Word List | Words |
STANDOUT_WORDS | excellen, superb, outstand, exceptional, unparallel, most, magnificent, remarkable, extraordinary, supreme, unmatched, best, outstanding, leading, preeminent |
ABILITY_WORDS | talent, intelligen, smart, skill, ability, genius, brillian, bright, brain, aptitude, gift, capacity, flair, knack, clever, expert, proficien, capab, adept, able, competent, instinct, adroit, creative, insight, analy, research |
MASCULINE_WORDS | activ, adventur, aggress, ambitio, analy, assert, athlet, autonom, boast, challeng, compet, courag, decide, decisi, determin, dominan, force, greedy, headstrong, hierarch, hostil, implusive, independen, individual, intellect, lead, logic, masculine, objective, opinion, outspoken, persist, principle, reckless, stubborn, superior, confiden, sufficien, relian |
FEMININE_WORDS | affection, child, cheer, commit, communal, compassion, connect, considerat, cooperat, emotion, empath, feminine, flatterable, gentle, interperson, interdependen, kind, kinship, loyal, nurtur, pleasant, polite, quiet, responsiv, sensitiv, submissive, supportiv, sympath, tender, together, trust, understanding, warm, whin |
agentic_words | assert, confiden, aggress, ambitio, dominan, force, independen, daring, outspoken, intellect |
communal_words | affection, help, kind, sympath, sensitive, nurtur, agree, interperson, warm, caring, tact, assist |
career_words | execut, profess, corporate, office, business, career, promot, occupation, position |
family_words | home, parent, child, family, marri, wedding, relatives, husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter |
leader_words | execut, manage, lead, led |
"text/plain": [
"\u001b[1m<\u001b[0m\u001b[1;95mIPython.core.display.HTML\u001b[0m\u001b[39m object\u001b[0m\u001b[1m>\u001b[0m"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
"def generate_html_table_with_words() -> str:\n",
" # Assuming the existence of word lists from word_constants.py\n",
" # Importing the word lists\n",
" agentic_words, communal_words, career_words, family_words, leader_words\n",
" # Mapping each category to a color for highlighting\n",
" word_categories = {\n",
" 'agentic_words': ('#778899', agentic_words),\n",
" 'communal_words': ('#98FB98', communal_words),\n",
" 'career_words': ('#DAA520', career_words),\n",
" 'family_words': ('#FFD700', family_words),\n",
" 'leader_words': ('#7B68EE', leader_words),\n",
" }\n",
" # Beginning of the HTML table\n",
" html_table = '