from typing import Dict, List, Union import gradio as gr from lexenlem.preprocessing.adhoc import AdHocLemmatizer title = "Lexicon-enhanced lemmatization for Estonian" with open("./") as file: article: str = with open("./description.txt") as file: description: str = models: Dict[str, AdHocLemmatizer] = { "Lemmatize": AdHocLemmatizer(path="", use_stanza=True), "Lemmatize with special symbols": AdHocLemmatizer( path="", use_stanza=True, allow_compound_separator=True, allow_derivation_sign=True ) } examples: List[List[Union[str, bool]]] = [] with open("examples.tsv") as file: for line in file: ex, flag = line.split("\t") flag = bool(int(flag)) examples.append( [ex, flag] ) def predict(text: str, output_special_symbols: bool) -> List[str]: if output_special_symbols: return models["Lemmatize with special symbols"](text) else: return models["Lemmatize"](text) demo = gr.Interface( fn=predict, title=title, description=description, article=article, inputs=[ gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=7, label="Input text in the box below", placeholder="Text to lemmatize"), gr.inputs.Checkbox(label="Output special symbols") ], outputs=[ gr.outputs.Textbox() ], examples=examples, allow_screenshot=False, allow_flagging="never", ) demo.launch(debug=False, enable_queue=True, cache_examples=True)