FROM EXPOSE 3080 # Set environment variables ENV HOST= ENV PORT=3080 ENV SESSION_EXPIRY=900000 ENV REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRY=604800000 # Meilisearch ENV SEARCH=true ENV MEILI_NO_ANALYTICS=true ENV MEILI_HOST= # Create necessary directories RUN mkdir -p /app/uploads/temp RUN mkdir -p /app/client/public/images/temp RUN mkdir -p /app/api/logs/ RUN mkdir -p /app/data # Give write permission to the directory RUN chmod -R 777 /app/uploads/temp RUN chmod -R 777 /app/client/public/images RUN chmod -R 777 /app/api/logs/ RUN chmod -R 777 /app/data # Copy Custom Endpoints Config RUN curl -o /app/librechat.yaml # COPY librechat.yaml /app/librechat.yaml # Uncomment this and comment out the previous line to use the local librechat.yaml # Install dependencies RUN cd /app/api && npm install # Command to run on container start CMD ["npm", "run", "backend"]