import os from io import BytesIO from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count import fiftyone as fo from datasets import load_dataset from PIL import Image # Load the dataset imagenet_hard_dataset = load_dataset('taesiri/imagenet-hard', split='validation') os.makedirs("dataset", exist_ok=True) def process_image(i): image = imagenet_hard_dataset[i]["image"].convert("RGB") image_path = f"dataset/{i}.JPEG", "JPEG", quality=80) return { "file_path": image_path, "labels": imagenet_hard_dataset[i]["english_label"], } def create_fiftyone_sample(sample): classifications = [ fo.Classification(label=str(label)) for label in sample["labels"] ] return fo.Sample( filepath=sample["file_path"], labels=fo.Classifications(classifications=classifications), ) if __name__ == "__main__": # Process images in parallel and get the list of images with their labels with Pool(cpu_count()) as pool: samples_data =, range(len(imagenet_hard_dataset))) # Create a FiftyOne dataset dataset = fo.Dataset(name="imagenet-hard") # Add images and labels to the FiftyOne dataset samples = [create_fiftyone_sample(sample_data) for sample_data in samples_data] dataset.add_samples(samples) session = fo.launch_app(dataset, port=7860, remote=True, address="") session.wait()