import os import yaml import torch import numpy as np import torch.nn.functional as F from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline from contextlib import contextmanager,redirect_stderr,redirect_stdout from os import devnull chars = [c for c in '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'] @contextmanager def suppress_stdout_stderr(): """A context manager that redirects stdout and stderr to devnull""" with open(devnull, 'w') as fnull: with redirect_stderr(fnull) as err, redirect_stdout(fnull) as out: yield (err, out) def batchify(x, batch_size, n_samples): pass def random_str(length=8): return "".join(np.random.choice(chars, length)) def sqrt(x): return x.pow(.5) if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else x**.5 def soft_bow(v_rel, a=100): return np.sqrt(2*a) * v_rel * torch.exp(-a * v_rel**2 + 0.5) def hard_bow(v_rel, a=5, eps=0.1, hard_sign=True): sign = torch.sign(v_rel) if hard_sign else torch.tanh(100 * v_rel) return sign * (eps + (1-eps) * torch.exp(-a * v_rel.abs())) def raised_cosine(N, h, ctr, wid, n): ''' N (int): number of maximal samples in space h (float): spatial grid cell width ctr (B,1,1): center points for each batch wid (B,1,1): width lengths for each batch n (B,): number of actual samples in space ''' xax = torch.linspace(h, 1, N).to(ctr.device).view(1,-1,1) # (1, N, 1) ctr = (ctr * n / N) wid = wid / N ind = torch.sign(torch.relu(-(xax - ctr - wid / 2) * (xax - ctr + wid / 2))) out = 0.5 * ind * (1 + torch.cos(2 * np.pi * (xax - ctr) / wid)) return out / out.abs().sum(1, keepdim=True) # (batch_Size, N, 1) def floor_dirac_delta(n, ctr, N): ''' torch::Tensor n, // number of samples in space torch::Tensor ctr, // center point of raised cosine curve int N ''' xax = torch.ones_like(ctr).view(-1,1,1).repeat(1,N,1).cumsum(1) - 1 idx = torch.floor(ctr * n).view(-1,1,1) #return torch.floor(xax).eq(idx).to(n.dtype()) # (batch_size, N, 1) return torch.floor(xax).eq(idx) # (batch_size, N, 1) def triangular(N, n, p_x, p_a): ''' N (int): number of maximal samples in space n (B, 1, 1): number of actual samples in space p_x (B, Nt, 1): peak position p_a (B, Nt, 1): peak amplitude ''' vel_l = torch.where(p_x.le(0), torch.zeros_like(p_x), p_a / p_x / n) vel_r = torch.where(p_x.le(0), torch.zeros_like(p_x), p_a / (1-p_x) / n) vel_l = ((vel_l * torch.ones_like(vel_l).repeat(1,1,N)).cumsum(2) - vel_l).clamp(min=0) vel_r = ((vel_r * torch.ones_like(vel_r).repeat(1,1,N)).cumsum(2) - vel_r * (N-n+1)).clamp(min=0).flip(2) tri = torch.minimum(vel_l, vel_r) assert not torch.isnan(tri).any(), torch.isnan(tri.flatten(1).sum(1)) return tri def pre_shaper(x, sr, velocity=10): w = torch.tanh(torch.ones_like(x).cumsum(-1) / sr * velocity) return w * x def post_shaper(x, sr, pulloff, velocity=100): offset = x.size(-1) - int(sr * pulloff) w = torch.tanh(torch.ones_like(x).cumsum(-1) / sr * velocity).flip(-1) w = F.pad(w.narrow(-1,offset,w.size(-1)-offset), (0,offset)) return w * x def random_uniform(floor, ceiling, size=None, weight=None, dtype=None): if not isinstance(size, tuple): size = (size,) if weight is None: weight = torch.ones(size, dtype=dtype) # NOTE: torch.rand(..., dtype=dtype) for dtype \in [torch.float32, torch.float64] # can result in different random number generation # (for different precisions; despite fixiing the random seed.) return (ceiling - floor) * torch.rand(size=size).to(dtype) * weight + floor def equidistant(floor, ceiling, steps, dtype=None): return torch.linspace(floor, ceiling, steps).to(dtype) def get_masks(model_name, bs, disjoint=True): ''' setting `disjoint=False` enables