{"instruction": "用一句话描述地球为什么是独一无二的。\\n\n", "input": "", "output": "地球上有适宜生命存在的条件和多样化的生命形式。"} {"instruction": "给出一段对话,要求GPT模型使用合适的语气和回答方式继续对话。\n对话:\nA:你今天看起来很高兴,发生了什么好事?\nB:是的,我刚刚得到一份来自梅西银行的工作通知书。\nA:哇,恭喜你!你打算什么时候开始工作?\nB:下个月开始,所以我现在正为这份工作做准备。", "input": "", "output": "A: 这太好了!你的新工作听起来很令人兴奋。你对接下来的日子有什么期望吗?\nB: 是啊,我非常期待能在梅西银行工作。我希望我能够尽快适应新环境,并展示出我的所有技能和才能。"} {"instruction": "基于以下提示填写以下句子的空格。\n提示:\n- 提供多种现实世界的场景\n- 空格应填写一个形容词或一个形容词短语\n句子:\n______出去享受户外活动,包括在公园里散步,穿过树林或在海岸边散步。", "input": "", "output": "多种形容词可填,以下是其中一些例子:\n- 愉快的\n- 惬意的\n- 轻松的\n- 安静的\n- 美妙的"} {"instruction": "请生成一个新闻标题,描述一场正在发生的大型自然灾害。\\n\n", "input": "", "output": "\"强烈飓风肆虐,数百万人疏散!\""} {"instruction": "为指定的词汇创建一个关于该词汇的简短解释。\n“人工智能”", "input": "", "output": "人工智能是一种科技,通过使用计算机程序和算法实现类似于人类智能的能力,例如学习、推理和自动化决策等。它可以应用于各种领域,例如医疗保健、金融和交通等,以提高效率和准确性。"} {"instruction": "在给定的文本中查找并替换特定的单词。\n原始文本: \"这个句子中有一个错误的单词\"\n要替换的单词: \"错误\"", "input": "", "output": "替换后的文本: \"这个句子中有一个修改的单词\""} {"instruction": "根据给定的年份,计算该年是否为闰年。\\n\n\\n1996\\n", "input": "", "output": "是闰年。"} {"instruction": "总结下面这段文本的关键词,社交网络已经成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,尤其是在年轻人之间。不仅能够帮助人们和朋友家人保持联系,还能方便地分享自己的生活照片、音乐、视频等,一些人也把社交网络当做了自己的生意平台,利用社交媒体推广自己的产品。然而,社交网络带来的问题也是不容忽视的。其中最严重的莫过于信息泄露问题。一些不可靠的应用程序可能会窃取用户信息并做出一些不法之事。此外,虚假信息也随处可见。许多人借此机会传播虚假信息和谣言,这给人们的生活和社会造成了不少麻烦。因此,我们需要对社交网络进行更加认真的管理和监管。", "input": "", "output": "社交网络、信息泄露、虚假信息、管理、监管。"} {"instruction": "对于以下这段文本,请使用5个不同的单词来描述其主题和情感。\\n\n\\n“这部电影充满了惊险和紧张的时刻,让人一直紧绷着神经,却又带有一定的感伤和深度。”\\n", "input": "", "output": "主题:电影、惊险、紧张、感伤、深度。 \n\n情感:紧张、惊险、感伤、深刻、充实。"} {"instruction": "生成一个英语学习单词列表,包括单词、释义和例句。\n", "input": "", "output": "\n\nWord | Definition | Example sentence(s)\n---|---|---\nabundant | plentiful, ample | The garden was abundant with vegetables.\nbewildered | confused, perplexed | She was bewildered by the new software.\nconscientious | diligent, careful | The student was conscientious in his studies.\ndexterity | skill, agility | The juggler’s dexterity was impressive.\neloquent | articulate, expressive | The speaker was eloquent in his speech.\nfortitude | courage, strength | The soldier had great fortitude in battle.\ngratitude | thankfulness, appreciation | She expressed her gratitude for their help.\nhilarity | merriment, amusement | The party was filled with hilarity and laughter.\nimpeccable | flawless, perfect | Her grammar was impeccable.\njubilant | rejoicing, celebrating | The team was jubilant after winning the championship.\nkinship | relationship, connection | The two brothers had a strong kinship.\nluminous | bright, glowing | The sky was luminous with stars.\nmagnanimous | generous, big-hearted | The millionaire was magnanimous with his wealth.\nnostalgia | longing, sentimentality | She felt a sense of nostalgia when she visited her hometown.\nobstinate | stubborn, inflexible | The child was obstinate and refused to listen.\nprudent | wise, sensible | It’s prudent to save money for a rainy day.\nquintessential | typical, essential | The designer’s style was quintessential of the brand.\nresilient | strong, tough | The athlete was resilient and recovered quickly from injuries.\nsagacious | wise, shrewd | The old man gave sagacious advice to the young boy.\ntedious | boring, monotonous | The lecture was tedious and put the audience to sleep.\nunanimous | united, in agreement | The committee was unanimous in their decision.\nvenerable | respected, honored | The venerable professor had taught for over 50 years.\nwistful | longing, nostalgic | He looked wistful as he remembered his childhood."}