout.write(struct.pack("i", len(text))) fout.write(text) elif tokenizer.is_control(i): # ""/"" tokens fout.write(struct.pack("i", 0)) elif tokenizer.is_byte(i): # "" tokens (which may be invalid UTF-8) piece = tokenizer.id_to_piece(i) if len(piece) != 6: print("Invalid token: " + piece) sys.exit(1) byte_value = int(piece[3:-1], 16) fout.write(struct.pack("i", 1)) fout.write(struct.pack("B", byte_value)) else: # normal token. Uses U+2581 (LOWER ONE EIGHTH BLOCK) to represent spaces. text = tokenizer.id_to_piece(i).replace("\u2581", " ").encode("utf-8") fout.write(struct.pack("i", len(text))) fout.write(text) for k, v in model.items(): name = k shape = v.shape # skip layers.X.attention.inner_attention.rope.freqs if name[-5:] == "freqs": continue print("Processing variable: " + name + " with shape: ", shape, " and type: ", v.dtype) #data = tf.train.load_variable(dir_model, name).squeeze() data = v.numpy().squeeze() n_dims = len(data.shape) # for efficiency - transpose some matrices # "model/h.*/attn/c_attn/w" # "model/h.*/attn/c_proj/w" # "model/h.*/mlp/c_fc/w" # "model/h.*/mlp/c_proj/w" #if name[-14:] == "/attn/c_attn/w" or \ # name[-14:] == "/attn/c_proj/w" or \ # name[-11:] == "/mlp/c_fc/w" or \ # name[-13:] == "/mlp/c_proj/w": # print(" Transposing") # data = data.transpose() dshape = data.shape # default type is fp16 ftype_cur = 1 if ftype == 0 or n_dims == 1: print(" Converting to float32") data = data.astype(np.float32) ftype_cur = 0 # header sname = name.encode('utf-8') fout.write(struct.pack("iii", n_dims, len(sname), ftype_cur)) for i in range(n_dims): fout.write(struct.pack("i", dshape[n_dims - 1 - i])) fout.write(sname) # data data.tofile(fout) # I hope this deallocates the memory .. model = None fout.close() print("Done. Output file: " + fname_out + ", (part ", p, ")") print("")