multiple excitations allowed (e.g., bowing over hammered strings.) While this could be a charming choice, but it can also drive the simulation unstable. ''' # boolean mask that determines whether to impose each excitation if model_name.endswith('bow'): bow_mask = torch.ones( size=(bs,)).view(-1,1,1) hammer_mask = torch.zeros(size=(bs,)).view(-1,1,1) elif model_name.endswith('hammer'): bow_mask = torch.zeros(size=(bs,)).view(-1,1,1) hammer_mask = torch.ones( size=(bs,)).view(-1,1,1) elif model_name.endswith('pluck'): bow_mask = torch.zeros(size=(bs,)).view(-1,1,1) hammer_mask = torch.zeros(size=(bs,)).view(-1,1,1) else: bow_mask = torch.rand(size=(bs,)).gt(0.5).view(-1,1,1) hammer_mask = torch.rand(size=(bs,)).gt(0.5).view(-1,1,1) if disjoint: both_are_true = torch.logical_and( torch.logical_or(bow_mask, hammer_mask), torch.logical_or(bow_mask, hammer_mask.logical_not()) ) hammer_mask[both_are_true] = False bow_mask = bow_mask.view(-1,1,1) hammer_mask = hammer_mask.view(-1,1,1) return [bow_mask, hammer_mask] def f0_interpolate(f0_1, n_frames, tmax): t_0 = np.linspace(0, tmax, n_frames) t_1 = np.linspace(0, tmax, f0_1.shape[0]) return np.interp(t_0, t_1, f0_1) def interpolate1d(u, xaxis, xvals, k=5): ''' u: (1, Nx) xaxis: (1, Nx_input) xvals: (1, Nx_output) -> (1, Nx_output) ''' t = np.arange(k)[:,None] / k rbs = RectBivariateSpline(t, xaxis, u.repeat(k,0), kx=1, ky=k) return rbs(t, xvals, grid=True)[k//2][None,:] def interpolate(u, taxis, xaxis, xvals, kx=5, ky=5): ''' u: (Nt, Nx) taxis: (Nt, 1) xaxis: (1, Nx_input) xvals: (1, Nx_output) -> (Nt, Nx_output) ''' rbs = RectBivariateSpline(taxis, xaxis, u, kx=kx, ky=ky) return rbs(taxis, xvals, grid=True) def torch_interpolate(x, scale_factor): y = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=scale_factor) res = x.size(-1) - y.size(-1) if res % 2 == 0: y = F.pad(y, (res//2, res//2)) else: y = F.pad(y, (res//2, res//2+1)) return y def minmax_normalize(x, dim=-1): x_min = x.min(dim, keepdim=True).values x = x - x_min x_max = x.max(dim, keepdim=True).values x = x / x_max return x def get_minmax(x): if np.isnan(x.sum()): return None, None return np.nan_to_num(x.min()), np.nan_to_num(x.max()) def select_with_batched_index(input, dim, index): ''' input: (bs, ..., n, ...) dim : (int) index: (bs, ..., 1, ...) index to select on dim `dim` -> out : (bs, ..., 1, ...) for each batch, select `index`-th element on dim `dim` ''' assert input.size(0) == index.size(0), [input.shpae, index.shape] bs = input.size(0) ins = input.chunk(bs, 0) idx = index.chunk(bs, 0) out = [] for b in range(bs): out.append(batched_index_select(ins[b], dim, idx[b])) return, dim=0) def batched_index_select(input, dim, index): ''' input: (..., n, ...) dim : (int) index: (..., k, ...) index to select on dim `dim` -> out : (..., k, ...) select k out of n elements on dim `dim` ''' Nx = len(list(input.shape)) expanse = [-1 if k==(dim % Nx) else 1 for k in range(Nx)] tiler = [1 if k==(dim % Nx) else n for k, n in enumerate(input.shape)] index = return torch.gather(input, dim, index) def random_index(max_N, idx_N): if max_N < idx_N: # choosing with replacement return torch.randint(0, max_N, (idx_N,)) else: # choosing without replacement return torch.randperm(max_N)[:idx_N] def ell_infty_normalize(x, normalize_dims=1): eps = torch.finfo(x.dtype).eps x_shape = list(x.shape) m_shape = x_shape[:normalize_dims] + [1] * (len(x_shape) - normalize_dims) x_max = x.abs().flatten(normalize_dims).max(normalize_dims).values + eps x_gain = 1. / x_max.view(m_shape) return x * x_gain, x_gain def sinusoidal_embedding(x, n, gain=10000, dim=-1): ''' let `x` be normalized to be in the nondimensional (0 ~ 1) range ''' assert n % 2 == 0, n x = x.unsqueeze(-1) shape = [1] * len(list(x.shape)); shape[dim] = -1 # e.g., [1,1,-1] half_n = n // 2 expnt = torch.arange(half_n, device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype).view(shape) _embed = torch.exp(expnt * -(np.log(gain) / (half_n - 1))) _embed = torch.exp(expnt * -(np.log(gain) / (half_n - 1))) _embed = x * _embed emb =, torch.cos(_embed)), dim) return emb # list(x.shape) + [n] def fourier_feature(x, B): ''' x: (Bs, ..., in_dim) B: (in_dim, out_dim) ''' if B is None: return x else: x_proj = (2.*np.pi*x) @ B return, torch.cos(x_proj)), dim=-1) def save_simulation_data(directory, excitation_type, overall_results, constants): os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) string_params = overall_results.pop('string_params') hammer_params = overall_results.pop('hammer_params') bow_params = overall_results.pop('bow_params') simulation_dict = overall_results string_dict = { 'kappa': string_params[0], 'alpha': string_params[1], 'u0' : string_params[2], 'v0' : string_params[3], 'f0' : string_params[4], 'pos' : string_params[5], 'T60' : string_params[6], 'target_f0': string_params[7], } hammer_dict = { 'x_H' : hammer_params[0], 'v_H' : hammer_params[1], 'u_H' : hammer_params[2], 'w_H' : hammer_params[3], 'M_r' : hammer_params[4], 'alpha': hammer_params[5], } bow_dict = { 'x_B' : bow_params[0], 'v_B' : bow_params[1], 'F_B' : bow_params[2], 'phi_0': bow_params[3], 'phi_1': bow_params[4], 'wid_B': bow_params[5], } def sample(val): try: _val = val.item(0) except AttributeError as err: if isinstance(val, float) or isinstance(val, int): _val = val else: raise err return _val short_configuration = { 'excitation_type': excitation_type, 'theta_t' : constants[1], 'lambda_c': constants[2], } short_configuration['value-string'] = {} for key, val in string_dict.items(): short_configuration['value-string'].update({ key : sample(val) }) short_configuration['value-hammer'] = {} for key, val in hammer_dict.items(): short_configuration['value-hammer'].update({ key : sample(val) }) short_configuration['value-bow'] = {} for key, val in bow_dict.items(): short_configuration['value-bow'].update({ key : sample(val) }) np.savez_compressed(f'{directory}/simulation.npz', **simulation_dict) np.savez_compressed(f'{directory}/string_params.npz', **string_dict) np.savez_compressed(f'{directory}/hammer_params.npz', **hammer_dict) np.savez_compressed(f'{directory}/bow_params.npz', **bow_dict) with open(f"{directory}/simulation_config.yaml", 'w') as f: yaml.dump(short_configuration, f, default_flow_style=False) def add_noise(x, c, vals, eps=1e-5): noise = eps * torch.randn_like(x) for val in vals: mask = torch.where(c == val, torch.ones_like(c), torch.zeros_like(c)) x = x + mask * noise return x def downsample(x, factor=None, size=None): ''' x: (Bs, Nt) -> (Bs, Nt // factor) ''' if size is None: size = x.size(1) // factor + bool(x.size(1) % factor) else: assert factor is None, [factor, size] return F.interpolate(x.unsqueeze(1), size=size, mode='linear').squeeze(1) if __name__=='__main__': N = 10 B = 1 h = 1 / N ctr = 0.5 * torch.ones(B).view(-1,1,1) wid = 1 * torch.ones(B).view(-1,1,1) n = N * torch.ones(B) ''' N (int): number of maximal samples in space h (float): spatial grid cell width ctr (B,1,1): center points for each batch wid (B,1,1): width lengths for each batch n (B,): number of actual samples in space ''' c = raised_cosine(N, h, ctr, wid, n) print(c.shape) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.plot(c[0,:,0]) plt.savefig('asdf.png')